Paris algebra seminar

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K-theory and homology quantum algebra rings and algebras representation theory

Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche / Sorbonne Université / Université Paris Cité / Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: Monday 13:00-14:00, 13:00-14:00, 13:00-14:00, 13:00-14:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Bernhard Keller*, David Hernandez, Sophie Morier-Genoud
*contact for this listing

For the Zoom links and passwords, please subscribe to the mailing list (link and password will be emailed shortly before each talk) or contact one of the organizers. The slides and notes are available here. For recordings of talks, please contact Bernhard Keller.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonFeb 1013:00Gregg MusikerSuper Fibonacci and Super Markov Numbers
MonFeb 0313:00Konstanze RietschA Tropical Edrei theorem
MonJan 2713:00Stéphane LaunoisDerivations of quantum algebras
MonJan 2013:00Christof GeissRepresentations of shifted quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras
MonJan 1313:00Severin BarmeierDeformations of gentle algebras and gluing of Fukaya categories of surfaces
MonDec 1613:00Min HuangNon-commutative surfaces, symmetry and positivity
MonDec 0913:00Nick OvenhouseHigher q-Rational Numbers
MonDec 0213:00Fan QinBased cluster algebras of infinite rank and their applications to double Bott-Samelson cells
MonNov 2513:00Dylan AllegrettiSkein algebras and quantized Coulomb branches
MonNov 1813:00Eric HansonMutation of tau-exceptional sequences
MonNov 0413:00Myungho KimExchange matrices of $\bold i$-boxes
MonOct 2112:00Scott NevilleCyclically ordered quivers
MonOct 1412:00Ilya DumanskiyQuantum loop group and coherent Satake category
MonOct 0712:00Edmund HengFusion categories as quantum symmetries: on Bridgeland stability conditions
MonSep 3012:00Isambard GoodbodyReflexivity and Hochschild Cohomology
MonJul 0112:00Mikhail GorskyDeep points in cluster varieties
MonJun 2412:00Théo PinetInflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras
MonJun 1712:00Matthew PresslandCategorical cluster ensembles
MonJun 1012:00Junyang LiuSingularity categories via McKay quivers with potential
MonJun 0312:00Baptiste RognerudThe fractionally Calabi-Yau combinatorics of the Tamari lattice
MonMay 2712:00David PauksztelloConvex geometry for (co)fans of abelian categories
MonMay 1312:00Paul WedrichA braided monoidal (infinity,2)-category from link homology
MonMay 0612:00Markus ReinekeFloer potentials, cluster algebras and quiver representations
MonApr 2912:00Marco RobaloChoices of HKR isomorphisms and exponential maps
MonApr 2212:00Tiago CruzRelative Auslander-Gorenstein pairs
MonApr 0812:00Dmitriy VoloshynGeneralized cluster structures on the special linear group
MonMar 2513:00Hussein MourtadaSingularities of algebraic varieties and integer partitions
MonMar 1813:00Nicholas WilliamsDonaldson--Thomas invariants for the Bridgeland--Smith correspondence
MonMar 1113:00Sabin CautisCategorical cluster structure of Coulomb branches
MonMar 0413:00Merlin ChristComplexes of stable infinity-categories and perverse schobers
MonFeb 2613:00Yu QiuOn cluster braid groups
MonFeb 1213:00Geoffrey JanssensGroup invariants observed through a representation-theoretical lens
MonFeb 0513:00Xiaofa ChenExact dg categories and higher Auslander correspondences
MonJan 2913:00Till WehrhanChevalley-Monk formulas for bow varieties
MonJan 2213:00Fan QinApplications of the freezing operators on cluster algebras
MonJan 1513:00Johan AsplundRelative Ginzburg algebras and Chekanov-Eliashberg dg-algebras
MonJan 0813:00Dirceu BagioTameness of a restricted enveloping algebra
MonDec 1813:00Melissa Sherman-BennettCluster structures on braid and Richardson varieties
MonDec 1113:00JiaRui FeiCrystal Structure of Upper Cluster Algebras
