Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Sat | Nov 02 | 14:05 | Anna Taranenko | On vertices of the polytope of polystochastic matrices | |
Sat | Oct 26 | 14:05 | Hayk Sedrakyan | The general case (any pentagon). Photography principle, data transmission, and invariants of manifolds | |
Sat | Oct 19 | 14:05 | Alexei Y. Kanel-Belov | Алгоритмическая неразрешимость проблемы вложения | |
Sat | Oct 12 | 14:05 | Seongjeong Kim | Classification of knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ with small number of crossings | |
Sat | Oct 05 | 14:05 | Mika Nelimov | Functions of Hyperbolicity of groups | |
Sat | Sep 28 | 14:05 | Dmitry N. Hudoteplov | Kernel of $sl(N)$ weight systems | |
Sat | Sep 21 | 14:05 | Nilangshu Bhattacharyya | Lipschitz-Sarkar Stable Homotopy Type for Planar Trivalent Graph with Perfect Matchings | |
Sat | Sep 14 | 14:05 | Louis kauffman | TBA | |
Sat | Sep 07 | 14:05 | Bernhard Keller | From quiver representations to cluster variables | |
Sat | Aug 24 | 13:05 | Louis H Kauffman | Empty Knots and Negative Dimensions in Combinatorics and Topology | |
Sat | Aug 17 | 10:05 | Alexei Vernitski | Approaches to realisability of Gauss diagrams | |
Sat | Aug 10 | 10:05 | Алена Жукова | TBA | |
Sat | Aug 03 | 10:05 | Alina Pital | Phenomena of emptiness in different theories | |
Sat | Jul 27 | 10:05 | Seongjeong Kim | Knot in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ of degree one and long knot invariants | |
Sat | Jul 20 | 10:05 | V.O. Manturov | The photography method. The state of the art. Review and unsolved problem | |
Sat | Jul 13 | 10:05 | O.G. Styrt | Compact linear groups with quotient space homeomorphic to a cell | |
Sat | Jul 06 | 13:05 | Alina Pital | Non-bipartite knots | |
Sat | Jun 29 | 13:05 | Elena Lanina | Tug-the-hook symmetry for quantum 6j-symbols | |
Sat | Jun 22 | 13:05 | Sergei Gukov | New quantum invariants from braiding Verma modules | |
Sat | Jun 15 | 13:05 | Jian Liu | Interaction homotopy and interaction homology | |
Sat | Jun 08 | 13:05 | O.G. Styrt | Compact linear groups with quotient space homeomorphic to a cell. | |
Sat | Jun 01 | 14:05 | Seongjeong Kim | The groups $G_{n}^{3}$ and rhombi tilings of 2n-gons | |
Sat | May 25 | 14:05 | Euich Miztani | How Should We Interpret Space Dimenion? | |
Sat | May 18 | 14:05 | Hayk Sedrakyan | Novel Sedrakyan-Mozayeni theorem, and its applications in scientific research in topology and geometry | |
Sat | May 11 | 14:05 | Maksim Zhukovskii | Stability of large cuts in random graphs | |
Sat | May 04 | 14:05 | Louis H Kauffman | Multiple Virtual Knot Theory | |
Sat | Apr 27 | 14:05 | Канель-Белов Алексей Яковлевич | Проблема Шпехта, гипотеза Гельфанда и некоммутативная алгебраическая геометрия | |
Sat | Apr 20 | 14:05 | Питаль Петя | Обобщенные факториалы и p-упорядочения | |
Sat | Apr 13 | 14:05 | Illia Rogozhkin | Non-Reidemeister Knot Theory and pure braids invariants | |
Sat | Apr 06 | 14:05 | Sachchidanand Prasad | Cut Locus of Submanifolds: A Geometric Property of the Manifold | |
Sat | Mar 30 | 14:05 | Soohyun Park | Hidden structures in (higher) Euler characteristic invariants | |
Sat | Mar 23 | 14:05 | Roman Dribas | Ideal tetrahedra, photography principle and invariants of manifolds | |
