Mathematical models and integration methods

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mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems numerical analysis exactly solvable and integrable systems fluid dynamics

Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS / Siberian Federal University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Thursday 11:00-12:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Oleg Kaptsov, Sergey P. Tsarev*, Yury Shan'ko*
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuMar 0612:30Kostya DruzhkovInvariant reduction for partial differential equations: conservation laws
ThuFeb 2011:00A.V. LopatinModel and bending analysis of sandwich beam with composite facings and compressible orthotropic core using Abramov’s sweep method
ThuFeb 0611:00M. B. KarmanovaArea Formula for Surfaces in Non-Holonomic Structures
ThuJan 2311:00V.L. MironovModified equations of heat transfer and diffusion in solids
ThuDec 2611:00А. В. БоровскихМетод распространяющихся волн для одномерной неоднородной среды с памятью
ThuDec 1211:00S. V. NazarenkoUniversal regimes of turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensation
ThuNov 2811:00A. A. ShlapunovMaxwell's and Stokes' operators associated with elliptic differential complexes
ThuNov 1411:00O. V. KaptsovIntegration of acoustic wave equations for inhomogeneous media
ThuOct 3111:00A. B. Borisov and D. V. DolgikhSymmetries of the classical Heisenberg model
ThuOct 1711:00S.P. TsarevSparse recovery and Compressive sensing in theory and in practice
ThuOct 0311:00S.M. ChurilovTraveling Alfven waves in plasma flows along magnetic field
ThuSep 1909:00V.L. MironovSelf-consistent hydrodynamic model of plasma. Sound waves in plasma
ThuMay 3011:00А. О. СмирновРазличия между решениями скалярных и векторных интегрируемых нелинейных уравнений с точки зрения теории конечнозонного интегрирования
ThuMay 2311:00Б.И. СулеймановМероморфность решений системы уравнений типа Пенлеве 34, связанной с негативными симметриями уравнения Кортевега — де Вриза
ThuApr 2511:00V.E. AdlerNegative symmetries: properties and applications. Continuation, part 2
ThuApr 1811:00V.E. AdlerNegative symmetries: properties and applications
ThuApr 0411:00В.Л. Миронов, С.В. МироновСедеонные уравнения для полей с массой кванта, не равной нулю. Модель барион-барионного взаимодействия
ThuMar 2111:00Вячеслав КузоватовДзета-функция корней некоторого класса целых функций и ее свойства
ThuMar 1411:00Oleg KaptsovIntermediate systems and invariants
ThuFeb 2911:00А.В. БоровскихГеометрия группы Ли в групповом анализе одномерного кинетического уравнения
ThuFeb 1511:00А.В. ВелисевичОбратные задачи для эллиптических уравнений и уравнений соболевского типа
ThuFeb 0111:00В.В. Веденяпин, Н.Н. Фимин, В.М. Чечеткин, А.Г. ПетровУравнение Власова — Эйнштейна и точки Лагранжа
ThuJan 1811:00Vladimir DorodnitsynSymmetries and conservation laws for differential equations, difference equations and second-order delay ODEs
ThuDec 2811:00V.L. Mironov, S.V. MironovSedeonic equations of electromagnetic field. On the question of symmetry between electricity and magnetism
ThuDec 1412:30Ranis IbragimovInvariant Solutions of Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena
ThuNov 3011:00Phil BroadbridgeReaction-diffusion models for fish populations with realistic mobility
ThuNov 1611:00A.V. ShmidtApproximate solution to a model of the far momentumless turbulent wake
ThuNov 0211:00V.L. Mironov, S.V. MironovSedeonic generalization of hydrodynamic equations. Vortex models of plane turbulent walls-bounded flows
ThuOct 1911:00A.V. Borovskikh, K.S. PlatonovaGroup analysis of the one-dimentional kinetic equation and the problem of closing the moment system
ThuOct 0511:00Oleg KaptsovSolutions of some wave models of mechanics
ThuSep 2111:00К. ДружковВнутренние лагранжианы как вариационные принципы
ThuMay 2511:00E. I. KaptsovMethods for constructing invariant conservative finite-difference schemes for hydrodynamic-type equations
ThuMay 1111:00Б.И. СулеймановМероморфность решений широкого класса обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений типа Пенлеве
ThuApr 2711:00K.R. KhusnutdinovaOn elliptic cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation for surface waves
ThuApr 1311:00М.В. ПавловЭллиптические ортогональные системы координат и разделение переменных в операторе Лапласа
ThuMar 3011:00Y. StepanyantsSolitary waves in the cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation
ThuMar 1611:00E.A. KuznetsovFolding in fluids
ThuMar 0211:00S.M.ChurilovWeakly-nonlinear stage of instability development in shear flows with an inflection-free velocity profile and thin pycnocline
ThuFeb 0911:00А. В. БоровскихГрупповой анализ уравнения эйконала
ThuJan 2611:00S.M.Churilov, I.G. ShukhmanCritical layer and weakly nonlinear evolution of unstable quasi-monochromatic perturbations in shear flows
ThuDec 2211:00S. P. TsarevThe Monge problem: From quadrature-free integration of underdetermined nonlinear ODEs to efficient car parking
ThuDec 0811:00A. D. YunakovskyMethods for numerical simulation of NLS
ThuNov 2411:00S.M. ChurilovOn the stability of sharply stratified shear flows with inflection-free velocity profiles
