Colóquio Rio de Janeiro de Análise e Equações Diferenciais

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analysis of PDEs

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference date: 09-Jul-2020
Organizer: Juliana Fernandes*
*contact for this listing

Jointly organized by PUC-Rio, UFF, and UFRJ, the Colóquio Rio de Janeiro de Análise e Equações Diferenciais (CRANED) aims at gathering the various research groups working on the topic in Rio de Janeiro area. Since 2019, it happens three times a year (each occasion hosted by a different institution).

This year, due to the new coronavirus pandemic, CRANED will be online. The next edition takes place next Thursday, July 9th, at 10:00 AM GMT-3 (Rio de Janeiro local time). Information on the talks and instructions on how to join them are available below:

The sharp exponent in the study of the nonlocal Hénon equation in Rn. A Liouville Theorem and an existence result Alexander Quaas (U. Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile) July 9th, 10:00 AM GMT-3 (Rio de Janeiro local time)

Elliptic systems with critical growth Angela Pistoia (La Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy) July 9th, 11:00 AM GMT-3 (Rio de Janeiro local time)

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