SFU NT-AG seminar

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algebraic geometry number theory

Simon Fraser University

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Seminar series time: Thursday 21:30-22:30 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Imin Chen*
*contact for this listing

The Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry (NT-AG) seminar is a research seminar dedicated to topics related to number theory and algebraic geometry hosted by the NT-AG group (Nils Bruin, Imin Chen, Stephen Choi, Katrina Honigs, Nathan Ilten, Marni Mishna).

We acknowledge the support of PIMS, NSERC, and SFU.

For Spring 2025, the organizers are Imin Chen and Lucas Villagra Torcomian.

We normally meet in-person in the indicated room. For online editions, we use Zoom and distribute the link through the mailing list. If you wish to be put on the mailing list, please subscribe to ntag-external using lists.sfu.ca

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuMar 0621:30Julia GordonImproving integrability bounds for Harish-Chandra characters
ThuFeb 2720:30Rahul DalalAutomorphic Representations and Quantum Logic Gates (joint seminar with UBC)
ThuFeb 1321:30Seda AlbayrakMultivariate Generalization of Christol’s Theorem
ThuJan 3021:30Nathan IltenKoszul-Tate Resolutions and Cotangent Cohomology for Monomial Ideals
ThuJan 2321:30No talk (PIMS Colloquium)TBA
ThuJan 1621:30Tian WangEffective open image theorem for products of principally polarized abelian varieties
ThuJan 0921:30Romina M. ArroyoComplex structures on nilpotent almost abelian Lie algebras
ThuDec 0521:30No talk (OR Seminar)TBA
ThuNov 2821:30Sarah DijolsParabolically induced representations of p-adic G2 distinguished by SO4
ThuNov 2121:30Rachel OllivierRigid dualizing complexes for affine Hecke algebras
ThuNov 1421:30No talk (PIMS Colloquium)TBA
ThuOct 1720:30No talk (PIMS Colloquium)TBA
ThuSep 2620:30Netan DograRational points on hyperelliptic curves via nonabelian descent
ThuSep 1920:30Lucas Villagra TorcomianPerfect powers as sum of consecutive powers
ThuSep 1220:30Shubhodip MondalDieudonné theory via cohomology of classifying stacks
ThuSep 0520:45Hendrik SüßLocal volumes of singularities and an algebraic Mahler conjecture
ThuAug 1522:30JM LandsbergSpaces of matrices of bounded rank
ThuJul 2517:30Mark GiesbrechtFunctional Decomposition of Sparse Polynomials
ThuJul 0417:30Pranabesh DasSum of three consecutive fifth powers in an arithmetic progression
ThuApr 0422:30Stanley XiaoOn Hilbert's Tenth Problem and a conjecture of Buchi
ThuMar 2822:30Pijush Pratim SarmahJacobians of Curves in Abelian Surfaces
ThuMar 2122:30Kyle YipDiophantine tuples and bipartite Diophantine tuples
ThuMar 1422:30Farbod ShokriehHeights, abelian varieties, and tropical geometry
ThuMar 0723:30TBDTBA
ThuFeb 2923:30Haggai LiuModuli Spaces of Weighted Stable Curves and their Fundamental Groups
ThuFeb 2223:30Eleonore FaberFriezes and resolutions of plane curve singularities
ThuFeb 1523:30Peter McDonaldSplinter-type conditions for classifying singularities
ThuFeb 0823:30Ben WilliamsExtraordinary involutions on Azumaya algebras
ThuFeb 0123:30TBDTBA
ThuJan 2523:30Debaditya RaychaudhuryOn the singularities of secant varieties
ThuJan 1823:30TBDTBA
ThuNov 3023:30Mark ShoemakerCounting curves in quiver varieties
ThuNov 2323:30Ursula WhitcherAdinkra heights and color-splitting rainbows
ThuNov 1623:30Daniel BraggMurphy's Law for the stack of curves
ThuNov 0923:30Francesco MeazinniOn some formality problems in deformation theory
ThuNov 0222:30Andrea PetracciModuli spaces of Fano varieties can be singular
ThuOct 2622:30Jake LevinsonMinimal degree fibrations in curves and asymptotic degrees of irrationality
