Institution Audience
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WedFeb 1207:30Moscow-Beijing topology seminarАнтон БелецкийИтеративная теория малых сокращений И. Рипса и ее применение к проблеме Бернсайда
WedFeb 1209:00AUTH HEP-TH SeminarsJustin R. David,The large N vector model on a sphere and at finite temperature
WedFeb 1211:30RA SeminarDaniel Labardini FragosoMutations of infinite-dimensional representations
WedFeb 1212:30Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statisticsAlexei KotovInvariants of piecewise linear curves (joint with Yaroslav Bazaikin)
WedFeb 1212:30Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsBertrand DuplantierHamiltonian Paths on Random Planar Maps
WedFeb 1214:00Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information TheoryQi CHENMatroidal entropy functions (Part 1)
WedFeb 1214:00FGC-HRI-IPM Number Theory WebinarsRatko DardaMalle conjecture for finite group schemes
WedFeb 1214:00Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsYizheng YuanThe chemical distance metric for non-simple CLE
WedFeb 1215:30Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsLéonie PaponInterface scaling limit for the critical planar Ising model perturbed by a magnetic field
WedFeb 1216:00London number theory seminarRadu TomaThe size of newforms
WedFeb 1216:00Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetriesStuart James HallRigidity to second order of compact irreducible symmetric spaces
WedFeb 1216:00Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas)Luuk StehouwerThe Unitary Cobordism Hypothesis
WedFeb 1217:00Metagovernance SeminarNo SeminarNo Seminar
WedFeb 1220:00Harvard number theory seminarRyan ChenNear center derivatives and arithmetic $1$-cycles
WedFeb 1220:00Noncommutative geometry in NYCJun YangThe Jacquet-Langlands correspondence of von Neumann dimensions over arithmetic groups
ThuFeb 1300:00UCSD number theory seminarSantiago Arango-PiñerosCounting 5-isogenies of elliptic curves over the rationals
ThuFeb 1312:00(ED-3S) Essex Data Science Seminar SeriesPorf. Michael J. DanielsA Bayesian nonparametric approach for evaluating the causal effect of treatment in observational cohort studies with semi-competing risks
ThuFeb 1313:00Seminar on Quantum Optics and Related TopicsJ. E. GoughNon-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Models
ThuFeb 1313:30Семінар з фрактального аналізу / Fractal analysis seminarMykola MorozRepresentation of real numbers by alternating Perron series and its metric equivalence to representation of numbers by positive Perron series
ThuFeb 1314:00MESS (Mathematics Essex Seminar Series)Jesús Miguel Seoane Sepúlvedatbc
ThuFeb 1315:00Florida Atlantic University Crypto CaféIvana TrummováHuman Factors in Cryptography
ThuFeb 1315:00Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online EditionJeffrey VaalerSums of small fractional parts and a problem of Littlewood
ThuFeb 1315:00Maths seminars at the University of GalwayChristopher VollCombinatorial aspects of lattice enumeration
ThuFeb 1315:30Gothenburg PhD seminarRickard CullmanA taste of Ergodic Ramsey theory
ThuFeb 1316:00M-seminarNikita NikolaevGeometry and Resurgence of WKB Solutions of Schrödinger Equations - Part 1
ThuFeb 1316:00Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction NetworksBadal JoshiBifunctional enzyme action as a source of robustness in biochemical reaction networks: a novel hypergraph approach
ThuFeb 1316:00Number Theory Web SeminarEmmanuel UllmoBi-$\overline{\Q}$-Structures on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and quadratic relations between CM periods
ThuFeb 1316:30Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction NetworksGrzegorz A. RempalaLikelihood Functions for Individual-Level Chemical Reaction Models
ThuFeb 1317:00Topos Institute ColloquiumAndrew DudzikTensor Species: The Theory and Practice of Neural Networks
ThuFeb 1319:00Online logic seminarAndrew DeLapoIndex Sets and Computable Categoricity of CSC Spaces
ThuFeb 1320:00Calgary Algebra and Number Theory SeminarMatt OlechnowiczBad reduction of rational maps.
