MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and Integrable Systems

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algebraic geometry

MATRIX / Sydney Mathematical Research Institute

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Conference dates: 07-Feb-2022 to 18-Feb-2022
Organizer: SMRIAdmin*
*contact for this listing

MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and integrable systems, February 2022

Joint Symposium, 7 - 18 February 2022

Week 1 (7 - 11 Feb): Online via Zoom

Week 2 (14 - 18 Feb): On-site at MATRIX, Creswick (via invitation)

The research symposium explores Nijenhuis geometry and uses it as a link connecting finite and infinite dimensional integrable systems. We shall use the methods and results of infinite dimensional integrable systems to attack famous conjectures in the theory of finite-dimensional integrable systems, in particular concerning existence, description and classification of polynomially integrable geodesic flows on the torus and on the sphere.

We will employ recent advances in projective geometry and the theory of separation of variables to construct and study new examples of multicomponent integrable systems.

While Riemannian and Poisson geometries have been very well studied, Nijenhuis geometry is a relatively new research area. In the first online week of the workshop, an introduction to Nijenhuis geometry will be given. We will present a general research programme in the area and will show that it is realistic by presenting first nontrivial easy-to-formulate results. We will discuss milestones of the theory, open problems, and sketch possible applications.

Co-Chairs: Alexey Bolsinov works as a Reader in Mathematics at Loughborough University. His research results include the discovery of a new phenomenon in dynamical systems known as integrable chaos, theory of orbital classification for integrable two-degrees-of-freedom systems, loop molecule method in topology of integrable systems and new classes of holonomy groups and symmetric spaces in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Under his supervision, 18 PhD students successfully completed their research projects, many of them continue their academic careers in USA, Russia, Brazil, Germany and China.

Vladimir Matveev is a Chair of Mathematics at the University of Jena. He has solved a number of major open problems in several areas of Difierential Geometry and in the theory of Integrable Systems including two problems explicitly posed by Sophus Lie in 1882, the projective Lichnerowich conjecture and c-projective Yano-Obata conjecture. He constructed two new examples of natural integrable Hamiltonian systems on closed surfaces, Dullin-Matveev and Matveev-Shevchishin systems.

Event Organisers: Emma Carberry (University of Sydney), Holger Dullin (University of Sydney), Vladimir Matveev (University of Jena)

Online registration: (register once for all week 1 lectures)

For more information, please visit: the SMRI symposium webpage

the MATRIX symposium webpage

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 1723:00Emma CarberryTBA
ThuFeb 1708:00TBATBA
WedFeb 1623:00Peter van der KampTBA
WedFeb 1608:00Misha BialyiTBA
TueFeb 1508:00Andrey KonyaevTBA
MonFeb 1423:00Jonathan KressLocal Talk
MonFeb 1409:00Alexey BolsinovChair's Talk - Research Aims
MonFeb 1408:00Vladimir MatveevChair's Talk - Conjectures
MonFeb 1400:30Sean GasiorekECR Talk
SunFeb 1323:00Reinout QuispelLocal Talk
FriFeb 1103:00Pre-recorded lectures:Pre-recorded lectures: Nijenhuis Geometry; for ECRs (watched in own time)
ThuFeb 1007:00Alexey BolsinovChair’s Talk + Q&A
ThuFeb 1003:00Pre-recorded lectures:Pre-recorded lectures: Nijenhuis Geometry; for ECRs (watched in own time)
WedFeb 0907:00Vladimir MatveevChair’s Talk + Q&A
WedFeb 0903:00Pre-recorded lectures:Pre-recorded lectures: Nijenhuis Geometry; for ECRs (watched in own time)
TueFeb 0807:00Alexey BolsinovChair’s Talk + Q&A
TueFeb 0803:00Pre-recorded lectures:Pre-recorded lectures: Nijenhuis Geometry; for ECRs (watched in own time)
MonFeb 0707:00Vladimir MatveevChair’s Talk + Q&A, Introduction to pre-recorded lectures
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