Wed | Feb 26 | 13:00 | Julian Holstein | Curvature, Koszul duality and Calabi–Yau structures | |
Wed | Jan 29 | 13:00 | Anna Barbieri | A compactification of the stability space for the Aₙ-quiver | |
Wed | Dec 18 | 13:00 | Igor Burban | Exceptional hereditary non-commutative curves and real curve orbifolds | |
Wed | Nov 27 | 13:00 | Jonas Schnitzer | Global homotopies for differential Hochschild cohomologies | |
Wed | Oct 30 | 13:00 | Alekos Robotis | Partial compactification of the stability manifold by categorical decompositions | |
Wed | Jun 26 | 12:00 | Merlin Christ | Relative graded Brauer graph algebras and stability conditions | |
Wed | May 29 | 12:00 | Davide Favero | Homotopy path algebras and resolutions | |
Wed | Apr 24 | 12:00 | Pieter Belmans | Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points | |
Wed | Mar 27 | 13:00 | Emmanuele Pavia | Sheaves of categories over topological and coaffine stacks | |
Wed | Feb 28 | 13:00 | Nadia Romero | Hochschild cohomology for functors on linear symmetric monoidal categories | |
Wed | Jan 31 | 13:00 | Lucy Yang | Categorical dynamics on stable module categories | |
Wed | Dec 20 | 13:00 | Jaiung Jun | Quiver representations over F1 | |
Wed | Nov 29 | 13:00 | Laura Pertusi | Non-commutative abelian surfaces and generalized Kummer varieties | |
Wed | Oct 25 | 12:00 | Yu Qiu | On cluster braid groups | |
Wed | Sep 27 | 12:00 | Naoki Koseki | Symmetric products of dg categories and semi-orthogonal decompositions | |
Thu | Dec 15 | 12:00 | Jasper van de Kreeke | Deformation theory of gentle algebras | |
Thu | Dec 08 | 12:00 | Zhengfang Wang | A-infinity deformations of extended Khovanov arc algebras and Stroppel's conjecture | |
Thu | Dec 01 | 12:00 | Anna Barbieri | Categories associated with weighted marked surfaces and their stability manifold | |
Thu | Nov 24 | 12:00 | Chris Brav | Poisson brackets and the string Lie algebra of a Calabi-Yau category | |
Thu | Nov 17 | 12:00 | Anya Nordskova | Derived Picard groups of representation-finite symmetric algebras | |
Thu | Nov 10 | 12:00 | Victoria Hoskins | Motivic mirror symmetry for Higgs bundles | |
Thu | Nov 03 | 12:00 | Hanwool Bae | Cluster categories from Fukaya categories | |
Thu | Oct 27 | 11:00 | Xiaofa Chen | On exact dg categories | |
Thu | Oct 20 | 11:00 | Ilaria Di Dedda | A symplectic interpretation of Auslander correspondence | |
Thu | Oct 13 | 11:00 | Nicolò Sibilla | Fukaya category of surfaces and pants decomposition' | |
Thu | Jul 07 | 11:00 | Mikhail Gorsky | Cluster structures on braid varieties | |
Thu | Jun 30 | 11:00 | Andy Tonks | On some generalisations of Baues-Wirsching cohomology | |
Thu | Jun 23 | 11:00 | Jongmyeong Kim | Categorical entropy, (co-)t-structures and ST-triples | |
Thu | May 26 | 11:00 | Shengyuan Huang | The HKR isomorphism and Hochschild cohomology | |
Thu | May 19 | 11:00 | Imma Gálvez Carrillo | Combinatorial bialgebras and decomposition spaces | |
Thu | May 12 | 11:00 | Severin Barmeier | Deformations of categories of coherent sheaves via quivers with relations | |
Thu | May 05 | 11:00 | Chrysostomos Psaroudakis | Homological invariants of the arrow removal operation | |
Thu | Apr 07 | 11:00 | Pavel Safronov | Euler structures and noncommutative volume forms | |
Thu | Mar 31 | 11:00 | Asilata Bapat | The sphere of spherical objects | |
Thu | Mar 24 | 12:00 | Fernando Muro | Enhanced n-angulated categories | |
Thu | Mar 17 | 12:00 | Daniel Labardini-Fragoso | Gentle algebras arising from surfaces with orbifold points | |
Thu | Mar 10 | 12:00 | Nick Sheridan | The Gamma and SYZ conjectures | |
Thu | Mar 03 | 12:00 | Eleonore Faber | Matrix factorizations of some discriminants | |
Thu | Feb 24 | 12:00 | Sira Gratz | When Aisles Meet | |
Thu | Feb 17 | 12:00 | Sergey Mozgovoy | Wall-crossing structures arising from surfaces | |
Thu | Feb 10 | 12:00 | Matt Pressland | Grassmannian twists categorified | |
Thu | Feb 03 | 12:00 | Alberto Canonaco | Dg enhancements of triangulated categories and their uniqueness | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 16:00 | Jeremy Brightbill | Higher simple-minded systems in negative Calabi-Yau categories. | |
Thu | Nov 25 | 12:00 | Marcy Robertson | A topological characterization of the Kashiwara-Vergne groups | |
Thu | Nov 18 | 12:00 | Tobias Dyckerhoff | Perverse sheaves and schobers on Riemann surfaces | |
Thu | Nov 11 | 12:00 | Bruno Vallette | Deformation theory of Cohomological Field Theories | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 12:00 | Véronique Bazier-Matte | Triangulations of the Möbius strip and its connections with quasi-cluster algebras | |
Thu | Oct 28 | 11:00 | Amnon Neeman | Finite approximations as a tool for studying triangulated categories | |
Thu | Oct 21 | 11:00 | Xiao-Wu Chen | The dg Leavitt path algebra, singular Yonda category and singularity category | |
