Siembra Holagrav Young Frontiers II

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general relativity and quantum cosmology HEP - theory mathematical physics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 06-Sep-2021 to 08-Sep-2021
Organizers: Carlos Nunez, Nicolas Kovensky, Anayeli Ramirez, Alan Rios Fukelman, Pedro Jorge Martinez, Ignacio A. Reyes*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedSep 0818:05Javier MorenoDisks globally maximize the entanglement entropy in 2+12+1 dimensions
WedSep 0817:30Gong Show: Bufalini Palau Liniado Morales-TejeraGong Show
WedSep 0816:45Tobias CanavesiScalar correlators and normal modes in holographic neutron stars
WedSep 0816:10Marina DavidHolographic Approaches to AdS Black Hole Entropy
WedSep 0815:00Raul AriasRenyi entropies in QFT and gravity
WedSep 0814:00Mariana Carrillo GonzálezAn introduction to the double copy and its applications.
TueSep 0718:05Fábio NovaesGeneralized Gibbs Ensemble of 2D CFTs with U(1) charge from the AGT Correspondence
TueSep 0717:30Gong Show: Vleeshouwers Martin Quijada CastilloGong Show
TueSep 0716:45David PereñiguezQuasinormal modes of NUT-charged black branes in AdS/CFT
TueSep 0716:10Aaron PooleCharges in asymptotically locally de Sitter spacetimes
TueSep 0715:00Alejandro Cabo-BizetEntropy from operator counting: geometric phases of 4d N=4 SYM.
TueSep 0714:00Raul AriasRenyi entropies in QFT and gravity
MonSep 0618:05Alfredo Gonzalez-LezcanoPrecision microstate counting of black hole entropy from N=1 toric quiver gauge theories
MonSep 0617:30Gong Show: Grillo Parlanti Oyarzo CanazasGong Show
MonSep 0616:45Salomon ZacariasOn marginal deformations of a class of AdS3 N=(4,0) backgrounds
MonSep 0616:10Anderson Seigo MisobuchiTraversable wormholes from a sparse SYK model
MonSep 0615:00Mariana Carrillo GonzálezAn introduction to the double copy and its applications.
MonSep 0614:00Alejandro Cabo-BizetEntropy from operator counting: geometric phases of 4d N=4 SYM.
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