Richmond Geometry Meeting 2024

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry geometric topology

Virginia Commonwealth University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 12-Aug-2024 to 14-Aug-2024
Organizers: Nicola Tarasca*, Allison Moore*, Marco Aldi*
*contact for this listing

The Richmond Geometry Meeting will focus on emergent research topics while bringing together researchers in algebraic geometry, low-dimensional topology, and mathematical physics. In summer 2024, we will highlight developments in Geometric Topology and Moduli.

Zoom meeting id: 835 6496 8395 password: RGMVCU2024

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedAug 1416:00Danielle O'DonnolTheta-curves with unknotting number 1
WedAug 1414:30Sunghyuk Park3-manifolds and q-series
WedAug 1413:00Nicola PaganiClassification of compactified Jacobians over nodal curves
TueAug 1323:45Social EventSocial Event
TueAug 1321:30Poster SessionPoster Session
TueAug 1319:30Career PanelCareer Panel
TueAug 1318:00Shashank KanadeTorus knots and characters of vertex operator algebras
TueAug 1315:00Caner NazarogluConstructions and Applications of Mock Modularity at Depth Two
TueAug 1313:00Burt TotaroAlgebraic varieties at the extremes
MonAug 1221:00Ross AkhmechetLattice homology and q-series invariants of 3-manifolds
MonAug 1219:00Scott BaldridgeFrom Gromov-Witten Theory to the Four Color Theorem
MonAug 1217:00Melissa Chiu-Chu LiuMirror symmetry for theta divisors
MonAug 1216:45Welcome MessageWelcome Message
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