Feza Gursey Center Higher Structures Seminars

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algebraic geometry algebraic topology category theory

Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Tuesday 14:00-15:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Kazim Ilhan Ikeda*, Semih Ozlem*, Mehmet Akif Erdal*
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueMar 1815:00Vassily O. Manturov10 years of Gkn: towards invariants of knots and links
TueApr 0114:00George RaptisFrom derivators and ∞-categories to ∞-derivators
TueApr 1514:00Si LiTBA
TueApr 2914:00Alexander ZimmermannOn the ring theory of differential graded algebras
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ThuMar 0615:00Juan OrendainCompact closed Gray monoids
TueJan 2115:00Simona PaoliThe weakly globular approach to higher categories
TueJan 0715:00Mehmet Akif ErdalFibration category structures on monoidal and enriched categories
TueDec 2415:00Keremcan DoğanProto Bialgebroids for Exceptional Geometries
TueDec 1012:00Pranav PanditTowards Categorical Kähler Geometry
ThuNov 2814:00Asgar JamneshanSome applications of toposes of measure-theoretic sheaves
TueNov 1213:00David AyalaFactorization homology of higher categories
TueOct 1515:00Kadri İlker BerktavConstructions of contact derived stacks
TueOct 0112:00Doğancan KarabaşA computational approach to the homotopy theory of dg-categories
TueJun 0415:00Özgün ÜnlüInfinity operads as simplicial lists
TueMay 2117:00Michael ShulmanHigher Observational type theory
TueMay 0708:00Daniel TubbenhauerCounting in tensor products
TueApr 2315:00Elena Caviglia2-stacks and quotient 2-stacks
TueApr 0915:00John HuertaPoincaré duality for families of supermanifolds
TueMar 2615:00Walker SternCommutative and Frobenius algebras in span categories
TueMar 1215:00Elena Dimitriadis BermejoA new model for dg-categories
TueFeb 2709:00Meng-Chwan TanVafa-Witten Theory: Invariants, Floer Homologies, Higgs Bundles, a Geometric Langlands Correspondence, and Categorification
TueFeb 1315:00Nils BaasBeyond Categories
TueJan 1615:00Kadri İlker BerktavShifted contact structures on derived stacks
TueDec 1915:00Félix LoubatonLax univalence for (,ω)(\infty,\omega)-categories
TueDec 0515:00Merlin ChristComplexes of stable infinity-categories
TueNov 2811:00William DonovanHomological comparison of resolution and smoothing
TueNov 0712:00Nick GurskiComputing with symmetric monoidal functors
TueOct 2409:00Ross StreetCould representations of your category be those of a groupoid?
TueOct 1015:00Dmitriy RumyninC_2-Graded groups, their Real representations and Dyson's tenfold way
TueSep 2612:00Lakshya BhardwajTQFTs and Gapped Phases with Non-Invertible Symmetries
TueMay 2314:00Atabey KaygunDold-Kan equivalence and its extensions
TueMay 0915:00Claudia ScheimbauerA universal property of the higher category of spans and finite Gauge theory as an extended TFT
TueApr 2513:30Erdal UlualanSimplisel gruplardan yüksek boyutlu cebirsel modellere funktorlar
TueApr 1115:00Theo Johnson-FreydHigher algebraic closure
TueMar 2814:00Redi HaderiA simplicial category for higher correspondences
TueMar 1414:00Olivia CaramelloGröthendieck toposes as unifying “bridges” in mathematics.
TueFeb 2814:00Julia PlavnikOn the classification of modular categories
TueFeb 2114:00Yusuf Barış KartalFrobenius operators in symplectic topology
TueJan 3107:00David RobertsLow-dimensional higher geometry: a case study
TueJan 1714:00Neslihan GüğümcüOn a quantum invariant of multi-knotoids
TueDec 2014:00Ödül TetikField theory from [and] homology via [are] “duals”
TueDec 0614:00Kürşat SözerCrossed module graded categories and state-sum homotopy invariants of maps
TueNov 2214:00Can YaylalıDerived F-zips
TueNov 0815:00Aaron Mazel-GeeTowards knot homology for 3-manifolds
TueOct 2511:30Kadri İlker BerktavGeometric structures as stacks and geometric field theories
TueMay 2411:30Tatsuki KuwagakiAn introduction to perverse schober
TueMay 1016:00Juan OrendainHigher lattice gauge fields and cubical ω\omega-groupoids
TueApr 2611:30Haldun Özgür BayındırAdjoining roots to ring spectra and algebraic K-theory
TueApr 1211:30Mehmet Akif ErdalHomotopy theory of monoid actions via group actions and an Elmendorf style theorem
TueMar 0811:30Berkan ÜzeA Glimpse of Noncommutative Motives
TueFeb 2211:30Kadri Ilker BerktavSymplectic Structures on Derived Schemes
TueFeb 0811:30Urs SchreiberHigher and Equivariant Bundles
TueJan 2511:30Masanori MorishitaArithmetic topology and arithmetic TQFT
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