BIRS workshop: Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: Duality, Stability, and Computations

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Banff International Research Station

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 11-Oct-2021 to 15-Oct-2021
Curator: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriOct 1515:30Jordan EllenbergLegendre symbols and secondary stability
FriOct 1515:00Fabian HebestreitThe stable cohomology of symplectic groups over the integers
FriOct 1514:00Orsola TommasStability results for toroidal compactifications of Ag\mathcal{A}_g
ThuOct 1421:00Benjamin BrückHigh-dimensional rational cohomology of SLn(Z)\operatorname{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}) and Sp2n(Z)\operatorname{Sp}_{2n}(\mathbb{Z})
ThuOct 1420:00Tony FengThe Galois action on symplectic K-theory
ThuOct 1419:00Matthew EmertonTBA
ThuOct 1416:30Benson FarbRigidity of moduli spaces
ThuOct 1415:00Bena TshishikuUnstable cohomology of arithmetic groups and geometric cycles
ThuOct 1414:00Oscar Randal-WilliamsEE_\infty-algebras and general linear groups
WedOct 1316:30Mark McConnellBinary Quadratic Forms and Hecke Operators for SL(2,Z)\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{Z})
WedOct 1315:00Paul GunnellsModular symbols over function fields
WedOct 1314:00Melody ChanThe top-weight rational cohomology of Ag\mathcal{A}_g
TueOct 1220:30Dan YasakiCohomology of Congruence Subgroups, Steinberg Modules, and Real Quadratic Fields
TueOct 1219:00Frank CalegariThe stable cohomology of SL(F_p)
TueOct 1216:30Nathan BroaddusLevel structures and images of the Steinberg module for surfaces with marked points
TueOct 1215:00Andrew PutmanThe Steinberg representation is irreducible
TueOct 1214:00Nathalie WahlStability in the homology of classical groups
MonOct 1121:00Mathilde Gerbelli-GauthierGrowth of cohomology in towers and endoscopy
MonOct 1116:30Alexander KupersOn homological stability for GL_n(Z)
MonOct 1115:00Peter PatztRognes' connectivity conjecture and the Koszul dual of Steinberg
MonOct 1114:00Avner AshHomology of arithmetic groups and Galois representations
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