ThuNov 1011:00Nikolay A. KudryashovFrom the Painlevet test to methods for constructing analytical solutions of nonlinear ODEs
ThuOct 2711:00A.B. Borisov, D.V. DolgikhIntegration of the equations of the Heisenberg model (2D) and the chiral SU(2) models by differential geometry methods
ThuOct 1311:00Oleg KaptsovSome solutions of the Euler system of an inviscid incompressible fluid
ThuSep 2911:00Nikolay MakarenkoNonlinear stationary internal waves in a weakly stratified fluid
ThuMay 2611:00А.В. СлюняевМорские волны-убийцы: проблема, задачи и решения
ThuMay 1212:00K.R. Helfrich*, L.A. Ostrovsky **, Yu.A. Stepanyants***Joint Effects of Rotation and Topography on Internal Solitary Waves
ThuApr 2811:00Захар МакридинВетвление периодических решений и законы сохранения нелинейных уравнений теории волн (по материалам кандидатской диссертации)
ThuApr 1411:00А.B. BorisovO(3)-model: Integrability. Stationary and Dynamic Magnetic Structures
ThuMar 3111:00S.P. TsarevGeneralized factorization of second-order linear partial differential operators and reflectionless wave propagation in shallow water
ThuMar 1711:00O.V. KaptsovSolutions of the Euler equations and stationary structures in an inviscid fluid
ThuMar 0311:00Ю. В. БрежневКвантовая «ревизия» теоремы Пифагора
ThuFeb 1711:00С.М. ЧуриловБезотражательное распространение поверхностных волн на мелкой воде в канале переменной ширины и глубины на фоне неоднородного течения
ThuFeb 0311:00Yury StepanyantsFormation of envelop solitary waves from the localised pulses within the Ostrovsky equation
ThuJan 2011:00К.П. ДружковО вариационных принципах для уравнений пограничного слоя
ThuDec 2311:00S. V. MeleshkoA Method for Finding Reciprocal Transformations
ThuDec 0911:00Б.И. СулеймановИнтегрируемое уравнение Абеля второго рода, возникающее при описании асимптотик симметрийного решения уравнения Кортевега-де Вриза
ThuNov 2511:00A. V. SchmidtModeling of the far region of a swirling turbulent wake using the Rodi model
ThuNov 1111:00M. I. TribelskyFall of Quantum Particle to the Center: Exact solution
ThuOct 2811:00Maxim PavlovNon-diagonalisable Hydrodynamic Type Systems, Integrable by Tsarev's Generalised Hodograph Method
WedOct 2012:00Dmitry ZakharovLumps and lump chain solutions of the KP-I equation
ThuOct 1411:00Nikolay N. OsipovSimplification of Nested Real Radicals Revisited
ThuSep 3011:00Sergey TsarevIntegration of algebraic functions, polynomial approximation, nonclassical boundary problems and Poncelet-type theorems
ThuSep 1611:00O. V. KaptsovSymmetries and solutions of the three-dimensional Kadomtsev — Petviashvili equation
ThuMay 2011:00A.A. TalyshevOn the Lifetime of a Free Neutron
ThuMay 1311:00Е.Н. ПелиновскийБегущие волны в сильно неоднородных средах
ThuApr 2211:00С.В. ХабировСтационарная плоская вихревая подмодель идеального газа
ThuApr 1511:00S.V. MeleshkoOn generalized simple waves in continuum mechanics
ThuApr 0811:00О. В. КапцовОбщие решения некоторых линейных волновых уравнений с переменными коэффициентами
ThuMar 2511:00Юрий ШанькоРешение задачи Л.В. Овсянникова о двумерных изотермических движениях политропного газа
ThuMar 1111:00Yury StepanyantsThe asymptotic approach to the description of two-dimensional soliton patterns in the oceans
ThuFeb 1811:00A.V. AksenovSymmetries, conservation laws, and exact solutions to a one-dimensional system of shallow water equations over an uneven bottom
ThuFeb 0411:00A.N. RogalevRegularization of numerical estimation of the sets of solutions of ODEs in stability problems on a finite time interval
FriDec 2511:00Alexander ShlapunovExistence theorems for regular solutions to the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations in R^3
FriDec 1111:00E. I. KaptsovInvariant finite-difference schemes for equations of continuous medium possessing finite-difference conservation laws
FriNov 2711:00А. Е. МироновКоммутирующие разностные операторы
FriNov 1311:00А. Е. МироновИнтегрируемые магнитные геодезические потоки на двумерном торе и системы гидродинамического типа
FriNov 0611:00Oleg V. KaptsovIterations and groups of formal transformations
FriOct 2311:00Oleg V. KaptsovExact Solution of Boussinesq equations for propagation of nonlinear waves
FriOct 0911:00Alexander ShlapunovExistence Theorems for Regular Spatially Periodic Solutions to the Navier–Stokes Equations in R^3
WedJul 0811:00Bogdan G. DimitrovIntersecting Null Cones and GPS, GLONASS Intersatellite Communications in the Gravitational Field of Near-Earth Space with Account of General Relativity Theory
WedJul 0111:00Bogdan G. DimitrovApplied General Theory of Relativity: Physical Principles of the Global Positioning System (GPS)
WedJun 2411:00Alexey V. ShmidtOn self-similar solutions for some problems of free turbulence
WedJun 1711:00Sergey P. TsarevFree interpolation of GLONASS/GPS orbits: solving a two-point boundary-value problem without solving differential equations
WedJun 1011:00Karima KhusnutdinovaNear-integrable models for long surface and internal ring waves in stratified shear flows
WedJun 0311:00S.V. Meleshko, N.P. Moshkin, A.G. Petrova, V.V. PukhnachevOn exact analytical solutions of equations of Maxwell incompressible viscoelastic medium
WedMay 2711:00Tsarev S.PDiscrete orthogonal polynomials: anomalies of time series and boundary effects of polynomial filters
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