Longitudinal Algebra and Geometry Open ONline Seminar (LAGOON)

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mathematical physics commutative algebra algebraic geometry rings and algebras representation theory symplectic geometry

International Centre for the Mathematical Sciences

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Severin Barmeier, Frank Neumann*, Sibylle Schroll*
*contact for this listing

Description: Research webinar series

The LAGOON webinar series was supported as part of the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI) Online Mathematical Sciences Seminars and is now sponsored by the University of Cologne and the University of Pavia. Please register here to obtain the Zoom link and password for the meetings.

LAGOON will take place online every last Wednesday of the month from 14:00-15:00 (Time Zone Berlin, Rome, Paris).

Videos of the talks can be viewed here.

Video recordings of past talks until April 2022 can still be viewed on the ICMS webpage here.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedFeb 2613:00Julian HolsteinCurvature, Koszul duality and Calabi–Yau structures
WedJan 2913:00Anna BarbieriA compactification of the stability space for the Aₙ-quiver
WedDec 1813:00Igor BurbanExceptional hereditary non-commutative curves and real curve orbifolds
WedNov 2713:00Jonas SchnitzerGlobal homotopies for differential Hochschild cohomologies
WedOct 3013:00Alekos RobotisPartial compactification of the stability manifold by categorical decompositions
WedJun 2612:00Merlin ChristRelative graded Brauer graph algebras and stability conditions
WedMay 2912:00Davide FaveroHomotopy path algebras and resolutions
WedApr 2412:00Pieter BelmansHochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
WedMar 2713:00Emmanuele PaviaSheaves of categories over topological and coaffine stacks
WedFeb 2813:00Nadia RomeroHochschild cohomology for functors on linear symmetric monoidal categories
WedJan 3113:00Lucy YangCategorical dynamics on stable module categories
WedDec 2013:00Jaiung JunQuiver representations over F1{\mathbb F}_1
WedNov 2913:00Laura PertusiNon-commutative abelian surfaces and generalized Kummer varieties
WedOct 2512:00Yu QiuOn cluster braid groups
WedSep 2712:00Naoki KosekiSymmetric products of dg categories and semi-orthogonal decompositions
ThuDec 1512:00Jasper van de KreekeDeformation theory of gentle algebras
ThuDec 0812:00Zhengfang WangA-infinity deformations of extended Khovanov arc algebras and Stroppel's conjecture
ThuDec 0112:00Anna BarbieriCategories associated with weighted marked surfaces and their stability manifold
ThuNov 2412:00Chris BravPoisson brackets and the string Lie algebra of a Calabi-Yau category
ThuNov 1712:00Anya NordskovaDerived Picard groups of representation-finite symmetric algebras
ThuNov 1012:00Victoria HoskinsMotivic mirror symmetry for Higgs bundles
ThuNov 0312:00Hanwool BaeCluster categories from Fukaya categories
ThuOct 2711:00Xiaofa ChenOn exact dg categories
ThuOct 2011:00Ilaria Di DeddaA symplectic interpretation of Auslander correspondence
ThuOct 1311:00Nicolò SibillaFukaya category of surfaces and pants decomposition'
ThuJul 0711:00Mikhail GorskyCluster structures on braid varieties
ThuJun 3011:00Andy TonksOn some generalisations of Baues-Wirsching cohomology
ThuJun 2311:00Jongmyeong KimCategorical entropy, (co-)t-structures and ST-triples
ThuMay 2611:00Shengyuan HuangThe HKR isomorphism and Hochschild cohomology
ThuMay 1911:00Imma Gálvez CarrilloCombinatorial bialgebras and decomposition spaces
ThuMay 1211:00Severin BarmeierDeformations of categories of coherent sheaves via quivers with relations
ThuMay 0511:00Chrysostomos PsaroudakisHomological invariants of the arrow removal operation
ThuApr 0711:00Pavel SafronovEuler structures and noncommutative volume forms
ThuMar 3111:00Asilata BapatThe sphere of spherical objects
ThuMar 2412:00Fernando MuroEnhanced n-angulated categories
ThuMar 1712:00Daniel Labardini-FragosoGentle algebras arising from surfaces with orbifold points
ThuMar 1012:00Nick SheridanThe Gamma and SYZ conjectures
ThuMar 0312:00Eleonore FaberMatrix factorizations of some discriminants
ThuFeb 2412:00Sira GratzWhen Aisles Meet
ThuFeb 1712:00Sergey MozgovoyWall-crossing structures arising from surfaces
ThuFeb 1012:00Matt PresslandGrassmannian twists categorified
ThuFeb 0312:00Alberto CanonacoDg enhancements of triangulated categories and their uniqueness
ThuDec 0916:00Jeremy BrightbillHigher simple-minded systems in negative Calabi-Yau categories.
