Floer-theoretic and algebro-geometric aspects of SYZ mirror symmetry

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry differential geometry symplectic geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 29-Sep-2020 to 02-Oct-2020
Organizers: Denis Auroux, Catherine Cannizzo, Sheel Ganatra, Heather Lee*, Daniel Pomerleano
*contact for this listing

Please check the external homepage for everything (e.g. Zoom link for the talks and information about tea breaks will all be posted there). Each talk will have two parts. The first part will be expository and aimed at non-specialists (20-30 minutes), followed by a Q&A break (10-15 minutes); and then a research talk (30-40 minutes), and more time for questions and discussion.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriOct 0216:30Zack SylvanMirrors to points near SYZ singularities
FriOct 0215:00Nick SheridanThe Gamma and SYZ conjectures
ThuOct 0118:30Tristan CollinsSYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces
ThuOct 0116:30Pierrick BousseauSkein algebras from higher genus mirror symmetry
ThuOct 0115:00Yoel GromanSymplectic cohomology of non-exact embeddings and SYZ mirror symmetry
WedSep 3018:30Mandy CheungSome examples of family Floer mirror
WedSep 3016:30Hülya ArgüzThe higher dimensional tropical vertex
WedSep 3015:00Mark GrossThe canonical scattering diagram
TueSep 2918:30Yang LiWeak SYZ conjecture
TueSep 2916:30Jeff HicksRevisiting HMS for toric varieties
TueSep 2915:00Sushmita VenugopalanTropical Fukaya algebras
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