Mon | Mar 17 | 22:00 | SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") Seminar | Astrid Herremans | Function Approximation with Numerical Redundancy | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 23:00 | Fraser Valley Math & Stats Seminar | Serhii Myroshnychenko | Kneser-Poulsen conjecture: planar case | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 01:00 | Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series | Dr. Nicolau S. Aiex | Quantitative estimates on singularities of minimal hypersurfaces | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 08:00 | BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar | Jue Hou | Spin-s Q-systems: Twist and Open Boundaries | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 08:00 | Probability Victoria Seminar (PVSeminar) | Carlangelo Liverani | Dynamical Systems as Markov Chains | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 13:00 | Geometric Structures Research Seminar | Luca Nalon | Asymptotic sub-Riemannian distances in 2-step nilpotent Lie groups | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 13:00 | One World Numeration seminar | Valentin Ovsienko | From Catalan numbers to integrable dynamics: continued fractions and Hankel determinants for q-numbers | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 14:00 | One world IAMP mathematical physics seminar | Michele Schiavina | Superselection sectors from Hamiltonian reduction | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 14:00 | ANTLR seminar | Lorna Gregory | Representation Type, Decidability and Pseudofinite-dimensional Modules over Finite-dimensional Algebras | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 15:00 | Feza Gursey Center Higher Structures Seminars | Vassily O. Manturov | 10 years of Gkn: towards invariants of knots and links | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 15:00 | Malliavin Calculus and its Applications | David Clancy, Jr. | A central limit theorem for the giant in a stochastic block model | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 16:00 | Online Seminar On Undergraduate Mathematics Education | Yvonne Lai | Building bridges and the cost of (math) wars | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 16:15 | New England Dynamics and Number Theory Seminar | Alon Agin | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 19:00 | University of Regina topology and geometry seminar | Jesse Wolfson | Higher Lie Theory | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 19:00 | Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar | SPRING BREAK | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 20:00 | CRG Weekly Seminars | Kübra Benli | Explicit Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon for Dirichlet L-functions | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 21:00 | UCLA analysis and PDE seminar | Alexei Rybkin | Embedded bound states and bounded positon solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 08:00 | Algebra and Geometry Seminar @ HKUST | Francesco Sala | Cohomological Hall algebras of 1-dimensional sheaves and Yangians | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 08:00 | Modelling of materials - theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods (UNCE MathMAC) | Jiří Falta | Mathematical Modeling of Process-Structure Interaction in Machining | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 10:00 | European Quantum Algebra Lectures (EQuAL) | Xiaoting Zhang | Fusion-stable tilting/stability structures on triangulated categories | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 11:00 | NCTS international Geometric Measure Theory seminar | Ian Fleschler | A sharp extension of Allard’s boundary regularity theorem for area minimizing currents with arbitrary boundary multiplicity | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 12:15 | Gothenburg statistics seminar | Adélie Erard | A method for estimating population growth at a local scale. An application using French breeding bird surveys data. | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 12:30 | Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics | Olga Chekeres | Odd and generalized Wilson surfaces | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 12:45 | Seminar on Quantum Optics and Related Topics | N. G. Veselkova | Creation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states based on semiclassical predictions | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 13:00 | Abu Dhabi Stochastics Seminar | Leonie Neufeld | Weighted Sums in Free Probability Theory | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 15:00 | SISSA Mathematical Physics seminar | Alexander Moll | On Dubrovin’s Characterization of Schur Polynomials | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 16:00 | Input-to-State Stability and its Applications | Daniele Astolfi | Incremental stability and ISS: analysis and design | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 16:00 | London number theory seminar | Joni Teräväinen | On the exceptional set in the abc conjecture | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 16:00 | Metagovernance Seminar | Brett Stoudt | Intro to Participatory Action Research (PAR): A Primer for Governance Researchers | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 16:00 | Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetries | Sergio Zamora Barrera | Topology of manifolds with almost non-negative curvature and maximal rank and their Gromov--Hausdorff limits | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 16:20 | Geometry of differential equations seminar | Georgy Sharygin | Geometry of the full symmetric Toda system | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 19:00 | Noncommutative geometry in NYC | Manuel Reyes | Searching for noncommutative spectrum functors | |
