Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Thu | Feb 06 | 16:00 | Nikita Markarian | Multiplicative convolution and double shuffle relations | |
Thu | Dec 05 | 19:00 | Amina Abdurrahman | Hyperbolic homology 3-spheres, spectral gaps and torsion homology growth | |
Thu | Nov 21 | 16:00 | Andrei Grekov | Many-body integrable systems and the moduli space of instantons: Quantum spectral curves and classical Lax operators | |
Thu | Nov 14 | 19:00 | Ran Tessler | Open Mirror Symmetry for Landau-Ginzburg Models | |
Thu | Nov 07 | 16:00 | Francesco Sala | Cohomological Hall algebras, their representations, and Nakajima operators | |
Thu | Oct 31 | 20:30 | Zihong Chen | The exponential type conjecture for quantum connections | |
Thu | Oct 24 | 15:00 | Victoria Hoskins | Moduli spaces of bundles on curves with abelian motives | |
Thu | Oct 17 | 20:30 | Mark Mclean | Symplectic Orbifold Gromov-Witten Invariants | |
Thu | Oct 10 | 15:00 | Shivang Jingdal | CoHA of cyclic quivers and an integral form of affine Yangians | |
Thu | Oct 03 | 20:30 | Jeff Hicks | Superabundance and Unobstructedness | |
Thu | Sep 26 | 20:30 | Hulya Arguz | The KSBA moduli space of stable log Calabi-Yau surfaces | |
Thu | Sep 12 | 19:30 | Mingyuan Hu | Skein valued open Gromov-Witten invariants and cluster mutations | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 15:00 | Gwyn Bellamy | Koszul Duality on quantizations of bionic symplectic varieties | |
Thu | May 02 | 18:00 | Sheel Ganatra | Arclike Lagrangians in Liouville sectors | |
Thu | Apr 25 | 20:30 | Murad Alim | From Gromov-Witten to Donaldson-Thomas invariants via resurgence | |
Thu | Apr 18 | 14:00 | Hiroshi Iritani | Decomposition of quantum cohomology under blowups | |
Fri | Apr 12 | 18:30 | Daniel Halpern-Leistner | Dispatches from the ends of the stability manifold - part 4 | |
Thu | Apr 11 | 20:30 | Daniel Halpern-Leistner | Dispatches from the ends of the stability manifold - part 3 | |
Wed | Apr 10 | 18:30 | Daniel Halpern-Leistner | Dispatches from the ends of the stability manifold - part 2 | |
Mon | Apr 08 | 18:30 | Daniel Halpern-Leistner | Dispatches from the ends of the stability manifold - part 1 | |
Thu | Apr 04 | 20:30 | Nikita Nekrasov | Infinite-dimensional spin chains from gauge theory | |
Thu | Mar 28 | 20:30 | Zhiwei Yun | An irregular Deligne-Simpson problem | |
Thu | Mar 21 | 19:30 | Tommaso Botta | Maulik-Okounkov Lie algebras and BPS Lie algebras | |
Thu | Mar 07 | 21:30 | Alexandre Minets | COHAs of 0-dimensional sheaves on surfaces | |
Tue | Feb 27 | 21:30 | Pavel Etingof | Periodic pencils of flat connections and their p-curvature | |
Fri | Feb 23 | 19:30 | Lucien Hennecart | Cohomological Hall algebras of 2-Calabi-Yau categories and applications (lecture 4) | |
Thu | Feb 22 | 21:30 | Lucien Hennecart | Cohomological Hall algebras of 2-Calabi-Yau categories and applications (lecture 3) | |
Wed | Feb 21 | 19:30 | Lucien Hennecart | Cohomological Hall algebras of 2-Calabi-Yau categories and applications (lecture 2) | |
Mon | Feb 19 | 19:30 | Lucien Hennecart | Cohomological Hall algebras of 2-Calabi-Yau categories and applications (lecture 1) | |
Thu | Feb 15 | 19:00 | Gus Schrader | Skeins, clusters and wavefunctions | |
Thu | Feb 08 | 20:00 | Pavel Safronov | Perverse sheaves in deformation quantization | |
Wed | Dec 06 | 18:30 | John Pardon | Universally counting curves in Calabi--Yau threefolds | |
Thu | Nov 30 | 17:00 | Jake Solomon | Counting holomorphic disks with boundary on the Chiang Lagrangian | |
Thu | Nov 16 | 21:30 | Harold Williams | Differential operators on the base affine space and quantized Coulomb branches | |
Wed | Nov 08 | 20:00 | Mikhail Kapranov | Resurgent perverse sheaves | |
