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symplectic geometry

Centre de recherches mathématiques / Ecole Normale Supérieure / Institute for Advanced Study / Princeton University / Tel Aviv University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Friday 14:15-15:45 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Octav Cornea (Montréal)*, Pazit Haim-Kislev (IAS), Helmut Hofer (IAS), Vincent Humilière (Paris), Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv), Egor Shelukhin (Montréal), Sara Tukatchinsky (Tel Aviv)*, Claude Viterbo (ENS)
*contact for this listing

Zoom link: Links to slides and recordings of past talks are on the external homepage (for the period March 27, 2020 - January 29, 2021 see ).

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Past talks
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FriFeb 1414:15Richard Hind (Notre Dame)Lagrangian intersections and the shape invariant
FriFeb 2114:15Pierre-Alexandre Arlove (Strasbourg)Contact non-squeezing in various closed prequantizations
FriFeb 2814:15Vukašin Stojisavljević (CRM, UdeM)TBA
FriMar 2113:15Noah Porcelli (Imperial)TBA
FriMar 2813:15Yin Li (Uppsala)TBA
FriApr 1813:15Tara Holm (Cornell)TBA
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FriJan 3114:15Zhen Gao (Augsburg); Zihong Chen (MIT); Jonghyeon Ahn (UIUC)Three 20min research talks
FriJan 2414:15Surena Hozoori (Rochester)Regularity and persistence in non-Weinstein Liouville geometry via hyperbolic dynamics
FriJan 1714:15Zhengyi Zhou (AMSS, CAS)Kähler compactification of \(\mathbb{C}^n\) and Reeb dynamics
FriDec 2014:15Jae Hee Lee (Stanford); Simon Vialaret (Bochum / Orsay); Kenneth Blakey (MIT)Three 20min research talks
FriDec 1314:15Thomas Kragh (Uppsala)Using h-cobordisms to detect non-trivial homotopy groups in spaces of Legendrian
FriNov 2914:15Daniel Pomerleano (UMB)Non-commutative Cartier isomorphism and quantum cohomology
FriNov 2214:15Felix Schlenk (Neuchâtel)New invariants for Hamiltonian isotopy classes of monotone Lagrangian torus fibers
FriNov 1514:15Sebastian Haney (Columbia); Milica Ðukic (Uppsala); Yann Guggisberg (Utrecht)Three 20min research talks
FriNov 0113:15Michael Hutchings (Berkeley)Classification of some open toric domains
FriOct 2513:15Adrien Currier (Nantes); Adi Dickstein (Tel Aviv); Elliot Gathercole (Lancaster)Three 20min research talks
FriOct 1813:15Jean Gutt (IMT / INU Champollion)Ekeland-Hofer capacities as coming from positive \(S^1\) equivariant symplectic homology
FriOct 1113:15Alexandru Oancea (Strasbourg)Floer homology with DG coefficients. Applications to cotangent bundles
FriJun 2813:15Mark McLean (Stony Brook)Symplectic Orbifold Gromov-Witten Invariants
FriJun 1413:15Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner (Maryland)Two or infinity
FriMay 3113:15Álvaro Pelayo (Complutense University of Madrid)Toric and semitoric symplectic geometry: progress and challenges
FriMay 2413:15Lenhard Ng (Duke)New algebraic invariants of Legendrian links
FriMay 1713:15Ivan Smith (Cambridge)Bordism of flow modules and exact Lagrangians
FriMay 1013:15Viktor Ginzburg (UCSC)Invariant sets and hyperbolic periodic orbits
FriMay 0313:15Agustin Moreno (Heidelberg)TBA
FriApr 1913:15Shira Tanny (IAS)From Gromov–Witten theory to the closing lemma
FriApr 1213:15Yan-Lung Leon Li (CUHK); Levin Maier (Heidelberg); Austin Christian (Georgia Tech)Three 20min research talks
FriMar 2913:15Yao Xiao (Stony Brook); Yoav Zimhony (TAU); Qi Feng (IGP-UST, Hefei)Three 20min research talks
