Thu | Mar 06 | 15:00 | Juan Orendain | Compact closed Gray monoids | |
Tue | Jan 21 | 15:00 | Simona Paoli | The weakly globular approach to higher categories | |
Tue | Jan 07 | 15:00 | Mehmet Akif Erdal | Fibration category structures on monoidal and enriched categories | |
Tue | Dec 24 | 15:00 | Keremcan Doğan | Proto Bialgebroids for Exceptional Geometries | |
Tue | Dec 10 | 12:00 | Pranav Pandit | Towards Categorical Kähler Geometry | |
Thu | Nov 28 | 14:00 | Asgar Jamneshan | Some applications of toposes of measure-theoretic sheaves | |
Tue | Nov 12 | 13:00 | David Ayala | Factorization homology of higher categories | |
Tue | Oct 15 | 15:00 | Kadri İlker Berktav | Constructions of contact derived stacks | |
Tue | Oct 01 | 12:00 | Doğancan Karabaş | A computational approach to the homotopy theory of dg-categories | |
Tue | Jun 04 | 15:00 | Özgün Ünlü | Infinity operads as simplicial lists | |
Tue | May 21 | 17:00 | Michael Shulman | Higher Observational type theory | |
Tue | May 07 | 08:00 | Daniel Tubbenhauer | Counting in tensor products | |
Tue | Apr 23 | 15:00 | Elena Caviglia | 2-stacks and quotient 2-stacks | |
Tue | Apr 09 | 15:00 | John Huerta | Poincaré duality for families of supermanifolds | |
Tue | Mar 26 | 15:00 | Walker Stern | Commutative and Frobenius algebras in span categories | |
Tue | Mar 12 | 15:00 | Elena Dimitriadis Bermejo | A new model for dg-categories | |
Tue | Feb 27 | 09:00 | Meng-Chwan Tan | Vafa-Witten Theory: Invariants, Floer Homologies, Higgs Bundles, a Geometric Langlands Correspondence, and Categorification | |
Tue | Feb 13 | 15:00 | Nils Baas | Beyond Categories | |
Tue | Jan 16 | 15:00 | Kadri İlker Berktav | Shifted contact structures on derived stacks | |
Tue | Dec 19 | 15:00 | Félix Loubaton | Lax univalence for (∞,ω)-categories | |
Tue | Dec 05 | 15:00 | Merlin Christ | Complexes of stable infinity-categories | |
Tue | Nov 28 | 11:00 | William Donovan | Homological comparison of resolution and smoothing | |
Tue | Nov 07 | 12:00 | Nick Gurski | Computing with symmetric monoidal functors | |
Tue | Oct 24 | 09:00 | Ross Street | Could representations of your category be those of a groupoid? | |
Tue | Oct 10 | 15:00 | Dmitriy Rumynin | C_2-Graded groups, their Real representations and Dyson's tenfold way | |
Tue | Sep 26 | 12:00 | Lakshya Bhardwaj | TQFTs and Gapped Phases with Non-Invertible Symmetries | |
Tue | May 23 | 14:00 | Atabey Kaygun | Dold-Kan equivalence and its extensions | |
Tue | May 09 | 15:00 | Claudia Scheimbauer | A universal property of the higher category of spans and finite Gauge theory as an extended TFT | |
Tue | Apr 25 | 13:30 | Erdal Ulualan | Simplisel gruplardan yüksek boyutlu cebirsel modellere funktorlar | |
Tue | Apr 11 | 15:00 | Theo Johnson-Freyd | Higher algebraic closure | |
Tue | Mar 28 | 14:00 | Redi Haderi | A simplicial category for higher correspondences | |
Tue | Mar 14 | 14:00 | Olivia Caramello | Gröthendieck toposes as unifying “bridges” in mathematics. | |
Tue | Feb 28 | 14:00 | Julia Plavnik | On the classification of modular categories | |
Tue | Feb 21 | 14:00 | Yusuf Barış Kartal | Frobenius operators in symplectic topology | |
Tue | Jan 31 | 07:00 | David Roberts | Low-dimensional higher geometry: a case study | |
Tue | Jan 17 | 14:00 | Neslihan Güğümcü | On a quantum invariant of multi-knotoids | |
Tue | Dec 20 | 14:00 | Ödül Tetik | Field theory from [and] homology via [are] “duals” | |
Tue | Dec 06 | 14:00 | Kürşat Sözer | Crossed module graded categories and state-sum homotopy invariants of maps | |
Tue | Nov 22 | 14:00 | Can Yaylalı | Derived F-zips | |
Tue | Nov 08 | 15:00 | Aaron Mazel-Gee | Towards knot homology for 3-manifolds | |
Tue | Oct 25 | 11:30 | Kadri İlker Berktav | Geometric structures as stacks and geometric field theories | |
Tue | May 24 | 11:30 | Tatsuki Kuwagaki | An introduction to perverse schober | |
Tue | May 10 | 16:00 | Juan Orendain | Higher lattice gauge fields and cubical ω-groupoids | |
Tue | Apr 26 | 11:30 | Haldun Özgür Bayındır | Adjoining roots to ring spectra and algebraic K-theory | |
Tue | Apr 12 | 11:30 | Mehmet Akif Erdal | Homotopy theory of monoid actions via group actions and an Elmendorf style theorem | |
Tue | Mar 08 | 11:30 | Berkan Üze | A Glimpse of Noncommutative Motives | |
Tue | Feb 22 | 11:30 | Kadri Ilker Berktav | Symplectic Structures on Derived Schemes | |
Tue | Feb 08 | 11:30 | Urs Schreiber | Higher and Equivariant Bundles | |
Tue | Jan 25 | 11:30 | Masanori Morishita | Arithmetic topology and arithmetic TQFT | |