Tue | Mar 04 | 14:00 | Ko Sanders | Entanglement and separable states in relativistic QFT | |
Tue | Feb 11 | 14:00 | Annalisa Panati | Entropic fluctuations in quantum two-time measurement framework | |
Tue | Jan 28 | 14:00 | Naoto Shiraishi | Proving non-integrability of quantum spin systems | |
Tue | Jan 14 | 14:00 | Wendelin Werner | Percolation of loops and the Gaussian Free Field | |
Tue | Dec 03 | 14:00 | Wojciech De Roeck | Absence of Normal Heat Conduction in Strongly Disordered Interacting Quantum Chains | |
Tue | Nov 05 | 14:00 | Angela Capel Cuevas | Rapid thermalisation of quantum dissipative many-body systems | |
Tue | Oct 22 | 14:00 | Simon Becker | Magic moire materials | |
Tue | Sep 24 | 14:00 | David Mitrouskas | Low-Energy Properties of the Strongly Coupled Polaron | |
Tue | Sep 10 | 14:00 | Sky Cao | Global well-posedness of stochastic Abelian-Higgs in two dimensions | |
Tue | Jul 30 | 14:00 | Robert Wald | The Memory Effect and Infrared Divergences | |
Tue | Jun 18 | 14:00 | Stephan De Bièvre | Assessing optical nonclassicality with the quadrature coherence scale | |
Tue | Jun 04 | 14:00 | Niels Benedikter | Bosonization of Large Systems of Interacting Fermions | |
Tue | May 14 | 14:00 | Roderich Tumulka | Time evolution of closed macroscopic quantum systems towards thermal equilibrium | |
Tue | Apr 30 | 14:00 | Aernout van Enter | Dyson models: One-sided and two-sided aspects | |
Tue | Apr 16 | 14:00 | Kasia Rejzner | Renormalisation of gauge theories in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory | |
Tue | Apr 02 | 14:00 | Noé Cuneo | Large deviations of return times and related entropy estimators on shift spaces | |
Tue | Mar 19 | 14:00 | Claude-Alain Pillet | Adiabatic Time Evolution and Quasi-Static Processes in Translation-Invariant Quantum Systems | |
Tue | Mar 05 | 14:00 | Rainer Verch | Moving away from equilibrium | |
Tue | Feb 20 | 14:00 | Alexander Stottmeister | Embezzlement of entanglement, quantum fields, and the classification of von Neumann algebras | |
Tue | Feb 06 | 14:00 | Wei-Min Wang | On the dynamics of nonlinear random and quasi-periodic systems | |
Tue | Jan 23 | 14:00 | Yoh Tanimoto | Wightman fields for two-dimensional conformal field theory | |
Tue | Jan 09 | 14:00 | Charles Newman | Brownian Excursions, Ising Models and the Riemann Hypothesis -- Possible Connections | |
Tue | Dec 12 | 14:00 | Torben Krüger | Merging Singularity in the Normal Matrix Model | |
Tue | Nov 28 | 14:00 | Sebastien Ott | Asymptotic expansion for classical O(N) models | |
Tue | Nov 14 | 14:00 | Nguyen Viet Dang | The Phi43 measure on Riemannian manifolds | |
Tue | Oct 31 | 14:00 | Horng-Tzer Yau | Spectral gap and two point function estimates for mean-field spin glass models | |
Tue | Oct 17 | 14:00 | Alberto Cattaneo | A cohomological view of quantum field theory | |
Tue | Oct 03 | 14:00 | Sourav Chatterjee | Spin glass phase in the Edwards-Anderson model at zero temperature | |
Tue | Sep 19 | 14:00 | David Huse | Many-body localization | |
Tue | Sep 05 | 14:00 | Marcello Porta | Universality of Transport in Many-Body Lattice Models | |
Tue | Jun 27 | 14:00 | Marius Lemm | Light cones for open quantum systems | |
Tue | Jun 13 | 14:00 | Scott Armstrong | Anomalous diffusion for passive scalar equations by fractal homogenization | |
Tue | May 30 | 14:00 | Flora Koukiou | Freezing and Entropy of the Log-correlated Random fields | |
Tue | May 16 | 14:00 | Cristina Toninelli | Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models: universality results | |