ThuNov 2512:00Marcy RobertsonA topological characterization of the Kashiwara-Vergne groups
ThuNov 1812:00Tobias DyckerhoffPerverse sheaves and schobers on Riemann surfaces
ThuNov 1112:00Bruno ValletteDeformation theory of Cohomological Field Theories
ThuNov 0412:00Véronique Bazier-MatteTriangulations of the Möbius strip and its connections with quasi-cluster algebras
ThuOct 2811:00Amnon NeemanFinite approximations as a tool for studying triangulated categories
ThuOct 2111:00Xiao-Wu ChenThe dg Leavitt path algebra, singular Yonda category and singularity category
ThuOct 1411:00Shunsuke KanoCategorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops
ThuOct 0711:00Pedro TamaroffMinimal models for monomial algebras
ThuJul 0114:00Chelsea WaltonFrobenius algebras galore
ThuJun 2411:00Yilin WuDerived equivalences from mutations of ice quivers with potential
ThuJun 1711:00David PauksztelloFunctorially finite hearts, simple-minded systems and negative cluster categories
ThuJun 1011:00Fabian HaidenNew 3CY categories of topological surfaces
ThuJun 0311:00Markus SzymikA homological stroll into the algebraic theories of racks and quandles
ThuMay 2011:00Sergey MozgovoyDT invariants of some 3CY quotients
ThuMay 1311:00Matt BoothTopological Hochschild cohomology for schemes
ThuMay 0611:00Ana Ros CamachoOn the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence
ThuApr 2911:00Okke van GarderenStability, duality, and DT invariants for flopping curves
ThuApr 2211:00Severin BarmeierScattering amplitudes from derived categories and cluster categories
ThuApr 1514:00Valery LuntsSubcategories of derived categories on affine schemes and projective curves
ThuMar 1812:00Letterio GattoHiDEAs to work with
ThuMar 1112:00Alexandra ZvonarevaDerived equivalence classification of Brauer graph algebras
ThuMar 0412:00Sebastian OpperSpherical objects on cycles of projective lines and transitivity
ThuFeb 2512:00Claudia ScheimbauerDerived symplectic geometry and AKSZ topological field theories
ThuFeb 1812:00Paolo StellariUniqueness of enhancements for derived and geometric categories
ThuFeb 1112:00Bertrand ToënFoliations on schemes
ThuFeb 0412:00Merlin ChristA gluing construction for Ginzburg algebras of triangulated surfaces
ThuJan 2812:00Dan KaplanMultiplicative preprojective algebras in geometry and topology
ThuDec 1012:00Ralph KaufmannCategorical Interactions in Algebra, Geometry and Representation Theory
ThuDec 0317:00Giulia SaccàHodge numbers of OG10 via Ngô strings
ThuNov 2612:00Evgeny ShinderBirationality centers, rationality problems and Cremona groups
ThuNov 1912:00John GreenleesThe singularity category of C^*(BG)
ThuNov 1212:00Amihay HananyCoulomb branch
ThuNov 0512:00Yukinobu TodaOn d-critical birational geometry and categorical DT theories
ThuOct 2912:00Michael WemyssContraction algebras, plumbings and flops
ThuOct 2211:00Lang MouCaldero–Chapoton formulas for generalized cluster algebras from orbifolds
ThuOct 1511:00Fabrizio CataneseTopologically trivial automorphisms of compact Kähler surfaces and manifolds
ThuOct 0811:00Andrey LazarevKoszul duality for dg-categories and infinity-categories
ThuOct 0111:00Karin BaurStructure of Grassmannian cluster categories
ThuSep 2412:00Alisa KeatingHomological mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces
ThuSep 1712:002020 Categorifications in Representation TheoryCategorifications in Representation Theory Conference at Leicester (Sep 15-17)
ThuSep 1012:00Zhengfang WangDeformations of path algebras of quivers with relations
ThuSep 0312:00Andrea SolotarA cup-cap duality in Koszul calculus
ThuJul 2312:00Laura SchaposnikOn Generalized Hyperpolygons
ThuJul 1612:00Markus ReinekeFano quiver moduli
ThuJul 0915:00Alexander PolishchukGeometry of the Associative Yang-Baxter equation
ThuJul 0212:00Hiraku NakajimaEuler numbers of Hilbert schemes of points on simple surface singularities and quantum dimensions of standard modules of quantum affine algebras
ThuJun 2512:00Wendy LowenLinear quasi-categories as templicial modules
ThuJun 1815:00Lara BossingerFamilies of Gröbner degenerations
ThuJun 1112:00Qiu YuGraded decorated marked surfaces: Calabi-Yau-X categories of gentle algebras
ThuJun 0412:00Balazs SzendroiHilbert schemes of points on singular surfaces: combinatorics, geometry, and representation theory
ThuMay 2812:00Bernhard KellerGrassmannian braiding categorified
ThuMay 2112:00Alex TakedaGluing relative stability conditions along pushouts
ThuMay 1412:00Hipolito TreffingerRepresentation theoretic aspects of scattering diagrams
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