Stochastic PDEs and their friends

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analysis of PDEs probability

Technical University Berlin / Weierstrass Institute, Berlin

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Conference dates: 31-May-2021 to 02-Jun-2021
Organizers: Oleg Butkovsky*, Peter Friz, Nikolas Tapia*
*contact for this listing

We are organizing a three day online workshop devoted to recent developments in SPDEs and related topics. Please complete the registration form at if you would like to take part in the conference.

Confirmed speakers:


Ajay CHANDRA (Imperial)

Dan CRISAN (Imperial)

Nina HOLDEN (ETH Zurich)

Kostantin KHANIN (U Toronto)

Davar KHOSHNEVISAN (University of Utah)

Nicolai KRYLOV (University of Minnesota)

Jonathan MATTINGLY (Duke)

Leonid MYTNIK (Technion)

Nicolas PERKOWSKI (Free U Berlin)

Ellen POWELL (Durham University)

Jeremy QUASTEL (U Toronto)

Daniel REMENIK (Universidad de Chile)

Armen SHIRIKYAN (University of Cergy-Pontoise)


Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJun 0214:00Nicolai KrylovOn diffusion processes with drift in a Morrey class containing Ld+2
WedJun 0213:00Sandra CerraiOn the small mass limit for infinite-dimensional systems with state-dependent damping
WedJun 0212:00Jonathan MattinglyThe Gaussian Structure of the Stochastically Forced Burgers Equation and related problems
WedJun 0209:00Nicolas PerkowskiMartingale problems for some singular SPDEs
WedJun 0208:00Ellen PowellBrownian half-plane excursions, CLE4 and critical Liouville quantum gravity
WedJun 0207:00Leonid MytnikOn the speed of a front for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations with non-Lipschitz drift
TueJun 0115:00Yuri BakhtinDynamic polymers: invariant measures and ordering by noise
TueJun 0114:00Gigliola StaffilaniOn almost sure well-posedness for certain dispersive PDE
TueJun 0113:00Daniel RemenikThe KPZ fixed point: Part II
TueJun 0109:00Dan CrisanWell-posedness Properties for a Stochastic Rotating Shallow Water Model
TueJun 0108:00Nina HoldenIntegrability of the Schramm-Loewner evolution via conformal welding of random surfaces
TueJun 0107:00Rémi RhodesGluing random surfaces: conformal bootstrap in Liouville theory via Segal’s axioms
MonMay 3114:00Davar KhoshnevisanPhase Analysis of a Family of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Equations
MonMay 3113:00Jeremy QuastelThe KPZ fixed point: Part I
MonMay 3112:00Konstantin KhaninOn Stationary Solutions to the Stochastic Heat Equation
MonMay 3109:00Ajay ChandraStochastic Quantization of Yang Mills
MonMay 3108:00Lorenzo ZambottiWeighted norms and a priori estimates for rough paths
MonMay 3107:00Armen ShirikyanMixing for PDEs with degenerate noise: an overview and open problems
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