Wed | Mar 19 | 23:00 | New York City Category Theory Seminar | Sophie d'Espalungue. | Building All of Mathematics Without Axioms: An n-Categorical Manifesto. | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 02:00 | ANU Research School of Earth Sciences school seminar | Zhen Wang (Monash University) | From Pollution to Prosperity: Geochemical Solutions for Tracing Environmental Legacy and Unlocking Economic Future of Energy and Mineral Wastes | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 07:00 | Combinatorics Today Series - ITB | Sylwia Cichacz | APPLICATION OF ZERO-SUM SETS IN MAGIC-TYPE AND ANTIMAGIC-TYPE GRAPH LABELING | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 07:00 | Postech-PMI Number Theory Seminar | Jigu Kim | Genus character L-functions and their applications | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 08:00 | Autocatalysis in reaction networks | Sylvain Charlat & Thomas Kosc | Thermodynamic consistency of autocatalytic cycles | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 08:30 | Autocatalysis in reaction networks | Yosuke Himeoka | A theoretical basis for cell deaths | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 11:00 | Mathematical models and integration methods | S. V. Meleshko | Equivalence to the classical heat equation through reciprocal transformations | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 13:30 | Семінар з фрактального аналізу / Fractal analysis seminar | Mykola Pratsiovytyi | Numeral systems with natural base and redundant alphabet and their applications in number theory, probability theory, and geometry of numerical series | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 14:15 | Real and complex Geometry | Thomas Blomme | A short proof of the multiple cover formula | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 15:00 | Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online Edition | Mikhail Gabdullin | Primes with small primitive roots | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 15:00 | Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics | Victor Alfonso Vicente Benitez | Schrödinger equation with finitely many δ-interactions: closed form, integral and series representations for solutions | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 15:15 | [K-OS] Knot online seminar | Patricia Cahn | Rep-Tiles | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 16:00 | Number Theory Web Seminar | Gergely Harcos | A new zero-free region for Rankin–Selberg L-functions | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 17:00 | Joint SIAM-BFS Mathematical Finance Online Seminar | Terry Lyons and Luhao Zhang | The Mathematics of Complex Streamed Data AND A Class of Interpretable and Decomposable Multi-period Convex Risk Measures | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 17:00 | Topos Institute Colloquium | B. Scot Rousse | Language, Technology, & Care | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 18:00 | Online logic seminar | Pablo Barcelo | The Role of Logic in Advancing Machine Learning: Three Case Studies | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 19:00 | New York Number Theory Seminar | James A. Sellers | Arithmetic properties of d--fold partition diamonds | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 20:15 | CUNY Geometric Analysis Seminar | Ernani Ribeiro Jr | Rigidity of compact quasi-Einstein manifolds with boundary | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 20:30 | SFU NT-AG seminar | Rachel Pries | Supersingular curves in Hurwitz families | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 21:00 | PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research Seminar | Jas Dhahan | Simulation modelling to inform group O negative red blood cell inventory management in British Columbia | |
Thu | Mar 20 | 21:30 | CUNY Geometric Analysis Seminar | Hongyi Liu | Compactness theorems for Einstein 4-manifolds with boundary | |
Fri | Mar 21 | 08:00 | SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics Seminars | Rong-xin Miao | TBA | |
Fri | Mar 21 | 09:00 | IPhT courses | Carlo Heissenberg | Gravitational waves, scattering amplitudes and BMS | |
Fri | Mar 21 | 12:00 | Monthly Global Diffeology Seminar | Christian Blohmann | Diffeology in classical field theory, Part II | |
Fri | Mar 21 | 12:40 | ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminars | Selma Altınok Bhupal | The Algebra of Generalised Splines | |
Fri | Mar 21 | 13:15 | Symplectic zoominar | Noah Porcelli (Imperial) | Parametrised Whitehead torsion of families of nearby Lagrangians | |
Fri | Mar 21 | 14:00 | University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar | Caterina Viola | Algebraic Approach to Approximation | |
Sat | Mar 22 | 14:05 | Knots, graphs and groups | Sachchidanand Prasad | TBA | |
