Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Fri | Dec 20 | 03:00 | Tudor Pădurariu | Conjectural equivalences of derived categories of Higgs bundles | |
Wed | Nov 20 | 08:45 | Jaco Ruit | On the theory of double $\infty$-categories III | |
Fri | Nov 15 | 09:00 | Jaco Ruit | On the theory of double $\infty$-categories II | |
Wed | Nov 13 | 08:45 | Jaco Ruit | On the theory of double $\infty$-categories I | |
Wed | Nov 06 | 08:00 | Hiraku Nakajima | Nilpotent orbits for classical groups | |
Wed | Oct 30 | 08:00 | Oscar Kivinen | A Lie-theoretic generalization of some Hilbert schemes | |
Wed | Oct 23 | 08:00 | Michael McBreen | The Hamiltonian reduction of hypertoric mirror symmetry | |
Thu | Sep 19 | 08:30 | Yau Wing Li | Endoscopy for affine Hecke category | |
Fri | Sep 13 | 08:00 | Yaping Yang | Higher spin representations of the Yangian of sl_2 and R-matrices | |
Wed | Sep 11 | 08:00 | Gufang Zhao | Cousins of relative Donaldson-Thomas theory in dimension 4 | |
Fri | Sep 06 | 08:30 | Yanze Chen | Whittaker coefficients of metaplectic Eisenstein series and multiple Dirichlet series | |
Tue | Jul 30 | 08:30 | Amy Huang | Syzygies of determinantal thickenings and gl(m|n) representations | |
Tue | May 14 | 08:30 | Hong Chen | Symmetric polynomials and interpolation polynomials | |
Thu | May 09 | 08:30 | Junliang Shen | From abelian schemes to Hitchin systems: cohomology, sheaves, and algebraic cycles III | |
Wed | May 08 | 08:30 | Junliang Shen | From abelian schemes to Hitchin systems: cohomology, sheaves, and algebraic cycles II | |
Tue | May 07 | 08:30 | Junliang Shen | From abelian schemes to Hitchin systems: cohomology, sheaves, and algebraic cycles I | |
Thu | May 02 | 08:30 | Arkadij Bojko | Wall-crossing for Calabi-Yau fourfolds and applications | |
Wed | May 01 | 08:30 | Walker Stern | Higher Segal spaces and algebraic structures | |
Tue | Apr 30 | 08:30 | Arkadij Bojko | Universal Virasoro constraints for quivers with relations | |
Thu | Apr 18 | 08:30 | Shuai Guo | Mathematical approaches to the BCOV’s conjectures | |
Wed | Apr 17 | 08:30 | Shuai Guo | Conjectural structures for Calabi-Yau threefolds | |
Wed | Apr 10 | 06:00 | Cailan Li | Ext enhanced Soergel bimodules, link homology, and Gomi's trace | |
Thu | Mar 07 | 08:30 | Paolo Stellari | Stability conditions: from curve to hyperkaehler manifolds (II) | |
Wed | Mar 06 | 08:00 | David Jordan | Quantum A-polynomial from TQFT | |
Tue | Mar 05 | 08:30 | Paolo Stellari | Stability conditions: from curve to hyperkaehler manifolds (I) | |
Thu | Feb 29 | 08:00 | Yucheng Liu | Continuum envelopes on Fargues-Fontaine curve and elliptic curves | |
Wed | Feb 28 | 08:30 | Alexis Bouthier | Torsors on loop groups | |
Tue | Feb 27 | 08:30 | Xiaobo Liu | Intersection numbers and symmetric polynomials | |
Tue | Feb 27 | 02:00 | Xiaobo Liu | Tautological Relations and Their Applications | |
Wed | Jan 31 | 08:30 | Xiaowei Wang | Moment map and convex function | |
Thu | Jan 25 | 07:00 | Yang Zhou | Wall-crossing formula V. Applications and generalizations | |
Wed | Jan 24 | 07:00 | Yang Zhou | Wall-crossing formula IV. Applications and generalizations | |
