Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Mon | Feb 10 | 13:00 | Gregg Musiker | Super Fibonacci and Super Markov Numbers | |
Mon | Feb 03 | 13:00 | Konstanze Rietsch | A Tropical Edrei theorem | |
Mon | Jan 27 | 13:00 | Stéphane Launois | Derivations of quantum algebras | |
Mon | Jan 20 | 13:00 | Christof Geiss | Representations of shifted quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras | |
Mon | Jan 13 | 13:00 | Severin Barmeier | Deformations of gentle algebras and gluing of Fukaya categories of surfaces | |
Mon | Dec 16 | 13:00 | Min Huang | Non-commutative surfaces, symmetry and positivity | |
Mon | Dec 09 | 13:00 | Nick Ovenhouse | Higher q-Rational Numbers | |
Mon | Dec 02 | 13:00 | Fan Qin | Based cluster algebras of infinite rank and their applications to double Bott-Samelson cells | |
Mon | Nov 25 | 13:00 | Dylan Allegretti | Skein algebras and quantized Coulomb branches | |
Mon | Nov 18 | 13:00 | Eric Hanson | Mutation of tau-exceptional sequences | |
Mon | Nov 04 | 13:00 | Myungho Kim | Exchange matrices of $\bold i$-boxes | |
Mon | Oct 21 | 12:00 | Scott Neville | Cyclically ordered quivers | |
Mon | Oct 14 | 12:00 | Ilya Dumanskiy | Quantum loop group and coherent Satake category | |
Mon | Oct 07 | 12:00 | Edmund Heng | Fusion categories as quantum symmetries: on Bridgeland stability conditions | |
Mon | Sep 30 | 12:00 | Isambard Goodbody | Reflexivity and Hochschild Cohomology | |
Mon | Jul 01 | 12:00 | Mikhail Gorsky | Deep points in cluster varieties | |
Mon | Jun 24 | 12:00 | Théo Pinet | Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras | |
Mon | Jun 17 | 12:00 | Matthew Pressland | Categorical cluster ensembles | |
Mon | Jun 10 | 12:00 | Junyang Liu | Singularity categories via McKay quivers with potential | |
Mon | Jun 03 | 12:00 | Baptiste Rognerud | The fractionally Calabi-Yau combinatorics of the Tamari lattice | |
Mon | May 27 | 12:00 | David Pauksztello | Convex geometry for (co)fans of abelian categories | |
Mon | May 13 | 12:00 | Paul Wedrich | A braided monoidal (infinity,2)-category from link homology | |
Mon | May 06 | 12:00 | Markus Reineke | Floer potentials, cluster algebras and quiver representations | |
Mon | Apr 29 | 12:00 | Marco Robalo | Choices of HKR isomorphisms and exponential maps | |
Mon | Apr 22 | 12:00 | Tiago Cruz | Relative Auslander-Gorenstein pairs | |
Mon | Apr 08 | 12:00 | Dmitriy Voloshyn | Generalized cluster structures on the special linear group | |
Mon | Mar 25 | 13:00 | Hussein Mourtada | Singularities of algebraic varieties and integer partitions | |
Mon | Mar 18 | 13:00 | Nicholas Williams | Donaldson--Thomas invariants for the Bridgeland--Smith correspondence | |
Mon | Mar 11 | 13:00 | Sabin Cautis | Categorical cluster structure of Coulomb branches | |
Mon | Mar 04 | 13:00 | Merlin Christ | Complexes of stable infinity-categories and perverse schobers | |
Mon | Feb 26 | 13:00 | Yu Qiu | On cluster braid groups | |
Mon | Feb 12 | 13:00 | Geoffrey Janssens | Group invariants observed through a representation-theoretical lens | |
Mon | Feb 05 | 13:00 | Xiaofa Chen | Exact dg categories and higher Auslander correspondences | |
Mon | Jan 29 | 13:00 | Till Wehrhan | Chevalley-Monk formulas for bow varieties | |
Mon | Jan 22 | 13:00 | Fan Qin | Applications of the freezing operators on cluster algebras | |
Mon | Jan 15 | 13:00 | Johan Asplund | Relative Ginzburg algebras and Chekanov-Eliashberg dg-algebras | |
Mon | Jan 08 | 13:00 | Dirceu Bagio | Tameness of a restricted enveloping algebra | |