Tue | May 02 | 14:00 | Nikita Nekrasov | Qouroboros: Quantum mechanics from supersymmetric quantum field theory | |
Tue | Apr 18 | 14:00 | Michał Wrochna | Thermodynamics of quantum fields on rotating black hole spacetimes | |
Tue | Apr 04 | 14:00 | Lingrui Ge | Multiplicative Jensen’s formula and quantitative global theory for ID quasiperiodic operators | |
Tue | Mar 21 | 14:00 | Hermann Schulz-Baldes | Pseudo-gaps for random hopping models | |
Tue | Mar 07 | 14:00 | Amanda Young | A bulk gap in the presence of edge states for a truncated Haldane pseudopotential | |
Tue | Feb 21 | 14:00 | Christian Maes | Nonequilibrium extension of Third Law | |
Tue | Feb 07 | 14:00 | Alexander Elgart | Localization of the random XXZ spin chain in fixed energy intervals | |
Tue | Jan 24 | 14:00 | Christian Hainzl | Correlation energy of an electron gas in the mean-field approximation | |
Tue | Jan 10 | 14:00 | Jan Dereziński | Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonians | |
Tue | Dec 20 | 14:00 | Massimiliano Gubinelli | A stochastic analysis of EQFTs: the forward-backwards equation for Grassmann measures | |
Tue | Dec 13 | 14:00 | Sinya Aoki | Lattice QCD: Introduction, results and challenges | |
Tue | Dec 06 | 14:00 | John Imbrie | On the Many-Body Localization Transition | |
Tue | Nov 29 | 14:00 | Camillo De Lellis | Anomalous dissipation for the forced Navier-Stokes equations | |
Tue | Nov 22 | 14:00 | Ivan Avramidi | Spectral Asymptotics of Elliptic Operators on Manifolds | |
Tue | Nov 15 | 14:00 | Anton Alekseev | Virasoro Hamiltonian spaces | |
Tue | Nov 08 | 14:00 | Razvan Gurau | Melonic field theories | |
Tue | Nov 01 | 14:00 | Giovanni Felder | Boltzmann's billiard and table tennis | |
Tue | Oct 25 | 14:00 | Sohei Ashida | Mathematics of molecular structures and dynamics | |
Tue | Oct 18 | 14:00 | Karol Kozlowski | Towards an exact rigorous construction of the Sinh-Gordon quantum field theory in 1+1 dimensions | |
Tue | Oct 11 | 14:00 | Christoph Kopper | On asymptotically free scalar fields | |
Tue | Oct 04 | 14:00 | Paweł Duch | Flow equation approach to singular stochastic PDEs | |
Tue | Sep 27 | 14:00 | Dorothea Bahns | The Sine Gordon Model in hyperbolic signature | |
Tue | Sep 20 | 14:00 | Slava Rychkov | Tensor Renormalization Group at Low Temperatures | |
Tue | Aug 30 | 14:00 | Jian Ding | Repeated emergence of 4/3-exponent | |
Tue | Aug 16 | 14:00 | Jonathan Dimock | Ultraviolet Stability for Quantum Electrodynamics in d=3 | |
Tue | Aug 02 | 14:00 | Martin Fraas | Projections, parallel transport and adiabatic theory | |
Tue | Jul 26 | 14:00 | Alexander Strohmaier | A mathematical analysis of Casimir interactions and determinant formulae | |
Tue | Jul 19 | 14:00 | Tomohiro Sasamoto | Mapping macroscopic fluctuation theory for the symmetric simple exclusion process to a classically integrable system | |
Tue | Jul 12 | 14:00 | Stefan Teufel | A slightly different look at the bulk-edge correspondence in quantum Hall systems | |
Tue | Jul 05 | 14:00 | Michele Correggi | Ground State Properties in the Quasi-Classical Regime | |
Tue | Jun 28 | 14:00 | Owen Gwilliam | Observables in the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism: from Feynman diagrams to commutative diagrams | |
Tue | Jun 21 | 14:00 | Chiara Saffirio | Mean-field evolution and semiclassical limit of many interacting fermions | |
