IV International Colloquium on Representations of Algebras and Its Applications; Alexander Zavadskij

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representation theory

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 04-Nov-2020 to 06-Nov-2020
Organizers: Pedro Fernandez Espinosa*, Agustín Moreno Cañadas, Isaías Marín Gaviria, Verónica Cifuentes Vargas
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriNov 0623:30Markus SchmidmeierTableau invariants to position objects in the Auslander-Reiten quiver and in representation space
FriNov 0622:30Sonia TrepodeOn representation dimension three algebras and smallest Auslander generators
FriNov 0621:30Ralf SchifflerA proof of three conjectures on Markov numbers
FriNov 0620:00Marcelo LanzilottaIgusa - Todorov functions today in a nutshell
FriNov 0619:00Kaveh MousavandMinimal τ\tau-Tilting Infinite Algebras and a new Conjecture
FriNov 0617:00Alberto ElduqueOctonions and Quaternions
FriNov 0616:30Robinson Julian SernaZavadskij modules over finite-dimensional algebras
FriNov 0616:00Verónica Cifuentes VargasThe Auslander Reiten Quiver for Poset with Involution of type DnD_n
FriNov 0615:00Ryan KinserLinear stability conditions and Auslander-Reiten sequences
FriNov 0613:00Bernhard KellerTwisted Calabi-Yau completions
FriNov 0612:00William Crawley-BoeveyAlgebras of amenable representation type, after Elek and Eckert
ThuNov 0523:30Olga Patricia Salazar DíazThe structure of generalized digroups action and representation theory
ThuNov 0522:30Jesús A. Jiménez GonzálezA combinatorial Coxeter invariant for non-negative unit forms of Dynkin type A\mathbb{A}
ThuNov 0521:30José Rodríguez NietoLie Generalized digroups
ThuNov 0520:00Raymundo BautistaAn exact structure and almost split sequences for the category of vector space representations of a poset with involution
ThuNov 0519:00German BenitezFaces of polyhedra associated with admissible sets of relations
ThuNov 0517:00Iryna KashubaThe Kantor-Koecher-Tits construction: applications to representation theory of Jordan algebras and superalgebras
ThuNov 0516:30Gabriel Bravo RiosDyck Paths Categories And Its Relationships With Cluster Algebras
ThuNov 0516:00Isaías David Marín GaviriaDelannoy numbers through representations of some equipped posets
ThuNov 0515:00Calin ChindrisConstructive Aspects of Semi-Stability of Quiver Representations
ThuNov 0513:00Javad AsadollahiMonomorphism category of nn-cluster tilting subcategories
ThuNov 0512:00Hideto AsashibaCovering theory for singular equivalences of Morita type
WedNov 0423:30Raúl E. Velásquez OssaAbelian Generalized Digroups and Left Commutative Semigroups
WedNov 0422:30Marco Armenta ArmentaThe representation theory of neural networks
WedNov 0421:30Omar Darío SaldarriagaAffine transformation groups of flat affine homogeneous spaces
WedNov 0420:00Eduardo MarcosHan's conjecture for bounded extensions
WedNov 0419:00Ana Garcia-ElsenerFrieze mutations
WedNov 0417:00Vyacheslav FutornyAlgebras of invariant differential operators
WedNov 0416:30Luis Armando Martinezτn\tau_n-tilting modules
WedNov 0416:00Pedro Fernández EspinosaHomological Ideals as Integer Specializations of Some Brauer Configuration Algebras
WedNov 0415:00Frauke M. BleherBelyi maps and generalized Jacobians
WedNov 0413:00Sibylle SchrollGalois conjugation of dessins d'enfants and Brauer graph algebras
WedNov 0412:00Henning KrauseTilting preserves finite global dimension.
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