Geometry of differential equations seminar

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mathematical physics analysis of PDEs differential geometry

Independent University of Moscow

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 16:20-18:00 in your time zone, UTC
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedFeb 1916:20Jacob KryczkaSingularities and Bi-complexes for PDEs
WedFeb 2616:20Dmitry RudinskyWeak gauge PDEs
WedMar 0516:20Konstantin DruzhkovInvariant reduction for PDEs. II: The general mechanism
WedMar 1216:20Valentin LychaginTBA
WedMar 1916:20Georgy SharyginTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJan 0816:20Vladimir RubtsovTowards a theory of homotopy structures for differential equations: First definitions and examples. Part 2
WedDec 1816:20Vladimir RubtsovTowards a theory of homotopy structures for differential equations: First definitions and examples. Part 1
WedDec 1116:20Konstantin DruzhkovInvariant reduction for PDEs. I: Conservation laws of 1+1 systems of evolution equations
WedNov 2716:20Ekaterina ShemyakovaOn differential operators generating higher brackets
WedNov 2013:00Yasushi IkedaQuantum argument shifts in general linear Lie algebras
WedNov 1316:20Alexander ZheglovNormal forms for differential operators
WedNov 0616:20Georgy SharyginRemarkable properties of the full symmetric Toda system
WedOct 0916:20Oleg MorozovLax representations for Euler equations of ideal hydrodynamics
WedSep 1816:20Pavel BedrikovetskyExact solutions and upscaling in conservation law systems
WedSep 1116:20Valentin LychaginOn a structure of the first order differential operators
WedMay 2216:20Maxim GrigorievGauge PDEs on manifolds with boundaries and asymptotic symmetries
WedMay 1516:20Eivind SchneiderInvariant divisors and equivariant line bundles
WedMay 0116:20Konstantin DruzhkovInternal Lagrangians and gauge systems
WedApr 1716:20Gerard HelminckA construction of solutions of an integrable deformation of a commutative Lie algebra of skew Hermitian $\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}$-matrices
WedApr 0316:20Vladimir RubtsovBesselland: autour and beyond. Part 3
WedMar 2716:20Vladimir RubtsovBesselland: autour and beyond. Part 2
WedMar 2016:20Vladimir RubtsovBesselland: autour and beyond. Part 1
WedMar 0616:20Georgy SharyginDeformation quantisation of the argument shift on $U\mathfrak{gl}(n)$
WedFeb 2116:20Raffaele VitoloBi-Hamiltonian systems and projective geometry
WedFeb 1416:20Valentin LychaginOn flows and filtration in the presence of thermodynamic processes: generalized Navier-Stokes equations
WedDec 1316:20Yagub AliyevApollonius problem and caustics of an ellipsoid
WedDec 0616:20Sergey AgafonovHexagonal circular 3-webs with polar curves of degree three
WedNov 2916:20Maxim GrigorievPresymplectic minimal models of local gauge theories
WedNov 2216:20Irina BobrovaOn a classification of non-Abelian Painlevé equations
WedNov 0816:20Boris KruglikovDispersionless integrable systems in dimension 5
WedNov 0116:20Oleg MorozovExtensions of Lie algebras and integrability of some equations of fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics.