Tue | Jun 07 | 14:00 | Michael Aizenman | A new perspective on a pair of two dimensional phenomena: delocalization in random height functions and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase of O(2) symmetric spin models | |
Tue | May 31 | 14:00 | Benjamin Doyon | Ergodicity, large-scale correlations and hydrodynamics in many-body systems | |
Tue | May 24 | 14:00 | Kevin Costello | Form factors of gauge theory as correlators of a vertex algebra | |
Tue | May 17 | 14:00 | Wojciech Dybalski | Interacting massless excitations in 1+1 dimensional QFT | |
Tue | May 10 | 14:00 | Vieri Mastropietro | Anomalies and non-perturbative QFT | |
Tue | May 03 | 14:00 | Daniel Ueltschi | Random loop models and their universal behaviour in dimension 3+ | |
Tue | Apr 26 | 14:00 | Deepak Dhar | Hard rigid rods on hypercubical lattices | |
Tue | Apr 19 | 14:00 | Hirosi Ooguri | Symmetry in QFT and Gravity | |
Tue | Apr 12 | 14:00 | Edward Witten | Black Hole Entropies and Algebras | |
Tue | Apr 05 | 14:00 | Jacob Shapiro | Continuum and strongly disordered topological insulators | |
Tue | Mar 29 | 14:00 | Serena Cenatiempo | Trial states for the zero temperature dilute Bose gas | |
Tue | Mar 22 | 14:00 | Vojkan Jaksic | Approach to equilibrium in translation-invariant quantum systems: some structural results | |
Tue | Mar 15 | 14:00 | Jerzy Lewandowski | Horizon equations | |
Tue | Mar 08 | 14:00 | Makiko Sasada | Topological structures and the role of symmetry in the hydrodynamic limit of nongradient models | |
Tue | Mar 01 | 14:00 | Marek Biskup | Extremal points of random walks on planar and tree graphs | |
Tue | Feb 22 | 14:00 | Lorenzo Taggi | Macroscopic loops in the interacting Bose gas, Spin O(N) and related models | |
Tue | Feb 15 | 14:00 | Martin Zirnbauer | Field theory of Anderson transitions reviewed: Color-Flavor Transformation | |
Tue | Feb 08 | 14:00 | Erik Skibsted | Stationary scattering theory, the N-body long-range case | |
Tue | Feb 01 | 14:00 | Daisuke Shiraishi | Recent progress on loop-erased random walk in three dimensions | |
Tue | Jan 25 | 14:00 | Michele Schiavina | Ruelle Zeta Function from Field Theory | |
Tue | Jan 18 | 14:00 | Marcin Lis | An elementary proof of phase transition in the planar XY model | |
Tue | Jan 11 | 14:00 | Claudio Dappiaggi | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Renormalization à la Epstein-Glaser | |
Tue | Dec 21 | 14:00 | Christoph Schweigert | More about CFT correlators | |
Tue | Dec 14 | 14:00 | Nicolai Reshetikhin | On the asymptotic behavior of character measures in large tensor powers of finite dimensional representations of simple Lie algebras | |
Tue | Dec 07 | 14:00 | Nina Holden | Conformal welding in Liouville quantum gravity: recent results and applications | |
Tue | Nov 30 | 14:00 | Niklas Beisert | Planar Integrability and Yangian Symmetry in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang–Mills | |
Tue | Nov 23 | 14:00 | Julian Sonner | Random matrices and black holes: new connections from holographic duality | |
Tue | Nov 16 | 14:00 | Paweł Nurowski | Split real form of Lie group G2: simple, exceptional and naturally appearing in physics | |
Tue | Nov 09 | 14:00 | Gaultier Lambert | Universality for free fermions point processes | |
Tue | Nov 02 | 14:00 | Lea Bossmann | Asymptotic expansion of low-energy excitations for weakly interacting bosons | |
Tue | Oct 26 | 14:00 | Tomaž Prosen | Random Matrix Spectral Fluctuations in Quantum Lattice Systems | |
Tue | Oct 19 | 14:00 | Rupert L. Frank | Eigenvalue bounds for Schrodinger operators with complex potentials | |
