8th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School

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mathematical physics algebraic topology differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry

İstanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 15-Aug-2022 to 26-Aug-2022
Organizers: Craig van Coevering, İzzet Coşkun, Mustafa Kalafat*
*contact for this listing

Please register through the website of the event in order to get the Research-Lecture links.
Registration is free but mandatory.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriAug 2612:00Mustafa KalafatLectures on Minimal Surfaces
FriAug 2608:00Alberto RafferoLectures on closed G_2 structures
ThuAug 2513:30Craig van CoeveringExtremal Kähler metrics and the moment map
ThuAug 2512:00Mustafa KalafatLectures on Minimal Surfaces
ThuAug 2508:00Alberto RafferoLectures on closed G_2 structures
TueAug 2312:00Mustafa KalafatLectures on Minimal Surfaces
TueAug 2308:00Alberto RafferoLectures on closed G_2 structures
MonAug 2212:00Mustafa KalafatLectures on Minimal Surfaces
MonAug 2208:00Alberto RafferoLectures on closed G_2 structures
FriAug 1913:30Ernani Ribeiro Jr.Four-dimensional gradient Ricci solitons
FriAug 1912:00Eyüp YalçınkayaLectures on Spin(7) Geometry
FriAug 1908:00Craig van CoeveringExtremal Kähler metrics and the moment map
WedAug 1713:30Ernani Ribeiro Jr.Four-dimensional gradient Ricci solitons
WedAug 1712:00Eyüp YalçınkayaLectures on Spin(7) Geometry
TueAug 1613:30Ernani Ribeiro Jr.Four-dimensional gradient Ricci solitons
TueAug 1612:00Eyüp YalçınkayaLectures on Spin(7) Geometry
MonAug 1513:30Ernani Ribeiro Jr.Four-dimensional gradient Ricci solitons
MonAug 1512:00Eyüp YalçınkayaLectures on Spin(7) Geometry
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