Fri | Nov 03 | 18:30 | Dylan Butson | Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds and perverse coherent extensions - lecture 4 | |
Thu | Nov 02 | 18:30 | Dylan Butson | Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds and perverse coherent extensions - lecture 3 | |
Wed | Nov 01 | 18:30 | Dylan Butson | Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds and perverse coherent extensions - lecture 2 | |
Mon | Oct 30 | 18:30 | Dylan Butson | Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds and perverse coherent extensions - lecture 1 | |
Thu | Oct 26 | 20:30 | Jim Bryan | The geometry and arithmetic of banana nano-manifolds | |
Thu | Oct 19 | 20:30 | Niklas Garner | Non-semisimple TQFTs from 3d N=4 QFTs - lecture 3 | |
Wed | Oct 18 | 18:30 | Niklas Garner | Non-semisimple TQFTs from 3d N=4 QFTs - lecture 2 | |
Tue | Oct 17 | 20:30 | Niklas Garner | Non-semisimple TQFTs from 3d N=4 QFTs - lecture 1 | |
Thu | Oct 12 | 18:00 | Linhui Shen | Cluster Nature of Quantum Groups | |
Thu | Oct 05 | 20:30 | Constantin Teleman | Condensed Thoughts | |
Thu | Sep 28 | 23:00 | Henry Liu | The K-theoretic DT/PT vertex correspondence | |
Thu | Sep 21 | 21:15 | Roman Bezrukavnikov | On Springer theory for homogeneous affine Springer fibers | |
Thu | May 04 | 16:00 | Ilia Itenberg | Empty real plane sextic curves | |
Thu | Apr 27 | 17:00 | Emanuel Diaconescu | Flops and Hilbert scheme of space curve singularities | |
Thu | Apr 20 | 17:00 | Kai Hugtenburg | Gromov-Witten invariants from the Fukaya category | |
Thu | Apr 13 | 20:30 | Pierrick Bousseau | Quivers, flow trees and log curves | |
Fri | Apr 07 | 16:00 | Umut Varolgunes | Mirror formal schemes of symplectic manifolds equipped with generalized cut decompositions | |
Thu | Mar 30 | 20:30 | Benjamin Gammage | Structural features of 3d mirror symmetry | |
Thu | Mar 23 | 20:30 | Miguel Moreira | Virasoro constraints in sheaf theory | |
Thu | Mar 09 | 16:00 | Anton Mellit | P=W via H_2 | |
Thu | Mar 02 | 21:30 | Yoel Groman | The closed string mirror construction | |
Thu | Feb 23 | 21:30 | Nicolai Reshetikhin | Solitons in infinite relativistic Toda system | |
Thu | Feb 16 | 21:30 | Ivan Danilenko | Stable envelopes from 2d mirror symmetry | |
Thu | Feb 09 | 21:30 | Semon Rezchikov | Categorical aspects of the Fueter Equation | |
Wed | Feb 01 | 21:30 | Lino Amorim | Enumerative invariants from categories | |
Thu | Dec 01 | 16:00 | Yanki Lekili | Equivariant Fukaya categories at the singular value | |
Fri | Nov 18 | 15:00 | Olivier Schiffmann | COHA of zero dimensional sheaves on surfaces and the P=W conjecture | |
Thu | Nov 10 | 19:30 | Ben Davison | Affine BPS algebras and W algebras | |
Thu | Nov 03 | 19:00 | Arkadij Bojko | Wall-crossing for Calabi-Yau fourfolds and applications | |
Thu | Oct 27 | 15:00 | Tom Bridgeland | Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants | |
Thu | Oct 20 | 20:30 | Justin Hilburn | Towards 2-Categorical 3d Mirror Symmetry | |
Thu | Oct 13 | 17:30 | Alexander Soibelman | Quantized integrable systems, normal forms, and variation of Hodge structures | |
Fri | Oct 07 | 20:30 | Daniel Pomerleano | Singularities of the quantum connection on a Fano variety | |
Thu | Sep 22 | 20:30 | Hiro Lee Tanaka | Stable Weinstein geometry through localizations | |
Thu | May 05 | 17:30 | Oscar Kivinen | Weight polynomials of compactified Jacobians and link invariants | |
Thu | Apr 28 | 20:30 | Aleksander Doan | Holomorphic Floer theory and the Fueter equation | |
Fri | Apr 22 | 20:30 | Nick Sheridan | Quantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology | |
Thu | Apr 14 | 20:30 | Adeel Khan | Cohomology and intersection theory on stacks | |
Fri | Apr 08 | 20:30 | Ivan Losev | Harish-Chandra modules and quantizations | |