ThuOct 1923:00Emiel HaakmaA method of 2-descent on a genus 3 hyperelliptic curve
ThuOct 1222:30Jen PaulhusAutomorphism groups of Riemann surfaces
ThuSep 2822:30Nils BruinJacobians of genus 4 curves that are (2,2)-decomposable
ThuSep 1422:30Alexandre ZotineComputing Higher Direct Images of Toric Morphisms
ThuSep 0722:30All NTAG faculty and studentsHow to NTAG...get the most out of the seminar!
WedAug 0917:30Daniel KatzRationality of four-valued families of binomial Weil sums
FriMar 3122:30Alexandru ConstantinescuCotangent Cohomology for Matroids
ThuMar 3022:30Jen Paulhus(postponed) Automorphism groups of Riemann surfaces
ThuMar 2322:30Giovanni InchiostroWall crossing morphisms for moduli of stable pairs
FriMar 1722:30Susan CooperLimiting Behaviour of Symbolic Powers
ThuMar 0923:30Sharon RobinsDeformations of Smooth Projective Toric Varieties
ThuMar 0223:30Yifeng HuangMatrix points on varieties and punctual Hilbert (and Quot) schemes
ThuFeb 2323:30(reading break)TBA
ThuFeb 1623:30Catherine HsuExplicit non-Gorenstein R=T via rank bounds
ThuFeb 0923:30Eva-Marie HainzlUniversal types of singularities of solutions to functional equation systems
ThuFeb 0223:30Ahmad MokhtarFano schemes of singular symmetric matrices
ThuJan 2623:30June ParkSpace of morphisms & Moduli stack of elliptic fibrations
TueDec 0623:30Sho TanimotoFrom exceptional sets to non-free sections
ThuDec 0123:30Yixin ChenTwo-torsion of the Brauer Group of an Elliptic Surface
ThuNov 2423:30Tyler KellyOpen Mirror Symmetry for Landau-Ginzburg models
ThuNov 1723:30Imin ChenA multi-Frey approach to Fermat equations of signature (11,11,n)
ThuNov 1023:30Adam TopazAn overview of the liquid tensor experiment
ThuNov 0322:30Catherine CannizzoHomological Mirror Symmetry for Theta Divisors
ThuOct 2722:30Corey BrookeAbelian surface fibrations and lines on cubic fourfolds
ThuOct 2022:30Kristin DeVlemingA question of Mori and families of plane curves
ThuOct 1322:30Zhe XuOn the local behaviour of symmetric differentials on the blow-up of Du Val singularities
ThuOct 0623:00Nahid WaljiDistribution of traces of Frobenius and the Lang-Trotter conjecture on average for families of elliptic curves
ThuSep 2922:30Nils BruinTwists of the Burkhardt quartic threefold
ThuSep 2222:30Lena JiRationality of conic bundle threefolds over non-closed fields
ThuSep 1522:30NTAG facultySocial event (meet the NTAG faculty)
ThuApr 1422:30Rohini RamadasThe S_n action on the homology groups of M_{0,n}-bar
ThuApr 0722:30Patricia KleinBumpless pipe dreams encode Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials
ThuMar 3122:30Marni MishnaLattice Walk Enumeration: Analytic, algebraic and geometric aspects
ThuMar 2422:30Stephen PietromonacoEnumerative Geometry of Orbifold K3 Surfaces
ThuMar 1722:30Masahiro NakaharaUniform potential density for rational points on algebraic groups and elliptic K3 surfaces
ThuMar 0323:30Juliette BruceMultigraded regularity on products of projective spaces
ThuFeb 1723:30Katrina HonigsThe fixed locus of a symplectic involution on a hyperkahler 4-fold of Kummer type
ThuFeb 1023:30Jim BryanBott periodicity from algebraic geometry
ThuFeb 0323:30José GonzálezGeneration of jets and Fujita’s jet ampleness conjecture on toric varieties
ThuJan 1323:30Patricia KleinBumpless pipe dreams encode Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials
ThuDec 0923:30Isabel VogtBrill--Noether Theory over the Hurwitz space
ThuDec 0223:30Padmavathi SrinivasanSome Galois cohomology classes arising from the fundamental group of a curve
ThuNov 1823:30Shabnam AkhtariOrders in cubic and quartic number fields and classical Diophantine equations
