Thu | Jan 30 | 14:15 | Bogdan Adrian Dina | Abelian varieties with complex multiplication: Exploring Shimura class groups and superspecial abelian varieties | |
Thu | Jan 16 | 14:15 | Qaasim Shafi | Tropical refined curve counting and mirror symmetry | |
Thu | Jan 09 | 14:15 | Gurvan Mével | Floor diagrams and refined invariants in positive genus | |
Thu | Dec 19 | 14:15 | Davesh Maulik | D-equivalence conjecture for varieties of K3^[n]-type | |
Thu | Dec 12 | 14:15 | Victor Batyrev | On birational minimal models of non-degenerate surfaces in 3-dimensional algebraic tori | |
Thu | Dec 05 | 14:15 | Gus Schrader | Skeins, clusters and wavefunctions | |
Thu | Nov 07 | 14:15 | Ritwik Mukherjee | Extension of Caporaso-Harris formula to count cuspidal curves | |
Thu | Aug 08 | 13:15 | Alex Degtyarev | Real plane sextic curves with smooth real part | |
Thu | Aug 01 | 13:15 | Michael Dettweiler | Galois realizations of special linear groups | |
Thu | Jul 18 | 13:15 | Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla | Symplectic geometry of degenerations at radius 0 | |
Thu | Jul 11 | 13:15 | Misha Verbitsky | Complex geometry and the isometries of the hyperbolic space | |
Thu | Jul 04 | 13:15 | László Fehér | Thom polynomials of real singularities | |
Thu | Jun 20 | 13:15 | Vladimir Fock | Singularities, Stokes data and clusters | |
Thu | Jun 06 | 13:15 | Erwan Brugallé | A quadratically enriched Abramovich-Bertram formula | |
Thu | Mar 14 | 14:15 | Evgeniya Akhmedova | The tropical amplituhedron | |
Thu | Feb 29 | 13:15 | Dmitry Kerner | Artin approximation. The ordinary, the inverse, the left-right and on quivers | |
Thu | Feb 15 | 14:15 | Alexandr Buryak | Intersection numbers on the moduli space of curves and the Gromov--Witten invariants of the projective line with an insertion of a Hodge class | |
Thu | Feb 01 | 14:15 | Renzo Cavalieri | A log/tropical take on Hurwitz numbers | |
Thu | Jan 18 | 14:15 | Ran Tessler | Mirror Symmetry for Landau-Ginzburg Models | |
Thu | Dec 21 | 14:15 | Amanda Hirschi | Global Kuranishi charts and a localisation formula in symplectic GW theory | |
Thu | Dec 07 | 14:15 | Sam Molcho | Intersection Theory on Compactified Jacobians | |
Thu | Nov 30 | 14:15 | Andreas Gross | Tropicalizing Psi Classes | |
Thu | Nov 16 | 14:15 | Takeo Nishinou | Deformation of singular curves on surfaces | |
Thu | Jun 15 | 14:15 | Alexander Givental | Chern-Euler intersection theory and Gromov-Witten invariants | |
Thu | Jun 01 | 13:15 | Dmitry Kerner | Which ICIS are IMC's ? | |
Sun | May 21 | 11:10 | Lev Birbrair | Lipschitz Geometry of Real Surface Singularities | |
Thu | May 04 | 14:15 | Sheldon Katz | Enumerative Invariants of Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Torsion and Noncommutative Resolutions | |
Thu | Apr 27 | 13:15 | Igor Zelenko | Gromov's h-principle for corank two distribution of odd rank with maximal first Kronecker index | |
Thu | Mar 30 | 14:15 | Sara Tukachinsky | Introduction to log geometry | |
Thu | Mar 16 | 15:15 | Victor Vassiliev | Complements of discriminants of real function singularities | |
Thu | Feb 02 | 14:15 | Evgeny Feigin | Cyclic quivers and totally nonnegative Grassmannians | |
Thu | Jan 19 | 14:15 | Lothar Goettsche | (Refined) Verlinde and Segre formulas for Hilbert schemes of points | |
Thu | Jan 12 | 14:15 | Boris Bychkov | Topological recursion for generalized double Hurwitz numbers | |
Thu | Jan 05 | 14:15 | Uriel Sinichkin | Floor diagrams in tropical geometry | |
Thu | Dec 29 | 14:15 | Elena Kreines | Embedded graphs on Riemann surfaces and beyond | |
Thu | Dec 22 | 14:15 | Dmitry Kerner | Unfolding theory, Stable maps and Mather-Yau/Gaffney-Hauser results in arbitrary characteristic | |
Thu | Nov 24 | 14:15 | Kai Hugtenburg | Gromov-Witten theory: some computational tools | |
Thu | Nov 10 | 14:15 | Grigory Mikhalkin | Tropical, real and symplectic geometry | |