Thu | Oct 14 | 11:00 | Shunsuke Kano | Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops | |
Thu | Oct 07 | 11:00 | Pedro Tamaroff | Minimal models for monomial algebras | |
Thu | Jul 01 | 14:00 | Chelsea Walton | Frobenius algebras galore | |
Thu | Jun 24 | 11:00 | Yilin Wu | Derived equivalences from mutations of ice quivers with potential | |
Thu | Jun 17 | 11:00 | David Pauksztello | Functorially finite hearts, simple-minded systems and negative cluster categories | |
Thu | Jun 10 | 11:00 | Fabian Haiden | New 3CY categories of topological surfaces | |
Thu | Jun 03 | 11:00 | Markus Szymik | A homological stroll into the algebraic theories of racks and quandles | |
Thu | May 20 | 11:00 | Sergey Mozgovoy | DT invariants of some 3CY quotients | |
Thu | May 13 | 11:00 | Matt Booth | Topological Hochschild cohomology for schemes | |
Thu | May 06 | 11:00 | Ana Ros Camacho | On the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence | |
Thu | Apr 29 | 11:00 | Okke van Garderen | Stability, duality, and DT invariants for flopping curves | |
Thu | Apr 22 | 11:00 | Severin Barmeier | Scattering amplitudes from derived categories and cluster categories | |
Thu | Apr 15 | 14:00 | Valery Lunts | Subcategories of derived categories on affine schemes and projective curves | |
Thu | Mar 18 | 12:00 | Letterio Gatto | HiDEAs to work with | |
Thu | Mar 11 | 12:00 | Alexandra Zvonareva | Derived equivalence classification of Brauer graph algebras | |
Thu | Mar 04 | 12:00 | Sebastian Opper | Spherical objects on cycles of projective lines and transitivity | |
Thu | Feb 25 | 12:00 | Claudia Scheimbauer | Derived symplectic geometry and AKSZ topological field theories | |
Thu | Feb 18 | 12:00 | Paolo Stellari | Uniqueness of enhancements for derived and geometric categories | |
Thu | Feb 11 | 12:00 | Bertrand Toën | Foliations on schemes | |
Thu | Feb 04 | 12:00 | Merlin Christ | A gluing construction for Ginzburg algebras of triangulated surfaces | |
Thu | Jan 28 | 12:00 | Dan Kaplan | Multiplicative preprojective algebras in geometry and topology | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 12:00 | Ralph Kaufmann | Categorical Interactions in Algebra, Geometry and Representation Theory | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 17:00 | Giulia Saccà | Hodge numbers of OG10 via Ngô strings | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 12:00 | Evgeny Shinder | Birationality centers, rationality problems and Cremona groups | |
Thu | Nov 19 | 12:00 | John Greenlees | The singularity category of C^*(BG) | |
Thu | Nov 12 | 12:00 | Amihay Hanany | Coulomb branch | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 12:00 | Yukinobu Toda | On d-critical birational geometry and categorical DT theories | |
Thu | Oct 29 | 12:00 | Michael Wemyss | Contraction algebras, plumbings and flops | |
Thu | Oct 22 | 11:00 | Lang Mou | Caldero–Chapoton formulas for generalized cluster algebras from orbifolds | |
Thu | Oct 15 | 11:00 | Fabrizio Catanese | Topologically trivial automorphisms of compact Kähler surfaces and manifolds | |
Thu | Oct 08 | 11:00 | Andrey Lazarev | Koszul duality for dg-categories and infinity-categories | |
Thu | Oct 01 | 11:00 | Karin Baur | Structure of Grassmannian cluster categories | |
Thu | Sep 24 | 12:00 | Alisa Keating | Homological mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces | |
Thu | Sep 17 | 12:00 | 2020 Categorifications in Representation Theory | Categorifications in Representation Theory Conference at Leicester (Sep 15-17) | |
Thu | Sep 10 | 12:00 | Zhengfang Wang | Deformations of path algebras of quivers with relations | |
Thu | Sep 03 | 12:00 | Andrea Solotar | A cup-cap duality in Koszul calculus | |
Thu | Jul 23 | 12:00 | Laura Schaposnik | On Generalized Hyperpolygons | |
Thu | Jul 16 | 12:00 | Markus Reineke | Fano quiver moduli | |
Thu | Jul 09 | 15:00 | Alexander Polishchuk | Geometry of the Associative Yang-Baxter equation | |
Thu | Jul 02 | 12:00 | Hiraku Nakajima | Euler numbers of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface singularities and quantum dimensions of standard modules of quantum affine algebras | |
Thu | Jun 25 | 12:00 | Wendy Lowen | Linear quasi-categories as templicial modules | |
Thu | Jun 18 | 15:00 | Lara Bossinger | Families of Gröbner degenerations | |
Thu | Jun 11 | 12:00 | Qiu Yu | Graded decorated marked surfaces: Calabi-Yau-X categories of gentle algebras | |
Thu | Jun 04 | 12:00 | Balazs Szendroi | Hilbert schemes of points on singular surfaces: combinatorics, geometry, and representation theory | |
Thu | May 28 | 12:00 | Bernhard Keller | Grassmannian braiding categorified | |
Thu | May 21 | 12:00 | Alex Takeda | Gluing relative stability conditions along pushouts | |
Thu | May 14 | 12:00 | Hipolito Treffinger | Representation theoretic aspects of scattering diagrams | |