Tue | Oct 12 | 14:00 | Christophe Garban | Continuous symmetry breaking along the Nishimori line | |
Tue | Oct 05 | 14:00 | Michael Loss | Which magnetic fields support a zero mode? | |
Tue | Sep 28 | 14:00 | Rostyslav Hryniv | Generalized soliton solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation | |
Tue | Sep 21 | 14:00 | Klaus Fredenhagen | Towards an algebraic construction of Quantum Field Theory | |
Tue | Sep 14 | 14:00 | Yvan Velenik | Fluctuations of a layer of unstable phase in the planar Ising model | |
Tue | Sep 07 | 14:00 | Pierre Germain | Derivation of the kinetic wave equation | |
Tue | Aug 31 | 14:00 | Antti Knowles | The Euclidean phi^4_2 theory as a limit of an interacting Bose gas | |
Tue | Aug 24 | 14:00 | Ron Peled | Quantitative estimates for the effect of disorder on low-dimensional lattice systems | |
Tue | Aug 17 | 14:00 | Sasha Sodin | Lower bounds on the eigenfunctions of random Schroedinger operators in a strip | |
Tue | Aug 10 | 14:00 | Daniela Cadamuro | Operator-algebraic construction of quantum integrable models with bound states | |
Tue | Jul 27 | 14:00 | Eveliina Peltola | On large deviations of SLEs, real rational functions, and zeta-regularized determinants of Laplacians | |
Tue | Jul 20 | 14:00 | Phan Thành Nam | Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of dilute trapped Bose gases | |
Tue | Jul 13 | 14:00 | Mark Malamud | On the spectral theory of Schrodinger and Dirac operators with point interactions and quantum graphs | |
Tue | Jul 06 | 14:00 | Nikolaos Zygouras | On the 2d-KPZ | |
Tue | Jun 29 | 14:00 | Mathieu Lewin | Density Functional Theory: some recent results | |
Tue | Jun 22 | 14:00 | Clément Tauber | Topological indices for shallow-water waves | |
Tue | Jun 15 | 14:00 | Gordon Slade | Mean-field tricritical polymers | |
Tue | Jun 08 | 14:00 | Laszlo Erdös | Eigenstate thermalisation hypothesis and Gaussian fluctuations for Wigner matrices | |
Tue | Jun 01 | 14:00 | Benjamin Schlein | Correlation energy of weakly interacting Fermi gases | |
Tue | May 25 | 14:00 | Constanza Rojas-Molina | Fractional random Schrödinger operators, integrated density of states and localization | |
Tue | May 18 | 14:00 | Marcel Griesemer | From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Many-Body Quantum Systems | |
Tue | May 11 | 14:00 | David Brydges | Lace expansions and spin models | |
Tue | May 04 | 14:00 | Chris Fewster | Measurement of quantum fields in curved spacetimes | |
Tue | Apr 27 | 14:00 | Sabine Jansen | Virial expansion for mixtures: some examples & recent results | |
Tue | Apr 20 | 14:00 | Eric Carlen | Kac Master Equations, Classical and Quantum | |
Tue | Apr 13 | 14:00 | Wojciech De Roeck | Impurities and boundaries for a class of gapped ground states | |
Tue | Apr 06 | 14:00 | Bernard Helffer | Semiclassical methods and tunneling effects: old and new | |
Tue | Mar 30 | 14:00 | Jan Wehr | Aggregation and deaggregation of interacting micro swimmers | |
Tue | Mar 23 | 14:00 | Sylvia Serfaty | Ginzburg-Landau vortices, old and new | |
Tue | Mar 16 | 14:00 | Gianluca Panati | The Localization Dichotomy in Solid State Physics | |
Tue | Mar 09 | 14:00 | Simone Warzel | An invitation to quantum spin glasses | |
Tue | Mar 02 | 14:00 | Margherita Disertori | Supersymmetric transfer operators | |
Tue | Feb 23 | 14:00 | Tyler Helmuth | Efficient algorithms for low-temperature spin systems | |
Tue | Feb 16 | 14:00 | Gerald Dunne | Resurgent Asymptotics and Non-perturbative Physics | |