MonDec 0413:00Jonah BerggrenConsistent Dimer Models on Surfaces with Boundary
MonNov 2713:00Alexander ThomasA q-deformation of sl2 and the Witt algebra
MonNov 2013:00Wahei HaraSpherical objects in dimension two and three
MonNov 1313:00Luca FranconeMinimal monomial lifting of cluster algebras and branching problems
MonNov 0613:00Merlin ChristRelative Calabi-Yau structures and extriangulated cluster categories
MonOct 2312:00Norihiro HaniharaSilting-cluster tilting correspondences
MonOct 1612:00Se-jin OhA noncommutative algebra arising from the $t$-quantized Cartan matrix
MonOct 0912:00Fan QinAnalogs of dual canonical bases for cluster algebras from Lie theory
MonOct 0212:00Duncan LaurieQuantum toroidal algebras: braid group actions, automorphisms, and representation theory
ThuJul 1312:00Bill Crawley-BoeveyIntegral representations of quivers
MonJun 2612:00Manuel RiveraLoop spaces and bialgebras
MonJun 1912:00Frédéric ChapotonPosets and fractional Calabi-Yau categories
MonJun 1212:00Antoine De Saint GermainCluster additive functions and acyclic cluster algebras
MonJun 0512:00Lauren WilliamsThe amplituhedron and cluster algebras
MonMay 2212:15Leonid PositselskiThe homomorphism removal and repackaging construction
MonMay 1512:00Haibo JinA complete derived invariant and silting theory for graded gentle algebras
MonMay 0812:00Mikhail BershteinCluster Hamiltonian reductions: examples
MonApr 2412:00Owen GarnierHomology of a category and the Dehornoy-Lafont order complex
MonApr 1712:00Eric VasserotCritical convolution algebras and quantum loop groups
MonApr 0312:00Amnon YekutieliAn Algebraic Approach to the Cotangent Complex
MonMar 2712:00Gleb KoshevoyPolyhedral parametrization of canonical bases
MonMar 2013:00Markus ReinekeExpander representations
MonMar 1313:00Julian HolsteinEnriched Koszul duality for dg categories
MonMar 0613:00Luc PirioHyperlogarithmic functional identities on del Pezzo surfaces
MonFeb 2713:00Haruhisa EnomotoMaximal self-orthogonal modules and a new generalization of tilting modules
MonFeb 2013:00Fan QinBracelets are theta functions for surface cluster algebras
MonFeb 1313:00Wille LiuTranslation functors for trigonometric double affine Hecke algebras
MonFeb 0613:00Keyu WangQQ˜ -systems for twisted quantum affine algebras
MonJan 3013:00Edmund HengCoxeter quiver representations in fusion categories and Gabriel’s theorem
MonJan 2313:00Duc-Khanh NguyenA generalization of the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for $K$-$k$-Schur and $k$-Schur functions
MonJan 1613:00Alireza Nasr-IsfahaniLower bound cluster algebras generated by projective cluster variables
MonDec 1213:00Raphaël RouquierCoherent realizations of 2-representations
MonDec 0513:00Euiyong ParkExtended crystal structures of Hernandez-Leclerc categories
MonNov 2813:00Fernando Muro and Gustavo JassoThe triangulated Auslander-Iyama correspondence, II
MonNov 2113:00Gustavo Jasso and Fernando MuroThe triangulated Auslander-Iyama correspondence, I
MonNov 1413:00Ivan MarinGeometric realization via random variables
MonNov 0713:00Daniel Labardini-FragosoRevisiting Derksen-Weyman-Zelevinsky's mutations
MonOct 3113:00Sota AsaiTF equivalence classes and canonical decompositions for E-tame algebras
MonOct 2412:00Julia SauterTilting theory in exact categories
MonOct 1712:00Linhui ShenCluster Nature of Quantum Groups
MonOct 1012:00Greg MullerJuggler's friezes
MonOct 0312:00Slava PimenovPlanar Prop of Differential Operators of Associative Algebras
MonSep 2612:00Amnon NeemanTwo results, both developments of a 2015 article by Krause
MonSep 1912:00Liran ShaulThe finitistic dimension conjecture via DG-rings
MonSep 1212:00Mikhail KapranovPerverse sheaves and schobers on symmetric products
MonSep 0512:00Eleven speakersAlgebra days in Paris
MonJul 0412:00Sibylle SchrollRecollements of derived categories of graded gentle algebras
MonJun 2712:00Daping WengGrid plabic graphs, Legendrian weaves, and (quasi-)cluster structures