Sat | Mar 16 | 14:05 | V.O. Manturov | On the Chromatic Numbers of Integer and Rational Lattices | |
Sat | Mar 09 | 14:05 | Han-Bom Moon | Cluster algebras and generalized skein algebras | |
Sat | Mar 02 | 14:05 | Jonathan Schneider | REALISTIC CROSSING DATA FOR CURVES IN THE PLANE | |
Sat | Feb 24 | 14:05 | Alexey Sleptsov | Closed 4-braids and the Jones unknot problem | |
Sat | Feb 10 | 14:05 | Дмитрий Александрович Шабанов | Дробные раскраски случайных гиперграфов | |
Sat | Feb 03 | 14:05 | Vassily O. Manturov | Flat-virtual knots: A theory of knots in the full torus and in the thickened Moebius band | |
Sat | Jan 27 | 14:05 | Sergey Malev | Evaluations of multilinear polynomials on finite dimensional algebras | |
Sat | Jan 20 | 14:05 | Hyungtae Baek | Star-operations on Anderson rings | |
Sat | Dec 30 | 14:05 | Euich Miztani | Transformation Groupoid Based on Quotient Vector Spaces —A Mathematical Definition for Theory of Dimensionality | |
Sat | Dec 23 | 14:05 | Vadim Leshkov | A Functorial Generalization of Coxeter Groups | |
Sat | Dec 16 | 14:05 | Aidan Mozayeni | Novel Applications of Theorem 2 (Sedrakyan-Mozayeni) | |
Sat | Dec 09 | 14:05 | Timorin Vladlen | Aperiodic points for outer billiards | |
Sat | Dec 02 | 14:05 | Qingying Deng | Twisted link and arrow polynomial | |
Sat | Nov 25 | 14:05 | Oleg G. Styrt | Groups $\Gamma_n^4$: algebraic properties | |
Sat | Nov 18 | 14:05 | Vladimir A. Stukopin | Affine superYangian | |
Sat | Nov 11 | 14:05 | Anna Taranenko | On transversals in iterated groups and quasigroups | |
Sat | Oct 28 | 14:05 | Timur Nasybullov | Quandles with orbit series conditions | |
Sat | Oct 21 | 14:05 | Nikolay Abrosimov | Euclidean volumes of cone manifolds are algebraic numbers | |
Sat | Oct 14 | 14:05 | Zhuoke Yang | New approaches to Lie algebra weight systems | |
Sat | Oct 07 | 14:05 | Xujia Chen | Kontsevich’s invariants as topological invariants of configuration space bundles | |
Sat | Sep 30 | 14:05 | Oleg Styrt | Matrix sets closed under conjugations and summing commuting elements. | |
Sat | Sep 23 | 14:05 | Hyungtae Baek | Generalization of prime ideals | |
Sat | Sep 16 | 14:05 | Seongjeong Kim | Skein modules for $S^1 \times S^2 \ \# \ S^1 \times S^2$ | |
Sat | Sep 09 | 14:05 | Vassily O. Manturov | Further directions in the photography method | |
Sat | Sep 02 | 14:05 | Bao Vuong | Gram matrix of tetrahedron and volume | |
Sat | Aug 26 | 14:05 | Sergei Gukov | 3-manifolds and Vafa-Witten theory | |
Sat | Aug 19 | 14:05 | Wan Zheyan | Explicit cocycle formulas on finite abelian groups and Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of n-torus | |
Sat | Aug 12 | 14:05 | Scott Baldridge | A state sum for the total face color polynomial | |
Sat | Aug 05 | 14:05 | Hyungtae Baek | $R[X]_A$ of zero-dimensional reduced rings | |
Sat | Jul 29 | 14:05 | Vassily O. Manturov | Hexagonal rhombille tilings, Groups G_{n}^{k}, line configurations, and Desargues flips | |
Sat | Jul 22 | 14:05 | M. Chrisman | A sheaf-theoretic approach to classical and virtual knot theory | |
Sat | Jul 15 | 14:05 | A. Ya. Kanel-Belov | Quantization, polynomial automorphisms, and the Jacobian problem | |