The Isogeny Club

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cryptography and security

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Tuesday 16:00-17:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: The Isogeny Club*
*contact for this listing

A bi-weekly virtual seminar for young isogenists.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 2516:00Abel LavalTBA
TueMar 1116:00Laurane MacroTBA
TueMar 2516:00Robi PedersenTBA
TueApr 0815:00Jonathan LoveTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueDec 1716:00Sina SchaefflerConstant-time lattice reduction for SQIsign
TueDec 0316:00Riccardo InvernizziPRISM: Simple And Compact Identification and Signatures From Large Prime Degree Isogenies
TueNov 1916:00Marzio MulaThe Hessian as a Lattès map
TueNov 0516:00Gioella LorenzonGeneralized class group actions on oriented elliptic curves with level structure
TueOct 2215:00Joseph MaculaExtending class group action attacks via sesquilinear pairings
TueOct 0815:00Giacomo BorinEREBOR: a Full-Anonymous Ring Signature based on SQISign
SunMay 2611:30Andrea BassoPOKE: A Framework for Efficient PKEs, Split KEMs, and OPRFs from Higher-dimensional Isogenies
TueMay 0715:00Krijn ReijndersUsing Kummer Surfaces in SQIsign Verification
TueApr 2315:00Guido Maria LidoA survey on modular curves and their applications
TueApr 0915:00Arthur Herlédan Le MerdyThe endomorphism ring problem given one endomorphism
TueMar 2616:00Gabrielle ScullardConnecting Kani's Lemma and path-finding in the Bruhat-Tits tree to compute endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves
TueMar 1216:00Mingjie ChenSCALLOP-HD: group action from 2-dimensional isogenies
TueFeb 2716:00Simon-Philipp MerzSCALLOP: a somewhat scalable effective group action from isogenies
TueDec 1216:00Charlotte WeitkämperFinding isogenies of fixed degree between supersingular elliptic curves
TueNov 2816:00Péter KutasHidden stabilizers, the isogeny to endomorphism ring problem and the cryptanalysis of pSIDH
TueNov 1416:00Luciano MainoFaster (2,2)-isogenies for Faster Festive Encryption
TueOct 3116:00Nicolas SarkisComputing 2-isogenies between Kummer lines
TueOct 1715:00Tomoki MoriyaThe LIT problem and IS-CUBE
TueOct 0315:00Leonardo ColòBeyond OSIDH
TueApr 1115:00Valerie GilchristEvaluating rational isogenies with irrational kernel points
TueMar 2815:00Pierrick DartoisSQISignHD: signing with higher dimensional isogenies
TueMar 1416:00Michael MeyerSQISign primes: Fantastic p's and where to find them
TueFeb 2816:00Jonathan Komada EriksenDeuring for the People!
TueFeb 1416:00Andrea BassoA Post-Quantum Oblivious PRF from Isogenies
TueJan 3116:00Sarah ArpinOrientations and Isogeny Graphs
TueDec 1316:00Marc HoubenHorizontal racewalking using radical isogenies
TueNov 2216:00Sabrina KunzweilerGenus-2 Isogenies
TueNov 0816:00Tako Boris FouotsaTorsion point images in SIDH: from savior to killer
TueOct 2515:00Antonin LerouxA new algorithm for the effective Deuring correspondence: making SQISign faster
TueOct 1115:00Maria Corte-Real Santos[superlative]Solver - Attacking the General Isogeny Problem
TueSep 2715:00Bruno Sternergit commit -m “isogenies”
TueSep 1315:00Thomas DecruBreaking SIKE
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