Tue | Feb 09 | 14:00 | Herbert Spohn | Generalised hydrodynamics of the Toda lattice | |
Tue | Feb 02 | 14:00 | Wei Wu | Massless phases for the Villain model in d≥3 | |
Tue | Jan 26 | 14:00 | Jürg Fröhlich | The Evolution of States as the Fourth Pillar of Quantum Mechanics | |
Tue | Jan 19 | 14:00 | Robert Seiringer | Quantum fluctuations and dynamics of a strongly coupled polaron | |
Tue | Jan 12 | 14:00 | Fabio Toninelli | The anisotropic KPZ equation and logarithmic super-diffusivity | |
Tue | Jan 05 | 14:00 | Søren Fournais | The ground state energy of dilute Bose gases | |
Tue | Dec 15 | 14:00 | Yoshiko Ogata | Classification of symmetry protected topological phases in quantum spin systems | |
Tue | Dec 08 | 14:00 | Katrin Wendland | On invariants shared by geometry and conformal field theory | |
Tue | Dec 01 | 14:00 | Alessandro Pizzo | Stability of gapped quantum chains under small perturbations | |
Tue | Nov 24 | 14:00 | Roland Bauerschmidt | The Coleman correspondence at the free fermion point | |
Tue | Nov 17 | 14:00 | Stefan Hollands | (In)determinism Inside Black Holes | |
Tue | Nov 10 | 14:00 | Peter Hintz | Linear stability of slowly rotating Kerr spacetimes | |
Tue | Nov 03 | 14:00 | Nalini Anantharaman | The bottom of the spectrum of a random hyperbolic surface | |
Tue | Oct 27 | 14:00 | Bruno Nachtergaele | Gapped ground state phases of lattice systems - Stability of the bulk gap | |
Tue | Oct 20 | 14:00 | Jeremy Quastel | Towards KPZ Universality | |
Tue | Oct 13 | 14:00 | Svitlana Mayboroda | The landscape law for the integrated density of states | |
Tue | Oct 06 | 14:00 | Clotilde Fermanian-Kammerer | Nonlinear quantum adiabatic approximation | |
Tue | Sep 29 | 14:00 | Alessandro Giuliani | Non-renormalization of the `chiral anomaly' in interacting lattice Weyl semimetals | |
Tue | Sep 22 | 14:00 | Ian Jauslin | An effective equation to study Bose gasses at both low and high densities | |
Tue | Sep 15 | 14:00 | Victor Ivrii | Scott and Thomas-Fermi approximations to electronic density | |
Tue | Sep 08 | 14:00 | Antti Kupiainen | Integrability of Liouville Conformal Field Theory | |
Tue | Jul 28 | 13:00 | Nicolas Rougerie | Two modes approximation for bosons in a double well potential | |
Tue | Jul 21 | 13:00 | Hugo Duminil-Copin | Marginal triviality of the scaling limits of critical 4D Ising and φ_4^4 models | |
Tue | Jul 14 | 13:00 | Hal Tasaki | 'Topological' index and general Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorems for quantum spin chains | |
Tue | Jul 07 | 13:00 | Bruno Després | Spectral-scattering theory and fusion plasmas | |
Tue | Jun 30 | 13:00 | Laure Saint-Raymond | Fluctuation theory in the Boltzmann-Grad limit | |
Tue | Jun 23 | 13:00 | Nilanjana Datta | Discriminating between unitary quantum processes | |
Tue | Jun 16 | 13:00 | Nicola Pinamonti | Equilibrium states for interacting quantum field theories and their relative entropy | |
Tue | Jun 09 | 13:00 | Andreas Winter | Energy-constrained diamond norms and the continuity of channel capacities and of open-system dynamics | |
Tue | Jun 02 | 13:00 | Mihalis Dafermos | The nonlinear stability of the Schwarzschild metric without symmetry | |
Tue | May 26 | 13:00 | Sven Bachmann | Adiabatic quantum transport | |
Tue | May 19 | 13:00 | Pierre Clavier | Borel-Ecalle resummation for a Quantum Field Theory | |
Tue | May 12 | 13:00 | Jan Philip Solovej | Universality in the structure of atoms and molecules | |
Tue | May 05 | 13:00 | Martin Hairer | The Brownian castle | |