Thu | Jun 09 | 13:15 | Amanda Hirschi | A construction of global Kuranishi charts for Gromov-Witten moduli spaces of arbitrary genus | |
Thu | May 26 | 13:15 | Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu | Higgs-Coulomb correspondence for abelian gauged linear sigma models | |
Thu | May 12 | 13:15 | Sourav Das | Higgs bundles on nodal curves | |
Thu | Apr 28 | 13:15 | Shaoyun Bai | Integral counterpart of Gromov-Witten invariants | |
Thu | Apr 28 | 13:15 | Shaoyun Bai | Integral counterpart of Gromov-Witten invariants | |
Thu | Apr 07 | 13:15 | Rahul Pandharipande | Log intersection theory of the moduli space of curves | |
Thu | Mar 31 | 13:15 | Vivek Shende | Skein valued curve counting and quantum mirror symmetry for the conifold | |
Thu | Mar 10 | 14:15 | Yelena Mandelshtam | Curves, degenerations, and Hirota varieties | |
Thu | Mar 03 | 14:15 | Marvin Anas Hahn | : Intersecting psi-classes on tropical Hassett spaces | |
Thu | Feb 24 | 14:15 | Kris Shaw | A tropical approach to the enriched count of bitangents to quartic curves | |
Thu | Jan 27 | 14:00 | Thomas Blomme | Enumeration of tropical curves in abelian surfaces | |
Thu | Jan 13 | 14:00 | Viatcheslav Kharlamov | On surgery invariant counts in real algebraic geometry | |
Thu | Jan 06 | 14:00 | Michael Polyak | Refined tropical counting, ribbon structures and the quantum torus | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 14:00 | Roberto Rubio | Generalized complex geometry and three-manifolds | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 14:00 | Dan Abramovich | Punctured logarithmic maps | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 14:00 | Dan Abramovich | Punctured logarithmic maps | |
Thu | Dec 02 | 14:00 | Michele Stecconi | Semicontinuity of Betti numbers and singular sets | |
Thu | Nov 18 | 14:00 | Penka Georgieva | Higher-genus real/open counts in dimension 2 | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 14:00 | Pierrick Bousseau | Gromov-Witten theory of complete intersections | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 14:00 | Pierrick Bousseau | Gromov-Witten theory of complete intersections | |
Thu | Oct 21 | 13:00 | Erwan Brugalle | Euler characteristic and signature of real semi-stable degenerations | |
Thu | Aug 12 | 13:00 | Dmitry Kerner | Germs of maps, group actions and large modules inside group orbits | |
Thu | Jul 15 | 13:00 | KhazhgaliKozhasov | Nodes on quintic spectrahedra | |
Thu | Jun 17 | 13:00 | Lev Radzivilovsky | Enumeration of rational surfaces and moduli spaces of configurations of points in the projective plane | |
Thu | Apr 29 | 13:00 | Ilya Tyomkin | On (ir)reducibility of Severi varieties on toric surfaces | |
Thu | Mar 18 | 14:00 | Olivier Benoist | Rational curves on real algebraic varieties | |
Thu | Mar 11 | 14:00 | Olivier de Gaay Fortman | Real Noether-Lefschetz loci and density of non-simple abelian varieties over the real numbers | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 14:00 | Michele Ancona | Exponential rarefaction of maximal hypersurfaces | |
Thu | Nov 12 | 14:00 | Arielle Leitner | Deformations of Generalized Cusps on Convex Projective Manifolds | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 14:00 | Thomas Blomme | Refined count of rational tropical curves in arbitrary dimension | |
Thu | Oct 29 | 14:00 | Stepan Orevkov | On real algebraic and real pseudoholomorphic curves in RP2 | |
Thu | Oct 22 | 13:00 | Charles Arnal | Families of real projective algebraic hypersurfaces with large asymptotic Betti numbers | |
Mon | May 25 | 13:00 | Boulos El Hilany | Counting isolated points outside the image of a polynomial map | |
Mon | May 11 | 13:00 | Ethan Cotterill | Rational curves with hyperelliptic singularities | |
Mon | Apr 27 | 13:00 | Hulya Argüz | Tropical enumeration of real log curves in toric varieties | |