Thu | Mar 31 | 20:30 | Peter Koroteev | q-Opers — what they are and what are they good for? | |
Thu | Mar 24 | 18:30 | Fabian Haiden | Quadratic differentials, stability conditions, and DT invariants, lecture 3 | |
Wed | Mar 23 | 18:30 | Fabian Haiden | Quadratic differentials, stability conditions, and DT invariants, lecture 2 | |
Mon | Mar 21 | 18:30 | Fabian Haiden | Quadratic differentials, stability conditions, and DT invariants, lecture 1 | |
Thu | Mar 10 | 21:30 | Alexander Voronov | Mysterious Triality | |
Thu | Mar 03 | 21:30 | Evgeny Gorsky | Algebraic weaves and braid varieties | |
Thu | Feb 24 | 23:00 | Dmitrii Galakhov | Quiver BPS Algebras | |
Fri | Feb 18 | 19:00 | Alexei Latyntsev | Quantum vertex algebras and cohomological Hall algebras | |
Fri | Feb 11 | 19:30 | Sergei Gukov | Quantum Topology at generic q (part 4) | |
Thu | Feb 10 | 21:30 | Sergei Gukov | Quantum Topology at generic q (part 3) | |
Wed | Feb 09 | 19:30 | Sergei Gukov | Quantum Topology at generic q (part 2) | |
Mon | Feb 07 | 19:30 | Sergei Gukov | Quantum Topology at generic q (part 1) | |
Thu | Feb 03 | 18:00 | Sergey Mozgovoy | DT invariants and vertex algebras | |
Thu | Jan 27 | 21:30 | Lev Rozansky | Link homology from a stack of D2 branes with a B-twist | |
Fri | Jan 21 | 22:00 | Victor Ginzburg | Chern classes of quantizable sheaves and characteristic cycles | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 21:30 | Kenji Fukaya | A note on homological mirror symmetry over Novikov ring | |
Thu | Dec 02 | 21:30 | Miroslav Rapcak | $W_\infty$ modules and melted crystals of DT and PT | |
Thu | Nov 18 | 21:30 | Tudor Padurariu | Relative stable pairs and a non-Calabi-Yau wall crossing | |
Thu | Nov 11 | 21:30 | Alexander Goncharov | Spectral description of non-commutative local systems on surfaces | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 16:00 | Maxim Kontsevich | On the perturbation theory for spectra in quantum mechanics | |
Thu | Oct 28 | 18:30 | Ben Davison | Cohomological DT theory and nonabelian Hodge theory for stacks - 3 | |
Wed | Oct 27 | 18:30 | Ben Davison | Cohomological DT theory and nonabelian Hodge theory for stacks - 2 | |
Mon | Oct 25 | 18:30 | Ben Davison | Cohomological DT theory and nonabelian Hodge theory for stacks - 1 | |
Thu | Oct 21 | 18:00 | Alexander Odesskii | Multiplication kernels | |
Thu | Oct 14 | 18:30 | Vivek Shende | Localization of Fukaya categories and quantizing the Hitchin system | |
Thu | Oct 07 | 18:00 | Tamas Hausel | Explicit Hitchin System on Lagrangians | |
Thu | Sep 30 | 20:30 | Alexander Braverman | Universal Coulomb branch and theta-sheaves | |
Wed | Sep 22 | 20:30 | Greg Moore | 2d Categorical Wall-Crossing With Twisted Masses | |
Thu | Sep 16 | 21:00 | Denis Auroux | Lagrangian Floer theory for trivalent graphs and HMS for curves | |
Thu | May 06 | 20:30 | Ivan Mirković | Loop Grassmannians of lattices | |
Thu | Apr 29 | 20:30 | Carlos Simpson | On some Fukaya categories of singular Lagrangians with coefficients | |
Thu | Apr 22 | 20:30 | Paul Seidel | Fukaya categories of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces | |
Thu | Apr 15 | 19:30 | Mohammed Abouzaid | Arnol'd Conjecture and Morava K-theory | |
Thu | Apr 08 | 20:30 | Ben Webster | Knot homology and coherent sheaves on Coulomb branches | |
Thu | Apr 01 | 20:30 | Richard Rimanyi | 3d mirror symmetry for characteristic classes of bow varieties | |
Thu | Mar 25 | 20:30 | Alexander Polishchuk | Supermeasure on moduli of supercurves | |
Thu | Mar 18 | 18:30 | Alexander Soibelman | Motivic invariants for moduli of parabolic Higgs bundles and parabolic connections on a curve | |
Thu | Mar 11 | 21:30 | Andrei Caldararu | A survey of categorical enumerative invariants | |