ThuFeb 1320:00New York Number Theory SeminarMel NathansonNew problems in additive number theory
ThuFeb 1321:30SFU NT-AG seminarSeda AlbayrakMultivariate Generalization of Christol’s Theorem
ThuFeb 1322:00STAGEXinyu FangCohomology of algebraic varieties
FriFeb 1408:30Algebra and Geometry Seminar @ HKUSTAndrei Neguțq-characters for quantum loop groups
FriFeb 1414:00Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical SciencesGunnar FløystadTBA
FriFeb 1414:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarRini BanerjeeFulminate: Testing CN Separation-Logic Specifications in C
FriFeb 1414:15Symplectic zoominarRichard Hind (Notre Dame)Lagrangian intersections and the shape invariant
FriFeb 1416:00GEOTOP-A seminarSteve LeveneUnmasking a hidden DNA-supercoil relaxation activity in a site-specific recombination system
FriFeb 1418:00Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology SeminarKamil RychlewiczThe circle equivariant elliptic cohomology of a point
FriFeb 1418:00VCU Geometry and Topology SeminaravailableTBA
SatFeb 1514:05Knots, graphs and groupsVuong BaoFox-Milnor condition for concordant knots in homology 3-spheres
MonFeb 1708:00Tropical mathematics and machine learningBaran HashemiCan Transformers Do Enumerative Geometry?
MonFeb 1712:15CAM seminarSimon JacobssonApproximating maps into Riemannian manifolds
MonFeb 1713:00Paris algebra seminarDongjian WuRelative Bridgeland Stability Conditions
MonFeb 1715:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarGuy BlacharSemiassociative algebras over a field
MonFeb 1715:00Geometric and functional inequalities and applicationsSerena DipierroTBA
MonFeb 1715:30Knots and representation theoryAndrew BartholomewUsing biracks to extract invariants of knots
TueFeb 1806:00OIST representation theory seminarAndrea SolotarOn the tau-tilting Hochschild (co)homology of an algebra
TueFeb 1808:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarPaul Zinn-JustinTBA
TueFeb 1813:00Geometric Structures Research SeminarPepijn Roos HoefgeestChristoffel polynomials for Topological Data Analysis
TueFeb 1813:00One World Numeration seminarNeil MacVicarIntersecting Cantor sets generated by Complex Radix Expansions
TueFeb 1814:00Non-local operators, probability and singularitiesEryan HuTBA
TueFeb 1814:00ANTLR seminarNiccolò GuicciardiniThe status of mathematics in sixteenth-century Europe
TueFeb 1815:00Geometria em Lisboa (IST)Ana Rita PiresInfinite staircases in ball packing problems
TueFeb 1815:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsOleksii RudenkoThe set of joint intersections of trajectories for functions of several independent Brownian motions on Carnot group
TueFeb 1820:00Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry SeminarSameera VemulapalliTBA
WedFeb 1907:30Moscow-Beijing topology seminarZhiyun ChengThe construction of topological biquandles
WedFeb 1910:00AUTH HEP-TH SeminarsMohsen AlishahihaQuantum chaos and Krylov complexity
WedFeb 1910:00European Quantum Algebra Lectures (EQuAL)NiveditaModels for 2-Hilb and 3-Hilb as target categories for Functorial Field Theories
WedFeb 1912:30Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statisticsDaniel BeltitaOn the integrability of transitive Lie algebroids
WedFeb 1914:00Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information TheoryQi CHENMatroidal entropy functions (Part 2)
WedFeb 1914:00DEGAS SeminarIvan DokmanićUnderstanding and improving graph neural nets with the cSBM
WedFeb 1914:00One FLAT World SeminarMartin KutribCellular automata: Communication matters
WedFeb 1916:00London number theory seminarSamir SiksekTBA
WedFeb 1916:20Geometry of differential equations seminarJacob KryczkaSingularities and Bi-complexes for PDEs
WedFeb 1917:00Metagovernance SeminarAustin RobeySubvert: A collectively owned Bandcamp successor
WedFeb 1918:00Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetriesJade BrissonUpper bounds, spectral ratios and spectral gaps for Steklov eigenvalues of warped products
WedFeb 1920:00Harvard number theory seminarNaomi SweetingSome cases of the Bloch-Kato conjecture for four-dimensional symplectic Galois representations
WedFeb 1920:00Noncommutative geometry in NYCNoemie CombeQuantum Information Geometry and the Connes–Araki–Haagerup Cones
ThuFeb 2000:00New York City Category Theory SeminarJacob SzelkoAn Introduction to Compositional Public Health.
