Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Mon | Dec 16 | 15:00 | Malte Leimbach | Convergence of Peter-Weyl Truncations of Compact Quantum Groups | |
Mon | Nov 18 | 15:00 | Jean Delhaye | Cutoff for the Brownian Motion on the Unitary Quantum Group | |
Mon | Jul 01 | 14:00 | Marco Matassa | Equivariant quantizations of the positive nilradical and covariant differential calculi | |
Mon | Jun 24 | 07:00 | Ken Goodearl | Spectra of quantum algebras | |
Mon | Jun 17 | 14:00 | Daniel Gromada | Symmetries, quantizations, and duality | |
Mon | Jun 10 | 14:00 | Lukas Rollier | Quantum automorphism groups of discrete structures | |
Mon | Jun 03 | 14:00 | Roland Vergnioux | Maximal amenability of the radial subalgebra in free quantum groups factors | |
Mon | May 27 | 14:00 | Jacek Krajczok | Modular invariants of quantum groups | |
Mon | May 20 | 14:00 | Edward Pearce-Crump | Compact Matrix Quantum Group Equivariant Neural Networks | |
Mon | May 13 | 14:00 | Chiara Esposito | Equivariant formality and reduction | |
Mon | Mar 11 | 17:00 | Victor Ostrik | Growth in tensor powers | |
Mon | Mar 04 | 15:00 | Lyudmila Turowska | No-signalling values of cooperative quantum games | |
Mon | Feb 19 | 15:00 | Robert Laugwitz | Induced functors on Drinfeld centers | |
Mon | Feb 12 | 15:00 | Kent Vashaw | Quantum-symmetric equivalence via Manin's universal quantum groups | |
Mon | Feb 05 | 15:00 | Sergio Girón Pacheco | Intertwining techniques for actions of C*-tensor categories | |
Mon | Jan 29 | 15:00 | Joeri De Ro | Equivariant injectivity of crossed products | |
Mon | Jan 22 | 15:00 | Uwe Franz | Gaussian Parts of Compact Quantum Groups | |
Mon | Dec 04 | 15:00 | Siegfried Echterhoff | Proper actions, fixed-point algebras, and deformation via coactions | |
Mon | Nov 27 | 15:00 | Malte Gerhold | Cohomology of free unitary quantum groups | |
Mon | Nov 20 | 15:00 | Robert Yuncken | Crystallizing compact semisimple Lie groups | |
Mon | Nov 13 | 15:00 | Benjamin Anderson-Sackaney | Topological Boundaries of Representations and Coideals | |
Mon | Oct 23 | 14:00 | Amaury Freslon | Classical actions of quantum permutations | |
Mon | Oct 16 | 14:00 | Mateusz Wasilewski | Quantum Cayley graphs | |
Tue | Jun 20 | 09:00 | Mainak Ghosh | Unitary connections and Q-systems | |
Tue | Jun 06 | 14:00 | Joeri De Ro | Actions of compact and discrete quantum groups on operator systems | |
Tue | Apr 25 | 14:00 | Michael Brannan | No-signalling bicorrelations and generalized quantum automorphisms of graphs | |
Tue | Mar 28 | 11:00 | Yasuyuki Kawahigashi | Topological order, tensor networks and subfactors | |
Tue | Mar 14 | 15:00 | Melody Molander | Skein Theory for Affine ADE Subfactor Planar Algebras | |
Tue | Mar 07 | 15:00 | Mao Hoshino | Equivariant covering spaces of quantum homogeneous spaces | |
Tue | Feb 21 | 15:00 | Devarshi Mukherjee | Noncommutative geometry in mixed characteristic | |
Tue | Feb 14 | 15:00 | Arthur Troupel | Free wreath products as fundamental graph C*-algebras | |
Tue | Feb 07 | 15:00 | Oleg Aristov | Complex-analytic approach to quantum groups | |
Tue | Jan 31 | 15:00 | Matthew Daws | Around the Approximation Property for Quantum Groups | |
Tue | Jan 24 | 15:00 | Julia Plavnik | Comparing different constructions of modular categories | |
Tue | Dec 20 | 15:00 | Kan Kitamura | Partial Pontryagin duality for actions of quantum groups on C*-algebras | |
Tue | Dec 13 | 15:00 | Erik Habbestad | C*-algebras associated to Temperley-Lieb polynomials | |
Tue | Nov 29 | 10:00 | Fatemeh Khosravi | Co-amenable quantum homogeneous spaces of compact Kac quantum groups | |
Tue | Nov 22 | 16:00 | Stefaan Vaes | Quantum automorphism groups of connected locally finite graphs and quantizations of finitely generated groups | |
Tue | Nov 15 | 15:00 | Alfons Van Daele | Algebraic quantum hypergroups and duality | |
Tue | Nov 08 | 15:00 | Magnus Landstad | Exotic group algebras, crossed products, and coactions | |
Tue | Oct 18 | 14:00 | Benjamin Anderson-Sackaney | Relative Amenability, Amenability, and Coamenability of Coideals | |
Mon | Jul 04 | 14:00 | Harshit Yadav | Filtered Frobenius algebras in monoidal categories | |
Mon | Jun 27 | 14:00 | Roberto Hernández Palomares | Q-systems and higher unitary idempotent completion for C*-algebras | |
Mon | Jun 20 | 14:00 | Roland Vergnioux | Hecke algebras and the Schlichting completion for discrete quantum groups | |
Mon | Jun 06 | 14:00 | Johan Konings | Partial algebraic quantum groups and their Drinfeld doubles | |
