Institution Audience
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MonMar 1722:00SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") SeminarAstrid HerremansFunction Approximation with Numerical Redundancy
MonMar 1723:00Fraser Valley Math & Stats SeminarSerhii MyroshnychenkoKneser-Poulsen conjecture: planar case
TueMar 1801:00Nonlinear Analysis Seminar SeriesDr. Nicolau S. AiexQuantitative estimates on singularities of minimal hypersurfaces
TueMar 1808:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarJue HouSpin-s Q-systems: Twist and Open Boundaries
TueMar 1808:00Probability Victoria Seminar (PVSeminar)Carlangelo LiveraniDynamical Systems as Markov Chains
TueMar 1813:00Geometric Structures Research SeminarLuca NalonAsymptotic sub-Riemannian distances in 2-step nilpotent Lie groups
TueMar 1813:00One World Numeration seminarValentin OvsienkoFrom Catalan numbers to integrable dynamics: continued fractions and Hankel determinants for q-numbers
TueMar 1814:00One world IAMP mathematical physics seminarMichele SchiavinaSuperselection sectors from Hamiltonian reduction
TueMar 1814:00ANTLR seminarLorna GregoryRepresentation Type, Decidability and Pseudofinite-dimensional Modules over Finite-dimensional Algebras
TueMar 1815:00Feza Gursey Center Higher Structures SeminarsVassily O. Manturov10 years of Gkn: towards invariants of knots and links
TueMar 1815:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsDavid Clancy, Jr.A central limit theorem for the giant in a stochastic block model
TueMar 1816:00Online Seminar On Undergraduate Mathematics EducationYvonne LaiBuilding bridges and the cost of (math) wars
TueMar 1816:15New England Dynamics and Number Theory SeminarAlon AginTBA
TueMar 1819:00University of Regina topology and geometry seminarJesse WolfsonHigher Lie Theory
TueMar 1819:00Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry SeminarSPRING BREAKTBA
TueMar 1820:00CRG Weekly SeminarsKübra BenliExplicit Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon for Dirichlet LL-functions
TueMar 1821:00UCLA analysis and PDE seminarAlexei RybkinEmbedded bound states and bounded positon solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation
WedMar 1908:00Algebra and Geometry Seminar @ HKUSTFrancesco SalaCohomological Hall algebras of 1-dimensional sheaves and Yangians
WedMar 1908:00Modelling of materials - theory, model reduction and efficient numerical methods (UNCE MathMAC)Jiří FaltaMathematical Modeling of Process-Structure Interaction in Machining
WedMar 1910:00European Quantum Algebra Lectures (EQuAL)Xiaoting ZhangFusion-stable tilting/stability structures on triangulated categories
WedMar 1911:00NCTS international Geometric Measure Theory seminarIan FleschlerA sharp extension of Allard’s boundary regularity theorem for area minimizing currents with arbitrary boundary multiplicity
WedMar 1912:15Gothenburg statistics seminarAdélie ErardA method for estimating population growth at a local scale. An application using French breeding bird surveys data.
WedMar 1912:30Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statisticsOlga ChekeresOdd and generalized Wilson surfaces
WedMar 1912:45Seminar on Quantum Optics and Related TopicsN. G. VeselkovaCreation and manipulation of Schrödinger cat states based on semiclassical predictions
WedMar 1913:00Abu Dhabi Stochastics SeminarLeonie NeufeldWeighted Sums in Free Probability Theory
WedMar 1915:00SISSA Mathematical Physics seminarAlexander MollOn Dubrovin’s Characterization of Schur Polynomials
WedMar 1916:00Input-to-State Stability and its ApplicationsDaniele AstolfiIncremental stability and ISS: analysis and design
WedMar 1916:00London number theory seminarJoni TeräväinenOn the exceptional set in the abcabc conjecture
WedMar 1916:00Metagovernance SeminarBrett StoudtIntro to Participatory Action Research (PAR): A Primer for Governance Researchers
WedMar 1916:00Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetriesSergio Zamora BarreraTopology of manifolds with almost non-negative curvature and maximal rank and their Gromov--Hausdorff limits
WedMar 1916:20Geometry of differential equations seminarGeorgy SharyginGeometry of the full symmetric Toda system
WedMar 1919:00Noncommutative geometry in NYCManuel ReyesSearching for noncommutative spectrum functors
WedMar 1923:00New York City Category Theory SeminarSophie d'Espalungue.Building All of Mathematics Without Axioms: An n-Categorical Manifesto.