FriMar 2213:15Ko Honda (UCLA)The Giroux correspondence in arbitrary dimensions
FriMar 1513:15Yusuke Kawamoto (ETH)Quantitative Floer theory and coefficients
FriMar 0814:15Robert Lipshitz (Oregon)Strongly invertible knots, Khovanov homotopy, and localization
FriFeb 2314:15Denis Auroux (Harvard)Floer-theoretic corrections to the geometry of moduli spaces of Lagrangian tori
FriFeb 1614:15Alberto Abbondandolo (Bochum)Symplectic capacities of domains close to the ball and Banach-Mazur geodesics in the space of contact forms
FriFeb 0914:15Dylan Cant (UdeM)Extensible positive loops and vanishing of symplectic cohomology
FriJan 2614:15Johanna Bimmermann (Bochum); Soham Chanda (Rutgers); Valerio Assenza (IMPA)Three 20min research talks
FriJan 1914:15Eduardo Fernández (U of Georgia)Cabling families of Legendrian embeddings
FriJan 0514:15Francesco Morabito (Paris); Filip Brocic (UdeM); Valentin Bosshard (ETH)Three 20min research talks
FriDec 2214:15Yusuf Barış Kartal (Edinburgh)Equivariant Floer homotopy via Morse-Bott theory
FriDec 1514:15John Etnyre (Georgia Tech)Symplectic embeddings of rational homology balls into projective space
FriDec 0814:15Julien Dardennes (Toulouse); Arnaud Maret (Paris); Luya Wang (Stanford)Three 20min research talks
FriNov 2414:15Matthias Meiwes (Tel Aviv)$C^0$ stability of topological entropy for 3-dimensional Reeb flows
FriNov 1714:15Ciprian Manolescu (Stanford)A knot Floer stable homotopy type
FriNov 0313:15Oliver Edtmair (Berkeley)The subleading asymptotics of symplectic Weyl laws
FriOct 2713:15Lukas Nakamura (Uppsala); Habib Alizadeh (UdeM); Han Lou (UGA)Three 20min research talks
FriOct 2013:15Russell Avdek (Paris)Convex hypersurfaces, contact homology, and relative GW
FriOct 1313:15Paul Seidel (MIT)Symplectic cohomology relative to a smooth divisor
FriMay 2613:15Joé BrendelLocal exotic tori
FriMay 1913:15Vinicius RamosThe Toda lattice, billiards and the Viterbo conjecture
FriMay 0513:15Michael EntovKahler-type and tame embeddings of balls into symplectic manifolds
FriApr 2813:15Michael BialyLocally maximizing orbits and rigidity for convex billiards
FriApr 2113:15Brayan Ferreira (IMPA)/Roman Krutowski (UCLA)/Amanda Hirschi (Cambridge)Three 20min research talks
FriApr 1413:15Pierrick BousseauQuivers, flow trees and log curves
FriMar 3113:15Georgios Dimitroglou RizellA relative Calabi-Yau structure for Legendrian contact homology
FriMar 2413:15Yaron OstroverSymplectic Barriers
FriMar 1713:15Yuhan SunHeaviness and relative symplectic cohomology
FriMar 0314:15Marco MazzucchelliTBA
FriFeb 2414:15Noah PorcelliFloer theory and framed cobordisms between exact Lagrangian submanifolds
FriFeb 1714:15Yusuke KawamotoHypersurface singularities and spectral invariants
FriFeb 1014:15David White (NSCU)/Kai Hugtenburg (Edinburgh)/Patricia Dietzsch (ETH)Three 20min research talks
FriJan 2714:15Semon RezchikovHyperbolicity of periodic points of Hamiltonian maps
FriJan 2014:15Shaoyun BaiArnold conjecture over integers
FriJan 1314:15Christian LangeOrbifolds and systolic inequalities
FriDec 1614:15Marcelo AlvesHofer's geometry and braid stability
FriDec 0914:15Robert CardonaPeriodic orbits and Birkhoff sections of stable Hamiltonian structures
FriNov 2514:15Yash Deshmukh (Columbia)/Lea Kenigsberg (Columbia)/Thomas Massoni (Princeton)three 20 min research talks
FriNov 1114:15Roger CasalsTBA
FriNov 0413:15Ipsita DattaTBA
FriOct 2813:15Pierre-Alexandre Mailhot/Nicole Magill/Ofir Karinthree 20 min research talks
