BIRS workshop : Novel Mathematical Methods in Material Science: Applications to Biomaterials

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Banff International Research Station

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 14-Jun-2021 to 18-Jun-2021
Curator: BIRS Programme Coordinator*
*contact for this listing

Polymers, biopolymers, textiles, metal wires, liquid crystals and other physical filaments often immersed in a fluid, are present in nature and in our everyday life in many contexts. They all share a common aspect: their mechanical properties are significantly affected by their inherent geometrical/topological constraints or by the geometry/topology of their surrounding space.

The current state of the art of the Mathematical Study of Materials traditionally deals with the fluid-structure interactions (focusing on solving PDEs), often in 2 dimensions, ignoring the topology of the filaments, or focusing on single filaments. Advances in Applied knot theory have made it possible to use topology, an area of traditionally pure mathematics, to study polymer entanglement effects. With this workshop, we bring together Topologists and Applied Mathematicians (PDEs), together with researchers from Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry and Biology to learn from each other with the goal to solve key problems in material science.

We will aim to create new mathematical models of complex fluids that can bridge length and time scales, and study novel ways to model entanglement of polymers and filaments. We stress that the novelty of this workshop consists not only in bringing together an interdisciplinary array of scientists, but bridging the gap between what has been traditionally catalogued as pure and applied mathematics.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriJun 1816:15Andrew RechnitzerTrials and tribulations of preserving topology
FriJun 1815:45Kenneth MillettUsing the HOMFLY-PT polynomial to quantuantify the entanglement of collections of open chains
FriJun 1815:00Pei LiuTBA
FriJun 1814:30Eric RawdonAccumulated knot probability
ThuJun 1716:15Sarah HarrisMultiscale Simulations of Biological Polymers
ThuJun 1715:45Radmila SazdanovicTDA applications in cancer genomics
ThuJun 1715:00Elisabetta MatsumotoTBA
ThuJun 1714:30Myfanwy EvansTriply-periodic tangling
ThuJun 1714:00Koya ShimokawaHandlebody decompositions of the 3-torus and polycontinuous patterns
WedJun 1616:15Franziska WeberA Convergent Numerical Method for a Model of Liquid Crystal Director Coupled to An Electric Field
WedJun 1615:45Christine SoterosCharacterizing linking in lattice models of polymers in nanochannels
WedJun 1615:00Oleg LavrentovichTactoid-to-Toroid Topological Transition (4T-transition ot T5) in Liquid Crystal Nuclei
WedJun 1614:30Stefanie RedemannIntegrated 3D tomography and computational modeling to study mechanics in mitotic and meiotic spindles
WedJun 1614:00Tetsuo DeguchiExact evaluation of the mean-square fluctuation of the position vector of a crosslinking point in the Gaussian network
TueJun 1516:15Javier ArsuagaDNA knots and liquid crystals in icosahedral bacteriophages
TueJun 1515:45David SwigonDynamical and stochastic simulations of knotted and linked DNA
TueJun 1515:00Alexandra ZidovskaInterphase Chromatin Undergoes a Local Sol-Gel Transition Upon Cell Differentiation
TueJun 1514:30Rajeev KumarGenerating Knotted Configurations in Polymers using Field Theory Approach
TueJun 1514:00Slobodan ZumerTopological analysis of 3D active nematic turbulence in droplets
MonJun 1417:15Eleni PanagiotouEffects of topological entanglement on mechanical properties of material
MonJun 1416:45Louis KauffmanKnotoids and Their Applications
MonJun 1416:00Wilma OlsonSurprising Twists in Nucleosomal DNA with Implication for Higher-order Chromatin Folding
MonJun 1415:30Fred MacKintoshMechanical phase transitions and elastic anomalies in biopolymer gels
MonJun 1415:00Cristian MichelettiKnots and links in channel and slit confinement: static and dynamics
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