Thu | Mar 04 | 21:30 | Alex Weekes | Coulomb branches for quiver gauge theories with symmetrizers | |
Thu | Feb 25 | 21:30 | David Nadler | Verlinde formulas in Betti Geometric Langlands | |
Thu | Feb 18 | 17:00 | Alexander Efimov | Nuclear modules over proper DG algebras | |
Thu | Feb 11 | 17:00 | Dominic Joyce | Enumerative invariants in Algebraic Geometry and wall crossing formulae | |
Thu | Feb 04 | 21:30 | Davide Gaiotto | Brane quantization | |
Thu | Jan 28 | 21:30 | Nicolas Addington | Derived autoequivalences of moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 21:30 | Nikita Nekrasov | Towards Lefschetz thimbles in field theory | |
Thu | Nov 19 | 19:30 | Vivek Shende | Sheaf quantization in Weinstein symplectic manifolds | |
Thu | Nov 12 | 21:30 | Yoosik Kim | Disc potential functions of Quadrics | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 21:30 | Dennis Gaitsgory | The moduli space of l-adic local systems and application to geometric and classical Langlands theory | |
Mon | Oct 26 | 16:00 | Tony Yue Yu | Frobenius structure conjecture and application to cluster algebras | |
Thu | Oct 22 | 20:30 | Zack Sylvan | Homological mirror symmetry near SYZ singularities | |
Thu | Oct 15 | 20:30 | Ron Donagi | Families of Hitchin systems and N=2 theories | |
Thu | Oct 08 | 20:30 | Sergey Cherkis | Doubly Periodic Monopoles and Exploded Geometry | |
Thu | Oct 01 | 20:30 | Andrei Okounkov | Monodromy: yesterday, today, and tomorrow | |
Thu | Sep 24 | 20:30 | Junxiao Wang | The Gamma Conjecture for the tropical 1-cycles in local mirror symmetry | |
Thu | Sep 17 | 18:30 | Anton Mellit | The curious hard Lefschetz property for character varieties | |
Thu | Sep 10 | 20:30 | Joel Kamnitzer | Categorical g-actions for modules over truncated shifted Yangians | |
Thu | Sep 03 | 20:30 | Alexander Goncharov | The second universal motivic Chern class and cluster structure of moduli spaces of G-local systems | |
Thu | Aug 27 | 20:30 | Pyongwon Suh | The coherent-constructible correspondence for toric projective bundles | |
Thu | Aug 20 | 23:00 | Hiraku Nakajima | Bow varieties and representations of affine Lie algebras | |
Thu | Aug 13 | 20:30 | Michael McBreen | Symplectic duality and twisted quasimaps | |
Thu | Aug 06 | 18:00 | Tobias Ekholm | Holomorphic curves on knot conormals | |
Thu | Jul 30 | 20:30 | Eric Zaslow | A Diagrammatic Calculus for Legendrian Surfaces | |
Thu | Jul 23 | 20:30 | Tudor Dimofte | 3D Mirror Symmetry and HOMFLY-PT Homology | |
Thu | Jul 16 | 20:30 | Sergei Gukov | Rozansky-Witten geometry of Coulomb branches | |
Thu | Jul 09 | 18:30 | Andrey Smirnov | Elliptic stable envelopes and symplectic duality | |
Thu | Jul 02 | 18:30 | Maxim Kontsevich | On higher critical points in calculus of variations | |
Thu | Jun 25 | 18:00 | Dima Arinkin | Singular support of categories | |
Thu | Jun 18 | 20:30 | Mina Aganagic | Knot categorification and mirror symmetry | |
Thu | Jun 11 | 16:00 | Tony Pantev | Enhanced moduli of D-branes and superpotentials | |
Thu | Jun 04 | 19:00 | Andrei Negut | A brief survey of 2D K-HAs | |
Thu | May 28 | 20:30 | Umut Varolgunes | Non-archimedean mirrors of symplectic cluster manifolds in real dimension four | |
Thu | May 21 | 20:30 | Andrew Neitzke | Abelianization of flat connections, and its q-deformation | |
Thu | May 14 | 16:00 | Emanuel Diaconescu | Mckay correspondence and cohomological Hall algebras | |
Thu | May 07 | 20:30 | Gabriel Kerr | Phase tropical hypersurfaces | |
Thu | Apr 30 | 19:30 | Ivan Cheltsov | K-stability of Fano 3-folds | |
Thu | Apr 23 | 20:30 | Peng Zhou | Variation of toric GIT quotient and variation of Lagrangian skeleton | |
Thu | Apr 16 | 20:30 | Yan Soibelman | Holomorphic Floer theory and deformation quantization | |