Categorifications in representation theory 2020

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category theory representation theory

University of Leicester

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 15-Sep-2020 to 17-Sep-2020
Organizers: Nicholas Williams*, Aran Tattar*
*contact for this listing
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuSep 1711:10Yadira ValdiviesoSkew-gentle algebras and orbifolds
ThuSep 1710:30Uran MehaCoherent presentations of plactic monoids
ThuSep 1709:00Marta MazzoccoQuantum uniformisation and CY algebras
WedSep 1615:40Kaveh MousavandA categorification of biclosed sets of strings
WedSep 1615:00Johanne HauglandSubcategories of n-exangulated categories
WedSep 1614:20Bernhard KellerQuantum Cartan matrices categorified
WedSep 1614:10Ana Garcia ElsenerMonomial Jacobian algebras
WedSep 1613:30Jordan McMahonCategorifying maximal collections of non-k-intertwining subsets
WedSep 1610:30Matthew PresslandCluster categories from Postnikov diagrams
WedSep 1609:00Bethany MarshCategorification of the Grassmannian cluster structure
TueSep 1515:00Katerina Hristova2-categories with one cell and their representations
TueSep 1513:30Vanessa MiemietzSimple transitive 2-representations of Soergel bimodules
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