Mon | Dec 18 | 13:00 | Melissa Sherman-Bennett | Cluster structures on braid and Richardson varieties | |
Mon | Dec 11 | 13:00 | JiaRui Fei | Crystal Structure of Upper Cluster Algebras | |
Mon | Dec 04 | 13:00 | Jonah Berggren | Consistent Dimer Models on Surfaces with Boundary | |
Mon | Nov 27 | 13:00 | Alexander Thomas | A q-deformation of sl2 and the Witt algebra | |
Mon | Nov 20 | 13:00 | Wahei Hara | Spherical objects in dimension two and three | |
Mon | Nov 13 | 13:00 | Luca Francone | Minimal monomial lifting of cluster algebras and branching problems | |
Mon | Nov 06 | 13:00 | Merlin Christ | Relative Calabi-Yau structures and extriangulated cluster categories | |
Mon | Oct 23 | 12:00 | Norihiro Hanihara | Silting-cluster tilting correspondences | |
Mon | Oct 16 | 12:00 | Se-jin Oh | A noncommutative algebra arising from the $t$-quantized Cartan matrix | |
Mon | Oct 09 | 12:00 | Fan Qin | Analogs of dual canonical bases for cluster algebras from Lie theory | |
Mon | Oct 02 | 12:00 | Duncan Laurie | Quantum toroidal algebras: braid group actions, automorphisms, and representation theory | |
Thu | Jul 13 | 12:00 | Bill Crawley-Boevey | Integral representations of quivers | |
Mon | Jun 26 | 12:00 | Manuel Rivera | Loop spaces and bialgebras | |
Mon | Jun 19 | 12:00 | Frédéric Chapoton | Posets and fractional Calabi-Yau categories | |
Mon | Jun 12 | 12:00 | Antoine De Saint Germain | Cluster additive functions and acyclic cluster algebras | |
Mon | Jun 05 | 12:00 | Lauren Williams | The amplituhedron and cluster algebras | |
Mon | May 22 | 12:15 | Leonid Positselski | The homomorphism removal and repackaging construction | |
Mon | May 15 | 12:00 | Haibo Jin | A complete derived invariant and silting theory for graded gentle algebras | |
Mon | May 08 | 12:00 | Mikhail Bershtein | Cluster Hamiltonian reductions: examples | |
Mon | Apr 24 | 12:00 | Owen Garnier | Homology of a category and the Dehornoy-Lafont order complex | |
Mon | Apr 17 | 12:00 | Eric Vasserot | Critical convolution algebras and quantum loop groups | |
Mon | Apr 03 | 12:00 | Amnon Yekutieli | An Algebraic Approach to the Cotangent Complex | |
Mon | Mar 27 | 12:00 | Gleb Koshevoy | Polyhedral parametrization of canonical bases | |
Mon | Mar 20 | 13:00 | Markus Reineke | Expander representations | |
Mon | Mar 13 | 13:00 | Julian Holstein | Enriched Koszul duality for dg categories | |
Mon | Mar 06 | 13:00 | Luc Pirio | Hyperlogarithmic functional identities on del Pezzo surfaces | |
Mon | Feb 27 | 13:00 | Haruhisa Enomoto | Maximal self-orthogonal modules and a new generalization of tilting modules | |
Mon | Feb 20 | 13:00 | Fan Qin | Bracelets are theta functions for surface cluster algebras | |
Mon | Feb 13 | 13:00 | Wille Liu | Translation functors for trigonometric double affine Hecke algebras | |
Mon | Feb 06 | 13:00 | Keyu Wang | QQ˜ -systems for twisted quantum affine algebras | |
Mon | Jan 30 | 13:00 | Edmund Heng | Coxeter quiver representations in fusion categories and Gabriel’s theorem | |
Mon | Jan 23 | 13:00 | Duc-Khanh Nguyen | A generalization of the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for $K$-$k$-Schur and $k$-Schur functions | |
Mon | Jan 16 | 13:00 | Alireza Nasr-Isfahani | Lower bound cluster algebras generated by projective cluster variables | |
Mon | Dec 12 | 13:00 | Raphaël Rouquier | Coherent realizations of 2-representations | |
Mon | Dec 05 | 13:00 | Euiyong Park | Extended crystal structures of Hernandez-Leclerc categories | |