FriJun 2413:15Julian ChaidezThe Ruelle invariant and convexity in higher dimensions
FriJun 1713:15Yoel GromanLocality and deformations in relative symplectic cohomology
FriJun 0313:15Guangbo XuInteger-valued Gromov-Witten type invariants
FriMay 2713:15Daniel Rudolf (Bochum)/Miguel Pereira (Augsburg)/Maksim Stokić (Tel Aviv)Three 20min research talks
FriMay 2013:15Claude ViterboGamma-support, gamma-coisotropic subsets and applications
FriMay 0613:15Kevin RuckTate homology and powered flybys
FriApr 2913:15Joel Finenots, minimal surfaces and J-holomorphic curves
FriApr 2213:15Jack SmithFrom Floer to Hochschild via matrix factorisations
FriApr 1513:15Kyler SiegelSingular plane curves and stable nonsqueezing phenomena
FriApr 0813:15Yann RollinLagrangians, symplectomorphisms and zeroes of moment maps
FriMar 2513:15Benoît Joly (Bochum)/Marco Castronovo (Columbia)/Agniva Roy (Georgia Tech)Three 20 min research talks
FriMar 1813:15Anton IzosimovTBA
FriMar 0414:15Marie-Claude ArnaudInvariant submanifolds for conformal dynamics
FriFeb 2514:15Erman CineliTopological entropy of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms: a persistence homology and Floer theory perspective
FriFeb 1814:15Umut VarolgunesReynaud models from relative Floer theory
FriFeb 1114:15Ely KermanOn symplectic capacities and their blind spots
FriJan 2814:15Dustin Connery-Grigg (UdeM)/Pazit Haim-Kislev (Tel Aviv)/ Thibaut Mazuir (Paris)Three 20 min research talks
FriJan 2114:15Susan TolmanBeyond semitoric
FriJan 1414:15Michael SullivanQuantitative Legendrian geometry
FriDec 1714:15three short research talks.TBA
FriDec 1014:15Urs FrauenfelderGIT quotients and Symplectic data analysis
FriNov 2614:15Mohammed AbouzaidComplex cobordism and Hamiltonian fibrations
FriNov 1914:15Fabio GironellaExact orbifold fillings of contact manifolds
FriNov 0513:15Rohil Prasad (Princeton)/ Alex Pieloch (Columbia)/ Chi Hong Chow (CUHK)Three 20 min research talks
FriOct 2913:15Yaniv GanorBig fiber theorems and ideal-valued measures in symplectic topology
FriOct 2213:15Yakov EliashbergTBA
FriOct 1513:15Umberto HryniewiczResults on abundance of global surfaces of section
FriOct 0813:15Jean-Philippe Chassé (UdeM)/ Leo Digiosia (Rice)/ Rima Chatterjee (Cologne)Three 20 min research talks
FriJul 1613:15Helmut HoferThe Floer Jungle: 35 years of Floer Theory
FriJul 0913:15Laurent CôtéAction filtrations associated to smooth categorical compactifications
FriJul 0213:15Felix SchlenkSymplectically knotted cubes
FriJun 2513:15Mohan Swaminathan/Ben Wormleighton/Jonathan ZungThree short research talks of 20 min each
FriJun 1813:15Agustin MorenoOn the spatial restricted three-body problem
FriJun 1113:15Francisco PresasThe homotopy type of the space of tight contact structures and the overtwisted mirage
FriJun 0413:15Simion FilipDegenerations of Kahler forms on K3 surfaces, and some dynamics
FriMay 2813:15Oğuz Şavk/Irene Seifert/Hang YuanThree short research talks of 20 min each.
FriMay 1413:15Daniel Álvarez-GavelaCaustics of Lagrangian homotopy spheres with stably trivial Gauss map
FriMay 0713:15Laura StarkstonUnexpected fillings, singularities, and plane curve arrangements
FriApr 1613:15Maxim Jeffs/Côme Dattin/Bingyu ZhangThree 20min research talks
FriApr 0913:15Sara TukachinskyRelative quantum cohomology and other stories
FriApr 0213:15Sheel GanatraCategorical non-properness in wrapped Floer theory
FriMar 2613:15Jesse Huang(UIUC)/Shaoyun Bai(Princeton)/Thomas Melistas(UGA)Three short research talks of 20 min each.