WedOct 2516:20Yuri SachkovLorentzian geometry in the Lobachevsky plane
WedOct 1816:20Maxim PavlovDubrovin paradigm and beyond
WedOct 1116:20Boris DoubrovExtrinsic geometry and linear differential equations of SL(3)-type
WedSep 2716:20Andronick ArutyunovDerivations in group algebra bimodules
WedSep 2016:20Konstantin DruzhkovInternal Lagrangians as variational principles
WedSep 1316:20Valentin LychaginOn equivalence of planar webs
WedJun 0716:20Svetlana MukhinaContact vs symplectic geometry
WedMay 3116:20Maksim Gadzhiev and Alexander KuleshovIntegrability of the problem of motion of a body with a fixed point in a flow of particles
WedMay 1716:20Boris DoubrovOverdetermined systems of PDEs related to representations of semi-simple Lie algebras
WedMay 1016:20Mark FelsVariational/Symplectic and Hamiltonian Operators
WedApr 2616:20Alexei KushnerFinite-dimensional dynamics of systems of evolutionary differential equations with many spatial variables
WedApr 0516:20Konstantin DruzhkovLagrangian formalism and the intrinsic geometry of PDEs
WedMar 2916:20Sergey Dobrokhotov and Vladimir NazaikinskiiExact and asymptotic solutions of a system of nonlinear shallow water equations in basins with gentle shores
WedMar 2216:20Eugene FerapontovQuasilinear systems of Jordan block type
WedMar 1516:20Georgy SharyginQuasiderivations and commutative subalgebras of the algebra $U\mathfrak{gl}_n$
WedMar 0116:20Henrik WintherJet functors in noncommutative geometry
WedFeb 2216:20Alexey SamokhinOn perturbations retaining conservation laws of differential equations
WedFeb 1516:20Valentin LychaginOn invariants and equivalence differential operators under algebraic Lie pseudogroups actions
WedFeb 0816:20Alexander OrlovHurwitz numbers, matrix models, commuting operators
WedDec 2116:20Georgy SharyginChopping integrals of the full symmetric Toda system, a new approach
WedDec 1414:00Sergey Tsarev, Folkert Müller-Hoissen, Dmitry Millionschikov, Boris KonopelchenkoOne day workshop in honor of Maxim Pavlov's 60th birthday
WedDec 0716:20Valentin LychaginOn normal forms of differential operators
WedNov 3016:20Dmitry TalalaevZamolodchikov Tetrahedron equation
WedNov 2316:20Jean-Pierre MagnotNew perspectives for generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchies
WedNov 1616:20Roberto D'OnofrioMonge-Ampère geometry and semigeostrophic equations
WedNov 0916:20Alexei KushnerOn the integration of suspension filtration equations and thrombus formation
WedOct 1916:20Raffaele VitoloHomogeneous Hamiltonian operators, projective geometry and integrable systems
WedOct 1216:20Valentin LychaginOn interplay between jet and information geometries
WedOct 0516:20Dmitry TalalaevCategory of braided sets, extensions and 2-analogues
WedMay 1816:20Andrei SmilgaNoncommutative quantum mechanical systems associated with Lie algebras
WedMay 1116:20Ilia GaiurHamiltonian reduction and rational Calogero system
WedMay 0416:20Ian MarshallOn action-angle duality
WedApr 1316:20Valentin LychaginNatural invariants and classification of quasilinear second-order differential operators
WedApr 0616:20Vladimir RubtsovMultiplicative kernels, Non-abelian Abel theorem, Kontsevich polynomials and around. Part 2
WedMar 3016:20Dimitri GurevichQuantum Matrix Algebras and their applications
WedMar 1616:20Dmitri AlekseevskySpecial Vinberg cones and their applications
WedMar 0916:20Vladimir RubtsovMultiplicative kernels, Non-abelian Abel theorem, Kontsevich polynomials and around. Part 1
WedFeb 2316:20Boris KruglikovODEs with essential contact or point symmetries
WedFeb 0916:20Sergey AgafonovDarboux integrability for diagonal systems of hydrodynamic type
WedDec 2916:20Sergei IgoninAlgebra and geometry of Lax representations and Bäcklund transformations for (1+1)-dimensional partial differential and differential-difference equations
WedDec 0816:20Hynek BaranJets, a computer algebra on diffieties
WedDec 0816:20Petr VojčákOn the algebras of nonlocal symmetries for the (modified) 4D Martı́nez Alonso-Shabat equation
WedDec 0116:20Eugene FerapontovSecond order integrable Lagrangians and WDVV equations
WedNov 2416:20Boris DoubrovOn Cartan's C-class differential equations
WedNov 1716:20Maxim GrigorievPresymplectic gauge PDEs and Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism
WedNov 1016:20Eivind SchneiderDifferential invariants of Kundt spacetimes
WedNov 0316:20Anna Duyunova and Sergey TychkovThe Euler system on a space curve
