Calgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar

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commutative algebra algebraic geometry group theory number theory rings and algebras representation theory

University of Calgary

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Thursday 20:00-21:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Samprit Ghosh*, Dang Khoa Nguyen
*contact for this listing

This seminar series is partially supported by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS).

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 1320:00Matt OlechnowiczBad reduction of rational maps.
ThuFeb 2020:00No TalkNo Talk
ThuFeb 2720:00No TalkNo Talk
ThuMar 0620:00Emily Quesada-HerreraTBA
ThuMar 1319:00Antoine LeudièreTBA
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