MonJun 2012:00Alexander ShapiroPositive representation theory
MonJun 1312:00Yuya Mizunog-simplicial complex and silting theory
MonJun 0612:00Jeremy RickardGenerating the derived category
MonMay 3012:00Jens Niklas EberhardtMotivic Springer Theory
MonMay 2312:00Bruno VallettePre-Calabi-Yau algebras and homotopy double Poisson gebras
MonMay 1612:00Thomas BitounOn centralizers in Azumaya domains
MonMay 0912:00Florian NaefThe (non-)homotopy invariance of the string coproduct
MonMay 0212:00Tasuki KinjoDeformed Calabi--Yau completion and its application to DT theory
MonApr 2512:00Léa BittmannA Schur-Weyl duality between Double Affine Hecke Algebras and quantum groups
MonApr 1112:00Peigen CaoOn exchange matrices from string diagrams
MonApr 0412:30Yann PaluTorsion classes and tau-tilting in higher homological algebra, II
MonApr 0412:00Hipolito TreffingerTorsion classes and tau-tilting in higher homological algebra, I
MonMar 2812:00Asilata BapatCategorical q-deformed rational numbers via Bridgeland stability conditions
MonMar 2113:00Norihiro HaniharaTilting theory via enhancements
MonMar 1413:00Jie PanPositivity and polytope basis in cluster algebras via Newton polytopes
MonMar 0713:00Alex TakedaThe ribbon quiver complex and the noncommutative Legendre transform
MonFeb 2813:00Pierre-Guy PlamondonCluster algebras, categorification, and some configuration spaces
MonFeb 2113:00Gonçalo TabuadaJacques Tits motivic measure
MonFeb 1413:00Véronique Bazier-MatteConnection between knot theory and Jacobian algebras
MonFeb 0713:00Nicholas WilliamsEquivalence of maximal green sequences
MonJan 3113:00Michael WemyssLocal Normal Forms of Noncommutative Functions
MonJan 2413:00Merlin ChristGluing constructions of Ginzburg algebras and cluster categories
MonJan 1713:00Alfredo Nájera ChávezDeformation theory for finite cluster complexes
MonJan 1013:00Chris BravNon-commutative string topology
MonDec 1313:00Abel LacabanneHigher rank Askey-Wilson algebras as skein algebras
MonDec 0613:00Nicholas Ovenhouseq-Rational Numbers and Finite Schubert Varieties
MonNov 2913:00Chris FraserAutomorphisms of open positroid varieties from braids
MonNov 2213:00Ryo FujitaDeformed Cartan matrices and generalized preprojective algebras, II
MonNov 2213:00Kota MurakamiDeformed Cartan matrices and generalized preprojective algebras, I
MonNov 1513:00Lang MouGeneralized cluster dualities
MonNov 0813:00Haicheng ZhangHall algebras of extriangulated categories and quantum cluster algebras
MonOct 2512:00Lucien Hennecart(Canonical) bases of the elliptic Hall algebra
MonOct 1812:00Matthew PresslandA cluster character for y-variables
MonOct 1112:00Maxim GurevichRSK-transform for L-parameters
MonOct 0412:00Giovanni Cerulli IrelliOn degeneration and extensions of symplectic and orthogonal quiver representations
MonJul 0512:00Ehud MeirInterpolations of monoidal categories by invariant theory
MonJun 2812:00Mikhail GorskyBraid varieties, positroids, and Legendrian links
MonJun 2112:00Shunsuke KanoCategorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops
MonJun 1412:00Justine FasquelRationality at admissible levels of the simple W-algebras associated with subregular nilpotent elements in sp_4
MonJun 0712:00Pierrick BousseauThe flow tree formula for Donaldson-Thomas invariants of quivers with potentials
MonMay 3112:00Damien CalaqueCalabi-Yau structures for multiplicative preprojective algebras
MonMay 2412:00Dan KaplanMultiplicative preprojective algebras for Dynkin quivers
MonMay 1712:00Sachin GautamPoles of finite-dimensional representations of Yangians
MonMay 1012:00Pierre BaumannExplicit calculations in the geometric Satake equivalence
MonMay 0312:00Oleksandr TsymbaliukQuantum loop groups and shuffle algebras via Lyndon words
MonApr 2612:00Gregg MusikerCombinatorial Expansion Formulas for Decorated Super-Teichmüller Spaces
MonApr 1912:00Nicholas WilliamsThe higher Stasheff–Tamari orders in representation theory