ThuMar 2002:00ANU Research School of Earth Sciences school seminarZhen Wang (Monash University)From Pollution to Prosperity: Geochemical Solutions for Tracing Environmental Legacy and Unlocking Economic Future of Energy and Mineral Wastes
ThuMar 2007:00Postech-PMI Number Theory SeminarJigu KimGenus character L-functions and their applications
ThuMar 2008:00Autocatalysis in reaction networksSylvain Charlat & Thomas KoscThermodynamic consistency of autocatalytic cycles
ThuMar 2008:30Autocatalysis in reaction networksYosuke HimeokaA theoretical basis for cell deaths
ThuMar 2011:00Mathematical models and integration methodsS. V. MeleshkoEquivalence to the classical heat equation through reciprocal transformations
ThuMar 2013:30Семінар з фрактального аналізу / Fractal analysis seminarMykola PratsiovytyiNumeral systems with natural base and redundant alphabet and their applications in number theory, probability theory, and geometry of numerical series
ThuMar 2014:15Real and complex GeometryThomas BlommeA short proof of the multiple cover formula
ThuMar 2015:00Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online EditionMikhail GabdullinPrimes with small primitive roots
ThuMar 2015:00Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical PhysicsVictor Alfonso Vicente BenitezSchrödinger equation with finitely many δ-interactions: closed form, integral and series representations for solutions
ThuMar 2015:15[K-OS] Knot online seminarPatricia CahnRep-Tiles
ThuMar 2016:00Number Theory Web SeminarGergely HarcosA new zero-free region for Rankin–Selberg LL-functions
ThuMar 2017:00Joint SIAM-BFS Mathematical Finance Online SeminarTerry Lyons and Luhao ZhangThe Mathematics of Complex Streamed Data AND A Class of Interpretable and Decomposable Multi-period Convex Risk Measures
ThuMar 2017:00Topos Institute ColloquiumB. Scot RousseLanguage, Technology, & Care
ThuMar 2018:00Online logic seminarPablo BarceloThe Role of Logic in Advancing Machine Learning: Three Case Studies
ThuMar 2019:00New York Number Theory SeminarJames A. SellersArithmetic properties of dd--fold partition diamonds
ThuMar 2020:15CUNY Geometric Analysis SeminarErnani Ribeiro JrRigidity of compact quasi-Einstein manifolds with boundary
ThuMar 2020:30SFU NT-AG seminarRachel PriesSupersingular curves in Hurwitz families
ThuMar 2021:00PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research SeminarJas DhahanSimulation modelling to inform group O negative red blood cell inventory management in British Columbia
ThuMar 2021:30CUNY Geometric Analysis SeminarHongyi LiuCompactness theorems for Einstein 4-manifolds with boundary
FriMar 2108:00SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics SeminarsRong-xin MiaoTBA
FriMar 2109:00IPhT coursesCarlo HeissenbergGravitational waves, scattering amplitudes and BMS
FriMar 2112:00Monthly Global Diffeology SeminarChristian BlohmannDiffeology in classical field theory, Part II
FriMar 2112:40ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry SeminarsSelma Altınok BhupalThe Algebra of Generalised Splines
FriMar 2113:15Symplectic zoominarNoah Porcelli (Imperial)Parametrised Whitehead torsion of families of nearby Lagrangians
FriMar 2114:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarCaterina ViolaAlgebraic Approach to Approximation
SatMar 2214:05Knots, graphs and groupsSachchidanand PrasadTBA
SatMar 2215:00QM Foundations & Nature of Time seminarDhiraj SinhaElectrodynamic Excitation of Electrons Under Temporal Variation of Magnetic Flux
MonMar 2412:15CAM seminarKlas ModinEmmy Noether’s theorem
MonMar 2413:00Paris algebra seminarNo talk because of theViazovska-Fest
MonMar 2414:40Nečas Seminar on Continuum MechanicsspeakerTBA
MonMar 2415:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarBruno ValletteHomotopy bialgebraic structures in geometry and topology