Mon | Nov 28 | 13:00 | Fernando Muro and Gustavo Jasso | The triangulated Auslander-Iyama correspondence, II | |
Mon | Nov 21 | 13:00 | Gustavo Jasso and Fernando Muro | The triangulated Auslander-Iyama correspondence, I | |
Mon | Nov 14 | 13:00 | Ivan Marin | Geometric realization via random variables | |
Mon | Nov 07 | 13:00 | Daniel Labardini-Fragoso | Revisiting Derksen-Weyman-Zelevinsky's mutations | |
Mon | Oct 31 | 13:00 | Sota Asai | TF equivalence classes and canonical decompositions for E-tame algebras | |
Mon | Oct 24 | 12:00 | Julia Sauter | Tilting theory in exact categories | |
Mon | Oct 17 | 12:00 | Linhui Shen | Cluster Nature of Quantum Groups | |
Mon | Oct 10 | 12:00 | Greg Muller | Juggler's friezes | |
Mon | Oct 03 | 12:00 | Slava Pimenov | Planar Prop of Differential Operators of Associative Algebras | |
Mon | Sep 26 | 12:00 | Amnon Neeman | Two results, both developments of a 2015 article by Krause | |
Mon | Sep 19 | 12:00 | Liran Shaul | The finitistic dimension conjecture via DG-rings | |
Mon | Sep 12 | 12:00 | Mikhail Kapranov | Perverse sheaves and schobers on symmetric products | |
Mon | Sep 05 | 12:00 | Eleven speakers | Algebra days in Paris | |
Mon | Jul 04 | 12:00 | Sibylle Schroll | Recollements of derived categories of graded gentle algebras | |
Mon | Jun 27 | 12:00 | Daping Weng | Grid plabic graphs, Legendrian weaves, and (quasi-)cluster structures | |
Mon | Jun 20 | 12:00 | Alexander Shapiro | Positive representation theory | |
Mon | Jun 13 | 12:00 | Yuya Mizuno | g-simplicial complex and silting theory | |
Mon | Jun 06 | 12:00 | Jeremy Rickard | Generating the derived category | |
Mon | May 30 | 12:00 | Jens Niklas Eberhardt | Motivic Springer Theory | |
Mon | May 23 | 12:00 | Bruno Vallette | Pre-Calabi-Yau algebras and homotopy double Poisson gebras | |
Mon | May 16 | 12:00 | Thomas Bitoun | On centralizers in Azumaya domains | |
Mon | May 09 | 12:00 | Florian Naef | The (non-)homotopy invariance of the string coproduct | |
Mon | May 02 | 12:00 | Tasuki Kinjo | Deformed Calabi--Yau completion and its application to DT theory | |
Mon | Apr 25 | 12:00 | Léa Bittmann | A Schur-Weyl duality between Double Affine Hecke Algebras and quantum groups | |
Mon | Apr 11 | 12:00 | Peigen Cao | On exchange matrices from string diagrams | |
Mon | Apr 04 | 12:30 | Yann Palu | Torsion classes and tau-tilting in higher homological algebra, II | |
Mon | Apr 04 | 12:00 | Hipolito Treffinger | Torsion classes and tau-tilting in higher homological algebra, I | |
Mon | Mar 28 | 12:00 | Asilata Bapat | Categorical q-deformed rational numbers via Bridgeland stability conditions | |
Mon | Mar 21 | 13:00 | Norihiro Hanihara | Tilting theory via enhancements | |
Mon | Mar 14 | 13:00 | Jie Pan | Positivity and polytope basis in cluster algebras via Newton polytopes | |
Mon | Mar 07 | 13:00 | Alex Takeda | The ribbon quiver complex and the noncommutative Legendre transform | |
Mon | Feb 28 | 13:00 | Pierre-Guy Plamondon | Cluster algebras, categorification, and some configuration spaces | |
Mon | Feb 21 | 13:00 | Gonçalo Tabuada | Jacques Tits motivic measure | |
Mon | Feb 14 | 13:00 | Véronique Bazier-Matte | Connection between knot theory and Jacobian algebras | |
Mon | Feb 07 | 13:00 | Nicholas Williams | Equivalence of maximal green sequences | |
Mon | Jan 31 | 13:00 | Michael Wemyss | Local Normal Forms of Noncommutative Functions | |
Mon | Jan 24 | 13:00 | Merlin Christ | Gluing constructions of Ginzburg algebras and cluster categories | |
Mon | Jan 17 | 13:00 | Alfredo Nájera Chávez | Deformation theory for finite cluster complexes | |