WedOct 2716:20Oleg MorozovIntegrable PDEs and extensions of Lie-Rinehart algebras
WedOct 2016:20Igor KhavkineTriangular decoupling of systems of differential equations, with application to separation of variables on Schwarzschild spacetime
WedOct 1316:20Alexei KotovRiemannian Cartan-Lie algebroids and groupoids and curved Yang-Mills-Higgs models
WedOct 0616:20Raffaele VitoloWDVV equations and invariant bi-Hamiltonian formalism
WedSep 2216:20Valentin LychaginOn metric invariants of spherical harmonics
WedMay 1916:20Anton ZabrodinKadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchies of types B and C
WedMay 1216:20Georgy SharyginOperations on universal enveloping algebra and the "argument shift" method
WedMay 0516:20Eugene FerapontovSecond-order PDEs in 3D with Einstein-Weyl conformal structure
WedApr 2816:20Taras SkrypnykAsymmetric variable separation for the Clebsch model
WedApr 2116:20Oleg MorozovLax representations via twisted extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras: some new results
WedApr 1416:20Yuri SachkovSub-Riemannian geometry on the group of motions of the plane
WedApr 0716:20Valentin LychaginOn dynamics of molecular media and generalization of Navier-Stokes equations
WedMar 3116:20Hovhannes KhudaverdianOdd symplectic geometry in the BV-formalism
WedMar 2416:20Anatolij PrykarpatskiOn integrability of some Riemann type hydrodynamical systems and Dubrovin integrability classification of perturbed Korteweg-de Vries type equations
WedMar 1716:20Vladislav ZhvickNonlocal conservation law in a submerged jet
WedMar 1016:20Maxim PavlovNew variational principles for one-dimensional gas dynamics and for Egorov hydrodynamic type systems
WedMar 0316:20Vladimir RubtsovReal Monge-Ampère operators and (almost) complex structures. Part 2
WedFeb 2416:20Vladimir SokolovNon-Abelian generalizations of integrable PDEs and ODEs
WedFeb 1716:20Petr PushkarMorse theory, Bruhat cells and Unitriangular geometry
WedFeb 1016:20Alexey SamokhinOn monotonic pattern in periodic boundary solutions of cylindrical and spherical Kortweg-de Vries-Burgers equations
WedFeb 0316:20Vladimir ChetverikovCoverings and multivector pseudosymmetries of differential equations
WedDec 2316:20Boris KruglikovDispersionless integrable hierarchies and GL(2) geometry
WedDec 1616:20Igor KhavkineKilling compatibility complex on Kerr spacetime
WedDec 0916:20Alexander MikhailovQuantisation ideals of nonabelian integrable systems
WedDec 0216:20Vladimir RubtsovReal Monge-Ampère operators and (almost) complex structures
WedNov 2516:20Valentin LychaginDifferential equations, their symmetries, invariants and quotients
WedNov 1816:20Andrey LosevTau theory, d=10 N=1 SUSY and BV
WedNov 1116:20Pierandrea VergalloHydrodynamic-type systems and homogeneous Hamiltonian operators: a necessary condition of compatibility
WedNov 0416:20Mikhail SheftelNonlocal symmetry of CMA generates ASD Ricci-flat metric with no Killing vectors
WedOct 2116:20Markus DafingerA converse to Noether's theorem
WedSep 3016:20Joseph Krasil'shchikNonlocal conservation laws of PDEs possessing differential coverings
MonJul 2012:00Vladimir RubtsovPolynomial Poisson algebras associated with elliptic curves. Part 2
MonJul 1312:00Vladimir RubtsovPolynomial Poisson algebras associated with elliptic curves. Part 1
MonJul 0612:00Maxim GrigorievPresymplectic structures and intrinsic Lagrangians
MonJun 2912:00Konstantin DruzhkovExtendable symplectic structures and the inverse problem of the calculus of variations for systems of equations written in an extended Kovalevskaya form
MonJun 2212:00Oleg MorozovLax representations via extensions and deformations of Lie symmetry algebras
MonJun 1512:00Hovhannes KhudaverdianNon-linear homomorphisms and thick morphisms
MonJun 0812:00Irina BobrovaOn the second Painlevé equation and its higher analogues
MonJun 0112:00Aleks KleynSystem of differential equations over quaternion algebra
MonMay 2512:00Sergey TychkovContinuum mechanics of media with inner structures
MonMay 1812:00Alexey SamokhinUsing the KdV conserved quantities in problems of splitting of initial data and reflection / refraction of solitons in varying dissipation and/or dispersion media
MonMay 1112:00Valery YumaguzhinInvariants of forth order linear differential operators
MonMay 0412:00Valentin LychaginOn structure of linear differential operators of the first order
MonApr 2712:00Michael RoopShock waves in Euler flows of gases
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