ThuNov 0422:30Laura EscobarDetermining the complexity of Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties
ThuOct 2822:30Raymond ChengUnbounded negativity on rational surfaces in positive characteristic
ThuOct 2122:30Habiba KadiriPrimes in the Chebotarev density theorem for all number fields
ThuOct 1422:30Christian KlevdalIntegrality of $G$-local systems
ThuOct 0722:30Nathan NgMoments of the Riemann zeta function
ThuSep 2322:30Nathan IltenCluster algebras and deformation theory
ThuSep 1616:30Vance BlankersAlternative compactifications of the moduli space of curves
ThuAug 1216:30Maria GillespieLazy tournaments, slide rules, and multidegrees of projective embeddings of M_{0,n}-bar
ThuJul 2916:30Anwesh RayArithmetic statistics and the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves
ThuJul 2216:30Yairon Cid-RuizPrimary decomposition with differential operators.
ThuJul 1516:30Melissa Sherman-BennettThe hypersimplex and the m=2 amplituhedron: Eulerian numbers, sign flips, triangulations
ThuJul 0816:30Soumya SankarCounting elliptic curves with a rational N-isogeny
ThuJun 2416:30Mateusz MichałekChromatic polynomials of tensors and cohomology of complete forms
ThuJun 1716:30Selvi KaraBlow-Up Algebras of Strongly Stable Ideals
ThuJun 1016:30Lara BossingerProjections in toric degenerations and standard monomials
ThuMay 2716:30Özlem EjderGalois theory of Dynamical Belyi Maps
ThuApr 1516:30Elina RobevaHidden Variables in Linear Causal Models
ThuApr 0816:30Lian DuanBertini's theorem over finite field and Frobenius nonclassical varieties
ThuApr 0116:30Tristan VacconOn Gröbner bases over Tate algebras
ThuMar 2516:30Ari ShnidmanSelmer groups of abelian varieties with cyclotomic multiplication
ThuMar 1816:30Asher AuelThe local-global principle for quadratic forms over function fields
ThuMar 1117:30Claudia FevolaKP Solitons from Tropical Limits
ThuMar 0417:30Alp BassaRational points on curves over finite fields and their asymptotic
ThuFeb 2517:30Alex HeatonCatastrophe discriminants of tensegrity frameworks
ThuFeb 0417:30Andrea FanelliDel Pezzo fibrations in positive characteristic
ThuJan 2817:30Anwesh RayLevel Lowering via the Deformation theory of Galois Representations
ThuJan 2117:30Madeline BrandtTop Weight Cohomology of $A_g$
ThuDec 1017:30Daniele AgostiniOn the irrationality of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces
ThuDec 0317:30Stefano MarsegliaProducts and Polarizations of Super-Isolated Abelian Varieties
ThuNov 2617:30Emre SertözSeparating periods of quartic surfaces
ThuNov 1917:30Michael MonaganThe Tangent-Graeffe root finding algorithm
ThuNov 1217:30Elisa Lorenzo GarcíaPrimes of bad reduction for CM curves of genus 3 and their exponents on the discriminant
ThuNov 0517:30Enis KayaExplicit Vologodsky Integration for Hyperelliptic Curves
ThuOct 2916:30Rosa WinterDensity of rational points on a family of del Pezzo surfaces of degree $1$
ThuJul 2322:30Brendan CreutzBrauer-Manin obstructions on constant curves over global function fields
ThuJul 1622:30Bianca VirayIsolated points on modular curves
ThuJul 0922:30Anthony Várilly-AlvaradoRational surfaces and locally recoverable codes
ThuJul 0222:30Daniele TurchettiModuli spaces of Mumford curves over Z
ThuJun 2522:30Avinash KulkarnipNumerical Linear Algebra
ThuJun 1122:30Jake LevinsonBoij-Söderberg Theory for Grassmannians
ThuJun 0422:30Türkü Özlüm ÇelikThe Dubrovin threefold of an algebraic curve
ThuMay 2822:30Nathan IltenFano schemes for complete intersections in toric varieties
ThuMay 2117:00Fabien PazukiRegulators of number fields and abelian varieties
ThuMay 1417:00Christophe RitzenthalerJacobians in the isogeny class of E^g
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