FriMar 1913:15Egor ShelukhinLagrangian configurations and Hamiltonian maps
FriMar 1214:15Oleg LazarevInverting primes in Weinstein geometry
FriMar 0514:15Sobhan SeyfaddiniPeriodic Floer homology and the large-scale geometry of Hofer's metric on the sphere
FriFeb 2614:15Sylvain CourteTwisted generating functions and the nearby Lagrangian conjecture (Part of the Generating Functions Day joint with Western Hemisphere Virtual Symplectic Seminar)
FriFeb 1914:15Daniel PomerleanoIntrinsic mirror symmetry and categorical crepant resolutions
FriFeb 1214:15Cheuk Yu MakNon-displaceable Lagrangian links in four-manifolds
FriFeb 0514:15Yusuf Baris KartalAlgebraic torus actions on Fukaya categories and tameness of change in Floer homology under symplectic isotopies.
FriJan 2914:15Three 20 min research talks: Alexandre Jannaud (Sorbonne); Tim Large (MIT); Oliver Edtmair (Berkeley)TBA
FriJan 2214:15Basak GurelPseudo-rotations vs. rotations
FriJan 1514:15Lisa JeffreySymplectic implosion
FriDec 1114:15Zhengyi ZhouHierarchies of contact manifolds via rational SFT
FriDec 0414:15Eva MirandaThe singular Weinstein conjecture and the Contact/Beltrami mirror
FriNov 2714:15Yu-Wei Fan (Berkeley); Surena Hozoori (Georgia Tech); Marcelo Atallah (Montreal)Three short research talks of 20 min each.
FriNov 2014:15Paul BiranPersistence and Triangulation in Lagrangian Topology.
FriNov 1314:15Nick SheridanQuantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology
FriNov 0614:15Kai CieliebakSecondary coproducts in Morse and Floer homology
FriOct 3013:15Simon Allais (ENS Lyon); Orsola Capovilla-Searle (Duke); Julian Chaidez (UCB)Three short research talks of 20 min each.
FriOct 2313:15Michael HutchingsExamples related to Viterbo's conjectures
FriOct 1613:15Umut VarolgunesMirror symmetry for chain type polynomials
FriOct 0913:15Lev BuhovskyThe Arnold conjecture, spectral invariants and C^0 symplectic topology
FriOct 0213:15Dusa McDuffEmbedding ellipsoids into the one-point blowup of $\C P^2$
FriSep 2513:15Jun ZhangTriangulated persistence categories
FriSep 1813:15Cheol-Hyun ChoFukaya category for Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds and Berglund-H\"ubsch homological mirror symmetry for curve singularities.
FriSep 1113:15Vincent ColinReeb dynamics in dimension 3 and broken book decompositions
FriSep 0413:15Georgios Dimitroglou RizellHamiltonian classification and unlinkedness of fibres in cotangent bundles of Riemann surfaces
FriJul 2413:15John PardonPontryagin--Thom for orbifold bordism
FriJul 1713:15Yusuke Kawamoto, Shira Tanny, and Javier Martínez-AguinagaThree 20 minutes research talks by young researchers.
FriJul 1013:15Peter OzsvathKnot Floer homology and bordered algebras
FriJul 0313:15Ana Rita PiresInfinite staircases and reflexive polygons (part of Ellipsoid day joint with Western Hemisphere Virtual Symplectic Seminar)
FriJun 2613:15Ailsa KeatingDistinguishing monotone Lagrangians via holomorphic annuli
FriJun 1913:15Igor UljarevicExotic symplectomorphisms and contact circle action
FriJun 1213:15Mark McleanFloer Cohomology and Arc Spaces.
FriJun 0513:15Morgan Weiler, Joé Brendel, Abror PirnapasovThree 20 minutes research talks by young researchers.
FriMay 2913:15Alex OanceaDuality for Rabinowitz-Floer homology
FriMay 2213:15Denis AurouxMirrors of curves and their Fukaya categories
FriMay 1513:15Jo NelsonReflections on cylindrical contact homology
FriMay 0813:15Marco MazzucchelliSpectral characterizations of Besse and Zoll Reeb flows
FriMay 0113:15Alberto AbbondandoloZoll contact forms are local maximisers of the systolic ratio
FriApr 2413:15Lisa TraynorThe geography of immersed Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian submanifolds
FriApr 1713:15Nicholas WilkinsEquivariant quantum operations and relations between them
FriApr 1013:15Leonid PolterovichGeometry of Quantum Uncertainty
FriApr 0313:15Daniel Cristofaro-GardinerThe Simplicity Conjecture
FriMar 2713:15Octav CorneaFragmentation pseudo-metrics and Lagrangian submanifolds
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