ANTLR seminar


University of East Anglia

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Tuesday 14:00-15:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Chris Birkbeck*, Lorna Gregory*
*contact for this listing

This is the Algebra, Number Theory, Logic and Representation theory seminar.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 1814:00Niccolò GuicciardiniThe status of mathematics in sixteenth-century Europe
TueFeb 2514:00Vanessa MiemietzCategorification in Representation Theory
TueMar 1114:00Martin BaysTBA
TueMar 1814:00Lorna GregoryTBA
TueMar 2514:00David AngdinataTBA
TueApr 2913:00Vlad VankovTBA
TueMay 0613:00Caner Nazaroglu TBCTBA
TueMay 1313:00Rose BerryTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 1114:00Pavel TurekMultiplicity-free induced characters of symmetric groups
TueFeb 0414:00Xiuhua LuoThe structure of separated monomorphism category and its applications
TueDec 0314:00Nicholas WilliamsSteenrod operations via higher Bruhat orders
TueNov 1914:00Anna DmitrievaGeneric functions and quasiminimality
TueNov 1214:00Emine YıldırımSurface triangulations and friezes
TueNov 0514:00Lassina DembeleParametrising abelian surfaces with RM by $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}]$ using Richelot isogenies
TueOct 2914:00No SeminarTBA
TueOct 2213:00Jonathan WarneFactorisations of finitely presented special inverse monoids
TueOct 1513:00Ashot MinasyanGenerating RAAGs in 1-relator groups
TueOct 0813:00Alex LevineEquations with constraints in virtually abelian groups
TueOct 0113:00Chris WilliamsCongruences between eigensystems for GL(n)
MonJul 0813:00Yujie XuHecke algebras for p-adic groups and explicit Local Langlands Correspondence
ThuJun 0610:00Jordan Haden3-Preprojective Algebras of Type D
TueMay 1413:00Curial Gallart RodriguezCurrent trends in set theory
TueMay 0713:00Tom WardHidden dynamical zeta functions
TueApr 3013:00Sylvy AnscombeUniformities for Hilbert's Tenth Problem in henselian valued fields
TueApr 2313:00Mike PrestLinear algebra over general rings
TueMar 1914:00Rob KurinczukNewforms for cuspidal representations
MonMar 1814:00James MacphersonEvaluation 2-functors for categorified affine sl(n)
TueMar 1214:00Jonathan GruberCenters and centralizers in (double) affine Hecke algebras
TueFeb 2714:00Lassina DembéléParametrising abelian surfaces with RM by $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}]$ using Richelot isogenies
TueFeb 1314:00David StewartYou need 27 tickets to guarantee a win on the UK National Lottery (Jt with David Cushing)
TueFeb 0614:00Aberdeen PowellFrobenius reciprocity for fiat 2-categories
TueDec 1214:00Davide SprianoOn uniquely geodesic graphs and groups
TueDec 0514:00Omar León SánchezSome remarks on differentially large fields and CODFs
TueNov 2114:00Raquel Coelho SimoesFrom gentle to string algebras: a geometric model
TueOct 2413:00Rob RockwoodFamilies of branching laws and their arithmetic applications
TueOct 1713:00Gareth JonesAn effective version of a theorem of Habegger
TueOct 1013:00Islam FoniqiDecision and membership problems in one-relator monoids and groups
TueOct 0313:00Alex TorzewskiStudying points on varieties via varying families
TueAug 0113:00testTBA
TueMay 3013:00Nutt TananimitConsistent and Inconsistent Generalizations of Martin's Axiom and Weak Square
TueMay 2313:00Abhishek SahaThe Manin constant, the modular degree, and Fourier expansions at cusps
TueMay 1613:00Justin TriasTowards a theta correspondence in families for type II dual pairs
TueMay 0913:00Alice Dell'ArcipreteScopes equivalence for blocks of Ariki-Koike algebras
TueMay 0213:00Samuel MartinDimensions of phylogenetic network varieties
TueApr 2513:00Hanneke WiersemaModularity in the partial weight one case
TueMar 2813:00Konstantin ArdakovThe central sheaf of the category of smooth mod-$p$ representations of $SL_2(\mathbb{Q}_p)$
TueMar 1414:00Kamilla RekvenyiThe Orbital Diameter of Primitive Permutation Groups
FriFeb 1712:00Fiona TorzewskaClassification of charge-conserving loop braid representations
TueFeb 0714:00Andrew Brooke-TaylorComplexity of classification problems
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