Quantum Spain

quantum physics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizer: Javier*
*contact for this listing
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TueMar 2515:00Richard R. AllenQuantum Computing Enhanced Sensing
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TueMar 1115:00Emanuele CostaA Quantum Annealing Protocol to Solve the Nuclear Shell Model
TueFeb 2515:00Davide Ruscauantum Randomness: From Theory to Experiment
TueFeb 1115:00Almudena CarreraCombining quantum processors with real-time classical communication
TueJan 2816:00Andrew LucasLow-density parity-check codes as stable phases of quantum matter
TueDec 1715:00Vedran DunjkoTopics in quantum topological data analysis
TueDec 0315:00Diego AndradeBenchmarking Quantum Computers: The NEASQC Benchmark Suite (TNBS) case
TueNov 1915:00Marco CerezoIs Quantum Machine Learning an ill-defined framework?
TueNov 0515:00Maria SchuldBut why would we use quantum computers after all? Approaching Quantum Machine Learning a little differently
TueOct 2214:00Roberta ZambriniReservoir computing with complex quantum systems
TueOct 0814:00Richard KuengClassical shadows in theory, numerics and experiment
TueSep 2414:00Pablo BermejoQuantum Convolutional Neural Networks are (Effectively) Classically Simulable
TueSep 1014:00Alejandro GómezTowards quantum advantage on the cloud: benchmarking a 20 qubit quantum computer
TueJul 0914:00Esperanza CuencaProgramming Heterogenous Quantum-Classical Supercomputing Architectures
TueJun 2514:00Henry SemenenkoQuantum Error Correction and Scaling with Trapped-Ions
TueJun 1114:00Antonio RubioQUIONE: A quantum simulator based on ultracold strontium atoms
TueJun 0414:00Javier RobledoChemistry Beyond Exact Solutions on a Quantum-Centric Supercomputer
TueMay 2114:00Michael VasmerQuantum error correction with constant time overhead
TueMay 0714:00Zoë HolmesDoes provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability?
TueApr 0914:00Laura SchulzQuantum-Accelerated Supercomputing: Where we are and where we need to go.
TueMar 0515:00Lluis MasanesConformal Quantum Cellular Automata
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