Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminar

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number theory

Carleton University / University of Ottawa

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Monday 21:00-22:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Nathan Grieve*, Antonio Lei*, Erman Isik*
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonFeb 2421:00Zhang XiaoTBA
TueMar 0422:30Stanley XiaoTBA
MonMar 1720:00Adam LoganKodaira dimension of Hilbert modular threefolds
MonMar 2420:00Ekin OzmanTBA
MonMar 3120:00Muhammad ManjiTBA
MonApr 0720:00Simon Earp-LynchTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonFeb 0321:00Mihir DeoOn $p$-adic $L$-functions of Bianchi modular forms
MonJan 2021:00Olivier MartinThe Xiao conjecture for surfaces fibered by trigonal genus 5 curves
MonDec 0221:00Carlo PaganoHilbert 10 via additive combinatorics
MonNov 2521:00Ben Earp-LynchSimplest relative Thue equations and inequalities
ThuNov 2121:00Emmanuel RoyerDifferential algebras of quasi-Jacobi forms of index zero
MonNov 1821:00Chatchai NoytaptimA finiteness result of common zeros of iterated rational functions
WedNov 1321:00Jeff HatleyRational Points on Elliptic Curves over Infinite Extensions
MonNov 1121:00Jeff HatleyRecent Progress on Watkins's Conjecture
MonNov 0421:00Jerry WangOn the squarefree values of $a^4 + b^3$
MonOct 2819:00Nic FelliniCongruence relations of Ankeny--Artin--Chowla type for real quadratic fields
MonOct 0720:00Taiga AdachiIwasawa theory for weighted graphs
MonOct 0718:30Dong Quan NguyenAn analogue of the Kronecker-Weber theorem for rational function fields over ultra-finite fields
MonSep 1620:00Raiza CorpuzEquivalences of the Iwasawa main conjecture
MonMay 1320:00Mathilde Gerbelli-GauthierStatistics of automorphic forms using endoscopy
MonMay 1317:30Mohammadreza MohajerExploring p-adic periods of 1-motive
MonMay 1314:30Arul ShankarConditional bounds on the 2, 3, 4, and 5 torsion of the class groups of number fields
MonMay 1313:00Gary WalshSolving problems of Erdos using elliptic curves and an elliptic curve analogue of the Ankeny-Artin-Chowla Conjecture
TueApr 0920:00Abhishek BharadwajSufficient conditions for a problem of Polya
TueMar 1920:00Fırtına KüçükFactorization of algebraic p-adic L-functions of Rankin-Selberg products
TueMar 0521:00Felix Baril BoudreauThe Distribution of Logarithmic Derivatives of Quadratic L-functions in Positive Characteristic
TueDec 0521:00Harun KirThe refined Humbert invariant as an ingredient
TueNov 2121:00Akash SenguptaRadical Sylvester-Gallai configurations
TueNov 1421:00David NguyenVariance over Z and moments of L-functions
TueNov 0721:00Chatchai NoytaptimArithmetic Dynamical Questions with Local Rationality
FriOct 2717:30Chelsea WaltonFields-Carleton Distinguished Lecture (research lecture): Modernizing Modern Algebra, II: Category Theory is coming, whether we like it or not
ThuOct 2623:00Chelsea WaltonFields-Carleton Distinguished Lecture (public lecture): Modernizing Modern Algebra, I: Category Theory is coming, whether we like it or not
TueOct 1720:00Erman IsikModular approach to Diophantine equation $x^p+y^p=z^3$ over some number fields
TueOct 1020:00Muhammad ManjiIwasawa Theory for GU(2,1) at inert primes
WedApr 1218:45Jiacheng XiaThe orthogonal Kudla conjecture over totally real fields
WedApr 0518:45Sash ZotineKawaguchi-Silverman Conjecture for Projectivized Bundles over Curves
WedMar 2918:45Fabien PazukiIsogeny volcanoes: an ordinary inverse problem
MonMar 2017:00Nike VatsalCongruences for symmetric square and Rankin L-functions
WedMar 1514:00Bharathwaj PalvannanAn ergodic approach towards an equidistribution result of Ferrero–Washington
WedMar 0819:45Cédric DionDistribution of Iwasawa invariants for complete graphs
WedMar 0119:45Romain BranchereauDiagonal restriction of Eisenstein series and Kudla-Millson theta lift
WedFeb 1519:45Yukako KezukaNon-vanishing theorems for central L-values
WedFeb 0819:45Katharina MuellerIwasawa main conjectures for graphs
WedNov 3019:30Abhishek BharadwajOn primitivity and vanishing of Dirichlet series
WedNov 2319:30Fei HuAn upper bound for polynomial log-volume growth of automorphisms of zero entropy
WedNov 1619:30Shilun WangExplicit reciprocity law for finite slope modulalr forms
WedNov 0919:30Soren KleineOn the $\mathfrak{M}_H(G)$-property
WedNov 0218:30Adam LoganA conjectural uniform construction of many rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds
WedOct 2619:00Pranabesh DasPerfect Powers in power sums
WedOct 1918:30Keping HuangA Tits alternative for endomorphisms of the projective line
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