Sat | Mar 22 | 15:00 | QM Foundations & Nature of Time seminar | Dhiraj Sinha | Electrodynamic Excitation of Electrons Under Temporal Variation of Magnetic Flux | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 12:15 | CAM seminar | Klas Modin | Emmy Noether’s theorem | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 13:00 | Paris algebra seminar | No talk because of the | Viazovska-Fest | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 14:40 | Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics | speaker | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 15:00 | European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar | Bruno Vallette | Homotopy bialgebraic structures in geometry and topology | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 15:00 | Sissa algebraic geometry seminar | Nicolò Bignami | Diagonal, inertia and automorphisms. Algebraic and Deligne–Mumfors stacks, algebraic spaces | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 15:00 | Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar Series | Yangyang Wang | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 18:30 | Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminar | Muhammad Manji | Iwasawa theory for \mathbb{Q}_{p^2}-analytic distributions | |
Mon | Mar 24 | 20:00 | Boston University Number Theory Seminar | Arnaud Eteve | Spectral action on isocrystals | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 01:00 | Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series | Dr. Myles Workman | Minimal hypersurfaces: bubble convergence and index | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 08:00 | BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar | Jirui Guo | Quantum integrable model for the quantum cohomology/K-theory of flag varieties and the double β-Grothendieck polynomials | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 13:00 | Function spaces | Alexandros Eskenazis | Discrete logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in Banach spaces | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 13:00 | Bilecik Algebra and Number Theory General Seminar | Özlem İmamoğlu | A Lyapunov exponent attached to modular functions | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 14:00 | One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar | Vuong Bui | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 14:00 | ANTLR seminar | David Angdinata | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 15:00 | Seminar on Biological Control Systems | Josiah Passmore | Outcome-Driven Microscopy: Closed-Loop Optogenetic Control of Cell Biology | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 15:00 | Malliavin Calculus and its Applications | Andrii Ilienko | Strong limit theorems for Tukey depth regions | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 15:00 | Quantum Spain | Richard R. Allen | Quantum Computing Enhanced Sensing | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 16:00 | The Isogeny Club | Robi Pedersen | Isogenies and MPC: a marriage of love | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 17:00 | VaNTAGe | Minhyong Kim | Arithmetic topology, path integrals, and the analogy between function fields and number fields | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 19:00 | The Graduate Center Arithmetic Geometry Seminar | Jaclyn Lang | Eisenstein congruences in prime-square level | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 19:00 | Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar | Brian Lehmann | Homological stability for rational curves on quartic del Pezzo surfaces | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 20:00 | OARS Online Analysis Research Seminar | Francis White | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 25 | 20:00 | CRG Weekly Seminars | Sumaia Saad Eddin | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 08:00 | Algebra and Geometry Seminar @ HKUST | Jonte Gödicke | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 09:30 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | Lorenzo Dello Schiavo | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 11:00 | ICCUB Seminars | Javier Argüello Luengo | Advancing Quantum Chemistry with Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 11:00 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | Liam Hughes | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 12:15 | Gothenburg statistics seminar | Marco Tarantino | Using a Neural Network approach and Starspots dependent models to predict Effective Temperatures and Ages of young stars | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 12:30 | Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics | Martha Valentina Guarin Escudero | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 13:00 | Longitudinal Algebra and Geometry Open ONline Seminar (LAGOON) | Nick Williams | Steenrod operations via higher Bruhat orders | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 15:00 | SISSA Mathematical Physics seminar | Guido Carlet | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 15:00 | Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas) | Urs Schreiber | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 16:00 | Input-to-State Stability and its Applications | Chris Guiver | Passivity theorems for forced Lur'e inclusions and equations, and consequent entrainment-type properties | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 16:00 | London number theory seminar | Harry Schmidt | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 16:00 | Metagovernance Seminar | Janneke Adema | Learnings from COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs) | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 16:20 | Geometry of differential equations seminar | Konstantin Druzhkov | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 17:15 | Purdue HET | Jonathan Sorce | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 19:00 | Harvard number theory seminar | Carlo Pagano | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 26 | 19:00 | Noncommutative geometry in NYC | Chris Bruce | TBA | |