Mon | May 30 | 14:00 | Sebastian Halbig | Pivotality, twisted centres and the anti-double of a Hopf monad | |
Mon | May 16 | 14:00 | Lucas Hataishi | Yetter-Drinfeld algebras, module categories and injectivity | |
Mon | Apr 11 | 14:00 | Pierre Bieliavsky | On the differential geometry of Lie groups of Fröbenius type | |
Mon | Apr 04 | 14:00 | Ali Asadi-Vasfi | An introduction to crossed products by group actions on C*-algebras | |
Mon | Mar 28 | 14:00 | Suvrajit Bhattacharjee | Braided quantum symmetries of graph C*-algebras | |
Mon | Mar 07 | 15:00 | Philipp Schmitt | Quantization of the 2-sphere | |
Mon | Feb 21 | 14:00 | Simeng Wang | Partitions, quantum group actions and rigidity | |
Mon | Feb 14 | 15:00 | Haonan Zhang | Lp-Lq Fourier multipliers on locally compact quantum groups | |
Mon | Feb 07 | 15:00 | Simon Schmidt | A graph with quantum symmetry and finite quantum automorphism group | |
Mon | Jan 31 | 13:00 | Benoît Collins | A metric characterization of freeness | |
Mon | Jan 24 | 15:00 | Jeremiah McCarthy | The Frucht property in the quantum group setting | |
Mon | Dec 13 | 15:00 | Sophie Emma Mikkelsen | On the quantum symplectic sphere | |
Mon | Nov 29 | 15:00 | Hadewijch De Clercq | Dynamical quantum graphical calculus | |
Tue | Nov 23 | 10:00 | Floris Elzinga | Strongly 1-Bounded Quantum Group von Neumann Algebras | |
Mon | Nov 08 | 15:00 | Apurva Seth | $C(X)$-Algebras and their K-Stability | |
Mon | Nov 01 | 15:00 | David Jordan | Cluster quantization from factorization homology | |
Mon | Oct 25 | 14:00 | Jonas Wahl | An introduction to diagram algebras | |
Mon | Oct 11 | 14:00 | Julian Kranz | Amenability and weak containment for étale groupoids | |
Mon | Oct 04 | 14:00 | Adam Skalski | Gaussian states and Gaussian parts of compact quantum groups | |
Mon | Sep 27 | 14:00 | Dominic Verdon | A covariant Stinespring theorem | |
Mon | Sep 20 | 14:00 | Shintaro Nishikawa | Crossed products of representable localization algebras | |
Mon | Jun 21 | 14:00 | Moritz Weber | Orthogonal vs unitary in the case of "easy" quantum groups | |
Mon | Jun 14 | 14:00 | Satyajit Guin | Equivariant spectral triple for the compact quantum group $U_q(2)$ for complex deformation parameters | |
Mon | Jun 07 | 14:00 | Aryan Ghobadi | Hopf algebras in SupLat and set-theoretical YBE solutions | |
Mon | May 31 | 14:00 | Paolo Saracco | Globalization for Geometric Partial Comodules | |
Mon | May 24 | 14:00 | Laura Mančiska | Quantum groups and nonlocal games | |
Mon | May 10 | 14:00 | Rémi Boutonnet | Non-commutative ergodic theory of semi-simple lattices | |
Mon | May 03 | 14:00 | Corey Jones | Actions of fusion categories on topological spaces | |
Mon | Apr 26 | 14:00 | Alexander Schapiro | Cluster realization of spherical DAHA | |
Mon | Apr 19 | 14:00 | Alexandru Chirvasitu | Non-commutative balls and quantum group structures | |
Mon | Apr 12 | 14:00 | David Reutter | On fusion 2-categories | |
Mon | Mar 29 | 14:00 | Debashish Goswami | Quantum Galois Group of Subfactors | |
Mon | Mar 22 | 15:00 | Andrea Appel | Quantum affine algebras and spectral k-matrices | |
Mon | Mar 15 | 15:00 | Réamonn Ó Buachalla | Quantum Root Vectors and a Dolbeault Double Complex for the A-Series Quantum Flag Manifolds | |
Mon | Mar 08 | 08:00 | Arnaud Brothier | From subfactors to actions of the Thompson group | |
Mon | Feb 22 | 15:00 | Daniel Nakano | Noncommutative Tensor Triangular Geometry | |
Mon | Feb 15 | 15:00 | Amaury Freslon | How to (badly) quantum shuffle cards | |
Mon | Jan 25 | 15:00 | Christian Voigt | Quantum Cuntz-Krieger algebras | |
Mon | Jan 18 | 15:00 | Julien Bichon | About the monoidal invariance of cohomological dimension of Hopf algebras | |
Mon | Jan 11 | 15:00 | David Penneys | Discrete subfactors, realization of algebra objects, and Q-system completion | |
Mon | Dec 14 | 15:00 | David Kyed | Dynamics of compact quantum metric spaces | |
Mon | Dec 07 | 15:00 | Martijn Caspers | Riesz transforms on compact quantum groups and strong solidity | |
Mon | Nov 30 | 15:00 | Ivo Dell'Ambrogio | The spectrum of equivariant Kasparov theory for cyclic groups of prime order | |
Mon | Nov 23 | 15:00 | Kenny De Commer | A quantization of Sylvester's law of inertia | |
Mon | Nov 16 | 15:00 | Yuki Arano | On the Baum-Connes conjecture for discrete quantum groups with torsion and the quantum Rosenberg Conjecture | |
Mon | Nov 09 | 15:00 | Mehrdad Kalantar | Furstenberg boundary of a discrete quantum group | |