Mon | Jan 10 | 13:00 | Chris Brav | Non-commutative string topology | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 13:00 | Abel Lacabanne | Higher rank Askey-Wilson algebras as skein algebras | |
Mon | Dec 06 | 13:00 | Nicholas Ovenhouse | q-Rational Numbers and Finite Schubert Varieties | |
Mon | Nov 29 | 13:00 | Chris Fraser | Automorphisms of open positroid varieties from braids | |
Mon | Nov 22 | 13:00 | Ryo Fujita | Deformed Cartan matrices and generalized preprojective algebras, II | |
Mon | Nov 22 | 13:00 | Kota Murakami | Deformed Cartan matrices and generalized preprojective algebras, I | |
Mon | Nov 15 | 13:00 | Lang Mou | Generalized cluster dualities | |
Mon | Nov 08 | 13:00 | Haicheng Zhang | Hall algebras of extriangulated categories and quantum cluster algebras | |
Mon | Oct 25 | 12:00 | Lucien Hennecart | (Canonical) bases of the elliptic Hall algebra | |
Mon | Oct 18 | 12:00 | Matthew Pressland | A cluster character for y-variables | |
Mon | Oct 11 | 12:00 | Maxim Gurevich | RSK-transform for L-parameters | |
Mon | Oct 04 | 12:00 | Giovanni Cerulli Irelli | On degeneration and extensions of symplectic and orthogonal quiver representations | |
Mon | Jul 05 | 12:00 | Ehud Meir | Interpolations of monoidal categories by invariant theory | |
Mon | Jun 28 | 12:00 | Mikhail Gorsky | Braid varieties, positroids, and Legendrian links | |
Mon | Jun 21 | 12:00 | Shunsuke Kano | Categorical dynamical systems arising from sign-stable mutation loops | |
Mon | Jun 14 | 12:00 | Justine Fasquel | Rationality at admissible levels of the simple W-algebras associated with subregular nilpotent elements in sp_4 | |
Mon | Jun 07 | 12:00 | Pierrick Bousseau | The flow tree formula for Donaldson-Thomas invariants of quivers with potentials | |
Mon | May 31 | 12:00 | Damien Calaque | Calabi-Yau structures for multiplicative preprojective algebras | |
Mon | May 24 | 12:00 | Dan Kaplan | Multiplicative preprojective algebras for Dynkin quivers | |
Mon | May 17 | 12:00 | Sachin Gautam | Poles of finite-dimensional representations of Yangians | |
Mon | May 10 | 12:00 | Pierre Baumann | Explicit calculations in the geometric Satake equivalence | |
Mon | May 03 | 12:00 | Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk | Quantum loop groups and shuffle algebras via Lyndon words | |
Mon | Apr 26 | 12:00 | Gregg Musiker | Combinatorial Expansion Formulas for Decorated Super-Teichmüller Spaces | |
Mon | Apr 19 | 12:00 | Nicholas Williams | The higher Stasheff–Tamari orders in representation theory | |
Mon | Apr 12 | 12:00 | Erik Darpoe | Periodic trivial extension algebras and fractionally Calabi–Yau algebras | |
Mon | Mar 29 | 12:00 | Sergey Mozgovoy | Operadic approach to wall-crossing and attractor invariants | |
Mon | Mar 22 | 13:00 | Alexander P. Veselov | Automorphic Lie algebras and modular forms | |
Mon | Mar 15 | 13:00 | Deniz Kus | Prime representations in the Hernandez-Leclerc category | |
Mon | Mar 08 | 13:00 | Ryo Fujita | Isomorphisms among quantum Grothendieck rings and propagation of positivity | |
Mon | Mar 01 | 13:00 | Amnon Yekutieli | Rigidity, Residues and Duality: Overview and Recent Progress | |
Mon | Feb 22 | 13:00 | Valentin Ovsienko | Combinatorial and analytic properties of q-deformed real numbers | |
Mon | Feb 15 | 13:00 | Milen Yakimov | Root of unity quantum cluster algebras | |
Mon | Feb 08 | 13:00 | Sondre Kvamme | Admissibly finitely presented functors for exact categories | |
