Additive categories between algebra and functional analysis

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category theory functional analysis representation theory

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 01-Mar-2021 to 05-Mar-2021
Organizers: Thomas Brüstle*, Souheila Hassoun, Amit Shah, Sven-Ake Wegner
*contact for this listing

Aims & Scope: Exchange ideas and foster collaboration between researchers from representation theory and functional analysis working on categorical aspects of the theory. In addition to research talks, there will be four mini-courses of introductory character.

The instructions to join the meeting are available on the website: Registration is open.

Webforum : Please access the conference's webforum from the homepage to upload material related to the conference and enter the discussion with other participants.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriMar 0517:45Johanne HauglandFunctors and subcategories of n-exangulated categories
FriMar 0517:00Gustavo JassoA quick introduction to n-exact categories
FriMar 0515:30Luisa Fiorotn-quasi-abelian categories
FriMar 0514:45Aran TattarIntersections and sums in exact categories
FriMar 0514:00Septimiu CriveiUniqueness of uniform decompositions in exact categories
ThuMar 0417:45Francesca ManteseOn the module category of Leavitt path algebras
ThuMar 0417:00Simone ViriliAbelian recollements of categories of modules over preadditive categories
ThuMar 0415:30Jochen WengenrothThe Mittag-Leffler condition in analysis
ThuMar 0414:45Sergei AkbarovCategory of stereotype spaces
ThuMar 0414:00Alexei PirkovskiiFlat locally convex modules beyond the metrizable case
WedMar 0317:00Bernhard Kellerminicourse: Derived categories of exact categories III
WedMar 0316:00Yann Paluminicourse: Extriangulated categories III
WedMar 0315:00Sven-Ake Wegnerminicourse: Non-abelian categories in functional analysis III
WedMar 0314:00Lidia Angeleri Hügelminicourse: Silting and tilting theory III
TueMar 0217:00Bernhard Kellerminicourse: Derived categories of exact categories II
TueMar 0216:00Yann Paluminicourse: Extriangulated categories II
TueMar 0215:00Sven-Ake Wegnerminicourse: Non-abelian categories in functional analysis II
TueMar 0214:00Lidia Angeleri Hügelminicourse: Silting and tilting theory II
MonMar 0117:00Bernhard Kellerminicourse: Derived categories of exact categories I
MonMar 0116:00Yann Paluminicourse: Extriangulated categories I
MonMar 0115:00Sven-Ake Wegnerminicourse: Non-abelian categories in functional analysis I
MonMar 0114:00Lidia Angeleri Hügelminicourse: Silting and tilting theory I
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