Mon | Jan 22 | 07:00 | Yang Zhou | Wall-crossing formula III. Entangled tails and the wall-crossing formula | |
Wed | Jan 17 | 08:00 | Yang Zhou | Wall-crossing formula II. The master space technique and its application to weighted pointed curves | |
Mon | Jan 15 | 07:00 | Yang Zhou | Wall-crossing formula I. Stable quasimaps and their wall-crossing formula | |
Thu | Jan 11 | 07:30 | Ben Davison | Okounkov's conjecture via BPS Lie algebras | |
Mon | Nov 27 | 07:00 | Yibo Gao | Quantum Bruhat graphs and tilted Richardson varieties | |
Wed | Nov 15 | 07:00 | Yaoxiang Wen | Mirror symmetries for parabolic Hitchin systems, from classical to global, II | |
Mon | Nov 13 | 07:00 | Yaoxiang Wen | Mirror symmetries for parabolic Hitchin systems, from classical to global, I | |
Mon | Nov 06 | 08:00 | Kamil Rychlewicz | Cohomology theories and rings of functions | |
Mon | Oct 30 | 07:00 | Aron Heleodoro | Semi-orthogonal decomposition of conjugation equivariant sheaves on the loop group | |
Fri | Oct 27 | 07:00 | Adeel Khan (colloquium) | Derived Fourier analysis | |
Wed | Oct 25 | 07:00 | Adeel Khan | Microlocalization on derived moduli spaces | |
Mon | Oct 16 | 07:00 | Lucien Hennecart | Cohomological integrality for 2-Calabi-Yau categories | |
Wed | Oct 11 | 07:00 | Kostiantyn Tolmachov | Equivariant derived category of a reductive group as a categorical center | |
Mon | Oct 09 | 07:00 | Dougal Davis | Unitary representations of real groups and localisation theory for Hodge modules | |
Wed | Sep 27 | 07:00 | Penghui Li | Graded character sheaves, HOMFLY-PT homology, and Hilbert schemes of points on $\mathbb{C}^2$ | |
Mon | Sep 25 | 07:00 | Timothy Campion | Smooth and proper algebras via stable $(\infty,2)$-categories | |
Fri | Aug 18 | 06:00 | Jens Eberhardt | Motives in Geometric Representation Theory V | |
Thu | Aug 17 | 06:00 | Jens Eberhardt | Motives in Geometric Representation Theory IV | |
Wed | Aug 16 | 07:00 | Jethro van Ekeren | Chiral homology, the Zhu algebra, and Rogers-Ramanujan | |
Tue | Aug 15 | 06:00 | Jens Eberhardt | Motives in Geometric Representation Theory III | |
Mon | Aug 14 | 06:00 | Jens Eberhardt | Motives in Geometric Representation Theory II | |
Fri | Aug 11 | 06:00 | Jens Eberhardt | Motives in Geometric Representation Theory I | |
Wed | May 10 | 03:00 | Sasha Minets | A proof of $P=W$ conjecture | |
Wed | Apr 26 | 08:30 | Qingyuan Jiang | Derived projectivizations and Grassmannians and their applications | |
Wed | Apr 26 | 07:00 | Gufang Zhao | Quasimaps to quivers with potentials | |
Wed | Apr 19 | 07:00 | Oscar Kivinen | Orbital L-functions and knot superpolynomials | |
Wed | Apr 12 | 07:00 | Igor Frenkel | Representation Theory in Mathematics and Physics | |
Wed | Apr 05 | 07:00 | Jens Eberhardt | A K-theoretic Approach to Geometric Representation Theory | |
Wed | Mar 22 | 07:00 | Zhao Yu | Hecke Correspondences on smooth surfaces and categorical commutators | |
Wed | Mar 15 | 07:00 | Ian Le | Cluster structures on braid varieties | |
Fri | Mar 03 | 07:00 | Ping Xu | Duflo-Kontsevich type theorem for dg manifolds | |
Fri | Feb 24 | 07:00 | Harrison Chen | Circle actions, coherent Springer theory and classical Springer theory | |