Workshop on Classical and Quantum Superconducting Technologies

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condensed matter applied physics instrumentation and detectors quantum physics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 15-Mar-2023 to 16-Mar-2023
Organizer: Krzysztof Pomorski*
*contact for this listing

Workshop on Classical and Quantum Technologies 2023 (15-16 March 2023, Cracow)

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Meeting ID: 823 0458 7860

Passcode: wv8UEx

Open Workshop on various superconducting Quantum Technologies: Rapid Single Quantum Flux, Superconducting Qubits, Superconducting Current Limiters, Single Photon Detectors, Superconducting Engines, Interface between Superconducting Electronics and Semiconductor Electronics, Novel Superconducting Materials and new quantum/classical devices superconducting/semiconductor devices.

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The event is organized by Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Quantum Hardware Systems company in Lodz.

The conference is taking place at Cracow University of Technology (stationary meeting) and by Zoom connections.

The plan of talks is as follows:


Schedule for 15th March 2023

9:00-9:15: Welcome talk by organizers of Workshop on Classical and Quantum Technologies

9:15-:10:15: Hannes Toepfer (Ilmenau University of Technology) [INVITED]:

Single-Flux-Quantum-Based Information Processing for Energy-Efficient Microelectronics – Current State-of-the-Art and Potential in Europe

10:15-11:15: Mikhail Belogolovskii (Kyiv Academic University)[INVITED]:

Two new issues in superconducting electronics: transparent samples and SQUID-like Josephson junctions

11:15-11:30: Coffee Break

11:30-12:30: Khrystyna Gnatenko (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) [INVITED]:

Studies of graph properties on a quantum computer

12:30-13:15: Banhi Chatterjee (Jozef Stefan Institute)[INVITED]:

Ground state symmetries and collective modes in Ta2NiSe5 – an excitonic insulator candidate

13:15-13:45: Lunch Break

13:45-14:45: Sergei Klimin (Universiteit Antwerpen) [INVITED]:

Collective excitations of superconductors and charged Fermi superfluids

14:45-15:15: Marek Guziewicz (Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics) [INVITED]:

Semiconductor Technology at Łukasiewicz - IMIF: from classical to quantum devices

15:15-16:15: Roman Sobolewski (University of Rochester) [INVITED]:

Superconducting single-photon detectors: 20+ years

16:15-16:30: Coffee Break

16:30-17:00: Maciej Zgirski (Polish Academy of Science) [INVITED]:

Probing vortices with a superconducting nanobridge

17:30-18:00: Marcin Kowalik (Rzeszow University of Technology) [ INVITED ]:

Machines Learning in cryogenic experiments

18:00-18:30: Sachin Verma (Indian Institute of Technology):

Thermoelectric transport through strongly correlated quantum-dot based hybrid devices

18:30-19:00: Krzysztof Pomorski (Cracow University of Technology, Quantum Hardware Systems):

Interface between superconducting Josephson junction and semiconductor quantum dots

19:00-19:15: Coffee Break


20:00-23:00: Dinner and Trip Around Cracow


Schedule for 16th March 2023

9:00-10:00: Tomáš Novotný (Charles University in Prague)[INVITED]:

Theoretical approaches to correlated quantum dots coupled to superconducting leads

10:00-10:30: Alzbeta Kadlecova (Charles University in Prague)[INVITED]:

Influence of coupling asymmetry on the 0-Pi quantum phase transition in superconducting quantum dots

10:30-11:00: Łukasz Stępień (The Pedagogical University)[INVITED]:

On Bogomolny equations and some their applications

11:00-11:15: Coffee Break

11:15-12:00: Coenrad Fourie (Stellenbosh University) [INVITED]:

Compact circuit simulation models for densely coupled superconductor circuits

12:00-12:45: Oleh Yermakov (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) [INVITED]:

Advanced fiber in-coupling through nanoprinted axially symmetric structures

12:45-13:15: Zoya Eremenko (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)[INVITED]:

Resonant Frequencies in Microwave Spheroid Cavity Resonator with Small Eccentricity using the Local Point Method

13:15-14:00: Lunch Break

14:00-14:45: Alexandru Delamoreanu (Oxford Instruments Nanoscience) [INVITED]:

Proteox Dilution Refrigerator for Quantum Technologies

14:45-15:00: Jacek Sosnowski (National Center for Nuclear Research in Świerk, Poland) [INVITED]:

Selected topics of vortex dynamics in multilayered HTc superconductors

15:00-15:30: Dariusz Kotula (Cracow University of Technology, Quantum Hardware Systems):

Classical Stochastic and Quantum Conway Game of Life

15:30-15:45: Coffee Break

15:45-16:30: Simon Kaell (Company Liquid Instruments) [INVITED] :

'Introducing Moku - Transforming The Way You Test'

16:30-17:00: Lukasz Pluszynski (Cracow University of Technology, Quantum Hardware Systems):

Analog Electronics in Simulation of Quantum Phenomena

17:00-17:30: Bartosz Stojewski (Cracow University of Technology, Quantum Hardware Systems):

Relaxation Method in Modeling of Superconducting Structures

17:30-18:15: Allan Gonzalez (Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation)[INVITED]:

Hardware for Quantum Experiments: Overview and Course

18:15-18:30: Coffee break

18:30-19:15: Final Round Table and Closure of Workshop

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