MonMar 2415:00Sissa algebraic geometry seminarNicolò BignamiDiagonal, inertia and automorphisms. Algebraic and Deligne–Mumfors stacks, algebraic spaces
MonMar 2415:00Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar SeriesYangyang WangTBA
MonMar 2418:30Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminarMuhammad ManjiIwasawa theory for \mathbb{Q}_{p^2}-analytic distributions
MonMar 2420:00Boston University Number Theory SeminarArnaud EteveSpectral action on isocrystals
TueMar 2501:00Nonlinear Analysis Seminar SeriesDr. Myles WorkmanMinimal hypersurfaces: bubble convergence and index
TueMar 2508:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarJirui GuoQuantum integrable model for the quantum cohomology/K-theory of flag varieties and the double β-Grothendieck polynomials
TueMar 2513:00Function spacesAlexandros EskenazisDiscrete logarithmic Sobolev inequalities in Banach spaces
TueMar 2513:00Bilecik Algebra and Number Theory General SeminarÖzlem İmamoğluA Lyapunov exponent attached to modular functions
TueMar 2514:00One World Combinatorics on Words SeminarVuong BuiTBA
TueMar 2514:00ANTLR seminarDavid AngdinataTBA
TueMar 2515:00Seminar on Biological Control SystemsJosiah PassmoreOutcome-Driven Microscopy:  Closed-Loop Optogenetic Control of Cell Biology
TueMar 2515:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsAndrii IlienkoStrong limit theorems for Tukey depth regions
TueMar 2515:00Quantum SpainRichard R. AllenQuantum Computing Enhanced Sensing
TueMar 2516:00The Isogeny ClubRobi PedersenIsogenies and MPC: a marriage of love
TueMar 2517:00VaNTAGeMinhyong KimArithmetic topology, path integrals, and the analogy between function fields and number fields
TueMar 2519:00The Graduate Center Arithmetic Geometry SeminarJaclyn LangEisenstein congruences in prime-square level
TueMar 2519:00Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry SeminarBrian LehmannHomological stability for rational curves on quartic del Pezzo surfaces
TueMar 2520:00OARS Online Analysis Research SeminarFrancis WhiteTBA
TueMar 2520:00CRG Weekly SeminarsSumaia Saad EddinTBA
WedMar 2608:00Algebra and Geometry Seminar @ HKUSTJonte GödickeTBA
WedMar 2609:30Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsLorenzo Dello SchiavoTBA
WedMar 2611:00ICCUB SeminarsJavier Argüello LuengoAdvancing Quantum Chemistry with Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators
WedMar 2611:00Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsLiam HughesTBA
WedMar 2612:15Gothenburg statistics seminarMarco TarantinoUsing a Neural Network approach and Starspots dependent models to predict Effective Temperatures and Ages of young stars
WedMar 2612:30Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statisticsMartha Valentina Guarin EscuderoTBA
WedMar 2613:00Longitudinal Algebra and Geometry Open ONline Seminar (LAGOON)Nick WilliamsSteenrod operations via higher Bruhat orders
WedMar 2615:00SISSA Mathematical Physics seminarGuido CarletTBA
WedMar 2615:00Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas)Urs SchreiberTBA
WedMar 2616:00Input-to-State Stability and its ApplicationsChris GuiverPassivity theorems for forced Lur'e inclusions and equations, and consequent entrainment-type properties
WedMar 2616:00London number theory seminarHarry SchmidtTBA
WedMar 2616:00Metagovernance SeminarJanneke AdemaLearnings from COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)
WedMar 2616:20Geometry of differential equations seminarKonstantin DruzhkovTBA
WedMar 2617:15Purdue HETJonathan SorceTBA
WedMar 2619:00Harvard number theory seminarCarlo PaganoTBA
WedMar 2619:00Noncommutative geometry in NYCChris BruceTBA
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