Mon | Feb 01 | 13:00 | Pedro Tamaroff | Poincaré--Birkhoff--Witt theorems: homotopical and effective computational methods for universal envelopes | |
Mon | Jan 25 | 13:00 | Victoria Lebed | Homotopical tools for computing rack homology | |
Mon | Jan 18 | 13:00 | Estanislao Herscovich | Double quasi-Poisson algebras are pre-Calabi-Yau | |
Mon | Jan 11 | 13:00 | Manon Defosseux | Brownian motion in the unit interval and the Littelmann path model | |
Mon | Dec 14 | 13:00 | Emmanuel Letellier | E-series of character varieties associated with non orientable surfaces | |
Mon | Dec 07 | 13:00 | Ruslan Maksimau | KLR algebras for curves and semi-cuspidal representations | |
Mon | Nov 30 | 13:00 | Markus Reineke | Wild quantum dilogarithm identities | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 13:00 | Sarah Scherotzke | Cotangent complexes of moduli spaces and Ginzburg dg algebras | |
Mon | Nov 16 | 13:00 | Eleonore Faber | McKay quivers of complex reflection groups and the McKay correspondence | |
Mon | Nov 09 | 13:00 | Stéphane Launois | Catenarity and Tauvel’s height formula for quantum nilpotent algebras | |
Mon | Nov 02 | 13:00 | Elie Casbi | Equivariant multiplicities of simply-laced type flag minors | |
Mon | Oct 26 | 13:00 | Wai-kit Yeung | Pre-Calabi-Yau algebras | |
Mon | Oct 19 | 12:00 | Norihiro Hanihara | Cluster categories of formal dg algebras | |
Mon | Oct 12 | 12:00 | Ryo Fujita | Twisted Auslander-Reiten quivers, quantum Cartan matrix and representation theory of quantum affine algebras | |
Mon | Oct 05 | 12:00 | Dylan Allegretti | Wall-crossing and differential equations | |
Mon | Sep 28 | 12:00 | Zhengfang Wang | $B_\infty$-algebras and Keller’s conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology | |
Mon | Sep 21 | 12:00 | Maria Julia Redondo | $L_\infty$-structure on Barzdell's complex for monomial algebras | |
Mon | Sep 14 | 12:00 | Liran Shaul | The Cohen–Macaulay property in derived algebraic geometry | |
Mon | Jul 13 | 12:00 | Osamu Iyama | Tilting theory of contracted preprojective algebras and cDV singularities | |
Mon | Jul 06 | 12:30 | Mikhail Gorsky | Exact structures and degenerations of Hall algebras, II | |
Mon | Jul 06 | 12:00 | Xin Fang (房欣) | Exact structures and degenerations of Hall algebras, I | |
Mon | Jun 29 | 12:00 | Linyuan Liu (刘琳媛) | Modular Brylinski-Kostant filtration of tilting modules | |
Mon | Jun 22 | 12:00 | Myungho Kim | Braid group action on the module category of quantum affine algebras | |
Mon | Jun 15 | 12:00 | Christof Geiss | Generic bases for surface cluster algebras | |
Mon | Jun 08 | 12:30 | Yuta Kimura | Combinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures, II | |
Mon | Jun 08 | 12:00 | Baptiste Rognerud | Combinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures, I | |
Mon | Jun 01 | 12:00 | Gustavo Jasso | The symplectic geometry of higher Auslander algebras | |
Mon | May 25 | 12:00 | Hironori Oya | Newton-Okounkov polytopes of Schubert varieties arising from cluster structures and representation-theoretic polytopes | |
Mon | May 18 | 12:00 | Fan Qin (覃㠶) | Dual canonical bases and quantum cluster algebras | |
Mon | May 11 | 12:00 | Adrien Brochier | On invertible braided tensor categories | |
Mon | May 04 | 12:00 | Michael Cuntz | Frieze patterns with coefficients | |
Mon | Apr 27 | 12:00 | Pierre-Guy Plamondon | Associahedra and the Grothendieck group of an extriangulated structure on the cluster category | |
Mon | Apr 20 | 12:00 | Theo Raedschelders | Proper connective differential graded algebras and their geometric realizations | |