FGC-HRI-IPM Number Theory Webinars

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algebraic geometry number theory

Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics / Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Özlem Ejder*, Aprameyo Pal
Curator: Abbas Maarefparvar*
*contact for this listing

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WedFeb 1214:00Ratko DardaMalle conjecture for finite group schemes
WedFeb 2614:00Keerthi MadapusiTBA
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WedJan 2914:00Ahmet GulogluNon-vanishing of L-functions at the central point.
WedDec 1814:00Tomos ParryPrimes in arithmetic progressions on average
WedDec 0414:00Andrea FerragutiFrobenius and settled elements in iterated Galois extensions
WedNov 2013:30Amina AbdurrahmanA formula for symplectic L-functions and Reidemeister torsion
WedNov 0613:30Erman IsikThe growth of Tate-Shafarevich groups of p-supersingular elliptic curves over anticyclotomic Zp- extensions at inert primes
ThuOct 2413:30Ahmed El-GuindySome l-adic properties of modular forms with quadratic nebentypus and l-regular partition congruences
WedApr 0314:00Firtina KucukFactorization of algebraic p-adic Rankin-Selberg L-functions
WedMar 2014:00Emre SertozComputing linear relations between univariate integrals
WedFeb 2114:00Haydar GoralCounting arithmetic progressions modulo p
WedFeb 0714:00Simon MyersonA two dimensional delta method and applications to quadratic forms
WedDec 0614:00Emre Sertöz(Cancelled!!!)Computing linear relations between univariate integrals
WedNov 2214:00Soumya SankarCounting points on stacks and elliptic curves with a rational N-isogeny
WedNov 0814:00Farzad AryanCancellations in Character Sums and the Vinogradov Conjecture
WedOct 2514:00Berkay KebeciMixed Tate Motives and Aomoto Polylogarithms
WedOct 1114:00Türkü Özlüm ÇelikAlgebraic Curves from Polygons
WedJun 1414:00Olga LukinaWeyl groups in Cantor dynamics
WedMay 3114:00Carlo PaganoAbelian arboreal representations
WedMay 1714:00Cristiana BertolinPeriods of 1-motives and their polynomials relations
WedMay 0314:00Rahul GuptaTame class field theory
WedApr 1914:00Asgar JamneshanOn inverse theorems and conjectures in ergodic theory and additive combinatorics
WedApr 0514:00Alia HamiehMoments of $L$-functions and Mean Values of Long Dirichlet Polynomials
WedMar 1514:00Ilker InamFast Computation of Half-Integral Weight Modular Forms
MonJan 1613:00Yen-Tsung ChenOn the partial derivatives of Drinfeld modular forms of arbitrary rank
MonDec 1913:00Enis KayaComputing Schneider p-adic heights on hyperelliptic Mumford curves
MonDec 0513:00Asgar JamneshanCANCELLED - On inverse theorems and conjectures in ergodic theory and additive combinatorics
MonNov 2113:00Amir AkbaryValue-distribution of automorphic L-functions
MonNov 0713:00Haydar GoralLehmer’s conjecture via model theory
MonOct 2413:00Mohammad SadekHow often do polynomials hit squares?
TueJun 1412:00Abbas MaarefparvarOn BRZ exact sequence for finite Galois extensions of number fields
TueMay 3112:00Somnath JhaFine Selmer group of elliptic curves over global fields
TueMay 1712:00Hamza YesilyurtA Modular Equation of Degree 61
TueApr 1912:00Chirantan ChowdhuryMotivic Homotopy Theory of Algebraic Stacks
TueApr 0512:00Farzad AryanOn the Riemann Zeta Function
TueMar 1513:00Semih OzlemOn the motivic Galois group of a number field
TueFeb 0113:00Cristian David Gonzalez AvilesTotally singular algebraic groups
TueJan 0411:30Fatma CicekSelberg’s Central Limit Theorem
TueDec 2114:00Amir GhadermarziIntegral points on Mordell curves of rank 1
TueDec 0711:30Andrzej DabrowskiOn a class of generalized Fermat equations of signature $(2,2n,3)$
TueNov 2311:30Ali MohammadiBounds on point-conic incidences over finite fields and applications
TueNov 0914:00Shabnam AkhatriMonogenic cubic rings and Thue equations
TueOct 2614:00Reza TalebThe Coates-Sinnott Conjecture
TueOct 1214:00Mark KisinEssential dimension via prismatic cohomology
TueSep 2815:00Ramin Takloo-BighashThe distribution of rational points on some spherical varieties.
MonJan 0411:30Fatma CicekSelberg’s Central Limit Theorem
MonJan 0411:30Fatma CicekSelberg’s Central Limit Theorem
SunMar 1513:00Semih OzlemTBA
SunMar 1513:00Semih OzlemTBA
SunMar 1513:00Semih OzlemTBA
SunMar 1513:00Semih OzlemTBA
SunMar 1513:00Semih OzlemTBA
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