MonApr 1212:00Erik DarpoePeriodic trivial extension algebras and fractionally Calabi–Yau algebras
MonMar 2912:00Sergey MozgovoyOperadic approach to wall-crossing and attractor invariants
MonMar 2213:00Alexander P. VeselovAutomorphic Lie algebras and modular forms
MonMar 1513:00Deniz KusPrime representations in the Hernandez-Leclerc category
MonMar 0813:00Ryo FujitaIsomorphisms among quantum Grothendieck rings and propagation of positivity
MonMar 0113:00Amnon YekutieliRigidity, Residues and Duality: Overview and Recent Progress
MonFeb 2213:00Valentin OvsienkoCombinatorial and analytic properties of q-deformed real numbers
MonFeb 1513:00Milen YakimovRoot of unity quantum cluster algebras
MonFeb 0813:00Sondre KvammeAdmissibly finitely presented functors for exact categories
MonFeb 0113:00Pedro TamaroffPoincaré--Birkhoff--Witt theorems: homotopical and effective computational methods for universal envelopes
MonJan 2513:00Victoria LebedHomotopical tools for computing rack homology
MonJan 1813:00Estanislao HerscovichDouble quasi-Poisson algebras are pre-Calabi-Yau
MonJan 1113:00Manon DefosseuxBrownian motion in the unit interval and the Littelmann path model
MonDec 1413:00Emmanuel LetellierE-series of character varieties associated with non orientable surfaces
MonDec 0713:00Ruslan MaksimauKLR algebras for curves and semi-cuspidal representations
MonNov 3013:00Markus ReinekeWild quantum dilogarithm identities
MonNov 2313:00Sarah ScherotzkeCotangent complexes of moduli spaces and Ginzburg dg algebras
MonNov 1613:00Eleonore FaberMcKay quivers of complex reflection groups and the McKay correspondence
MonNov 0913:00Stéphane LaunoisCatenarity and Tauvel’s height formula for quantum nilpotent algebras
MonNov 0213:00Elie CasbiEquivariant multiplicities of simply-laced type flag minors
MonOct 2613:00Wai-kit YeungPre-Calabi-Yau algebras
MonOct 1912:00Norihiro HaniharaCluster categories of formal dg algebras
MonOct 1212:00Ryo FujitaTwisted Auslander-Reiten quivers, quantum Cartan matrix and representation theory of quantum affine algebras
MonOct 0512:00Dylan AllegrettiWall-crossing and differential equations
MonSep 2812:00Zhengfang Wang$B_\infty$-algebras and Keller’s conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology
MonSep 2112:00Maria Julia Redondo$L_\infty$-structure on Barzdell's complex for monomial algebras
MonSep 1412:00Liran ShaulThe Cohen–Macaulay property in derived algebraic geometry
MonJul 1312:00Osamu IyamaTilting theory of contracted preprojective algebras and cDV singularities
MonJul 0612:30Mikhail GorskyExact structures and degenerations of Hall algebras, II
MonJul 0612:00Xin Fang (房欣)Exact structures and degenerations of Hall algebras, I
MonJun 2912:00Linyuan Liu (刘琳媛)Modular Brylinski-Kostant filtration of tilting modules
MonJun 2212:00Myungho KimBraid group action on the module category of quantum affine algebras
MonJun 1512:00Christof GeissGeneric bases for surface cluster algebras
MonJun 0812:30Yuta KimuraCombinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures, II
MonJun 0812:00Baptiste RognerudCombinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures, I
MonJun 0112:00Gustavo JassoThe symplectic geometry of higher Auslander algebras
MonMay 2512:00Hironori OyaNewton-Okounkov polytopes of Schubert varieties arising from cluster structures and representation-theoretic polytopes
MonMay 1812:00Fan Qin (覃㠶)Dual canonical bases and quantum cluster algebras
MonMay 1112:00Adrien BrochierOn invertible braided tensor categories
MonMay 0412:00Michael CuntzFrieze patterns with coefficients
MonApr 2712:00Pierre-Guy PlamondonAssociahedra and the Grothendieck group of an extriangulated structure on the cluster category
MonApr 2012:00Theo RaedscheldersProper connective differential graded algebras and their geometric realizations
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