ThuFeb 2000:00UCSD number theory seminarZeyu LiuTBA
ThuFeb 2002:00ANU Research School of Earth Sciences school seminarLeandro Diaz (CIMA-University of Buenos Aires)Observed precipitation trends in southern South America: drivers and uncertainties based on global climate models
ThuFeb 2004:00Computational algebra seminarLewis CombesTBA
ThuFeb 2015:00Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical PhysicsAdrian Vladimir Sotomayor AguirreOn the formulation of a Bäcklund transformation in the Wahlquist-Estabrook sense for extensions of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation
ThuFeb 2015:15[K-OS] Knot online seminarMiguel Orbegozo RodriguezHomogeneous braids are visually prime
ThuFeb 2015:30Gothenburg PhD seminarAnna Theorin JohanssonZaremba's conjecture and the circle method
ThuFeb 2016:00M-seminarNikita NikolaevGeometry and Resurgence of WKB Solutions of Schrödinger Equations - Part 2
ThuFeb 2016:00Number Theory Web SeminarValérie BerthéA symbolic approach to bounded remainder sets
ThuFeb 2019:00Online logic seminarUlla KarhumäkiPseudofinite primitive permutation groups of finite SU-rank
ThuFeb 2020:00Calgary Algebra and Number Theory SeminarNo TalkNo Talk
ThuFeb 2021:15CUNY Geometric Analysis SeminarStephen PrestonTBA
ThuFeb 2022:00STAGEMohit HulsePeriod maps and the Gauss-Manin connection
FriFeb 2100:30UCLA Combinatorics ForumGrant BarkleyThe combinatorial invariance conjecture
FriFeb 2101:30UCLA Combinatorics ForumRobert MirandaTBA
FriFeb 2114:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarKarteek SreenivasaiahTBA
FriFeb 2114:15Symplectic zoominarPierre-Alexandre Arlove (Strasbourg)Contact non-squeezing in various closed prequantizations
FriFeb 2116:00CRM - Séminaire du CIRGET / Géométrie et TopologieAna BalibanuTBA
FriFeb 2116:00GEOTOP-A seminarSophia KnightLogical undefinability and Truth Set Algebras
FriFeb 2118:00VCU Geometry and Topology SeminarTianyuan XuTBA
SatFeb 2214:05Knots, graphs and groupsMedhi GolfshanGeometry, Factor Dynamics, Unipotent Flows on Tori, and Leading Digits
MonFeb 2408:00Tropical mathematics and machine learningSamuel Bernard-Bernardet and Benjamin ApffelThe spinorial ball : a macroscopic object of spin-1/2
MonFeb 2409:00Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS]Sang-Gyun YounTBA
MonFeb 2412:15CAM seminarJennifer RyanTBA
MonFeb 2413:00Paris algebra seminarAlessandro LehmannCurved algebras and deformations of triangulated categories
MonFeb 2415:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarLeandro VendraminNichols Algebras over groups
MonFeb 2415:00Geometric and functional inequalities and applicationsAlexander KiselevTBA
MonFeb 2415:00Sissa algebraic geometry seminarAnis BouscletTwo exercises in descent theory
MonFeb 2416:00Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar SeriesThomas YankeelovPersonalizing interventions through mechanism-based digital twins
MonFeb 2419:15Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC)Lucas Villagra TorcomianPerfect powers as sum of consecutive powers
MonFeb 2421:00Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminarZhang XiaoTBA