Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Thu | Mar 06 | 21:30 | Julia Gordon | Improving integrability bounds for Harish-Chandra characters | |
Thu | Feb 27 | 20:30 | Rahul Dalal | Automorphic Representations and Quantum Logic Gates (joint seminar with UBC) | |
Thu | Feb 13 | 21:30 | Seda Albayrak | Multivariate Generalization of Christol’s Theorem | |
Thu | Jan 30 | 21:30 | Nathan Ilten | Koszul-Tate Resolutions and Cotangent Cohomology for Monomial Ideals | |
Thu | Jan 23 | 21:30 | No talk (PIMS Colloquium) | TBA | |
Thu | Jan 16 | 21:30 | Tian Wang | Effective open image theorem for products of principally polarized abelian varieties | |
Thu | Jan 09 | 21:30 | Romina M. Arroyo | Complex structures on nilpotent almost abelian Lie algebras | |
Thu | Dec 05 | 21:30 | No talk (OR Seminar) | TBA | |
Thu | Nov 28 | 21:30 | Sarah Dijols | Parabolically induced representations of p-adic G2 distinguished by SO4 | |
Thu | Nov 21 | 21:30 | Rachel Ollivier | Rigid dualizing complexes for affine Hecke algebras | |
Thu | Nov 14 | 21:30 | No talk (PIMS Colloquium) | TBA | |
Thu | Oct 17 | 20:30 | No talk (PIMS Colloquium) | TBA | |
Thu | Sep 26 | 20:30 | Netan Dogra | Rational points on hyperelliptic curves via nonabelian descent | |
Thu | Sep 19 | 20:30 | Lucas Villagra Torcomian | Perfect powers as sum of consecutive powers | |
Thu | Sep 12 | 20:30 | Shubhodip Mondal | Dieudonné theory via cohomology of classifying stacks | |
Thu | Sep 05 | 20:45 | Hendrik Süß | Local volumes of singularities and an algebraic Mahler conjecture | |
Thu | Aug 15 | 22:30 | JM Landsberg | Spaces of matrices of bounded rank | |
Thu | Jul 25 | 17:30 | Mark Giesbrecht | Functional Decomposition of Sparse Polynomials | |
Thu | Jul 04 | 17:30 | Pranabesh Das | Sum of three consecutive fifth powers in an arithmetic progression | |
Thu | Apr 04 | 22:30 | Stanley Xiao | On Hilbert's Tenth Problem and a conjecture of Buchi | |
Thu | Mar 28 | 22:30 | Pijush Pratim Sarmah | Jacobians of Curves in Abelian Surfaces | |
Thu | Mar 21 | 22:30 | Kyle Yip | Diophantine tuples and bipartite Diophantine tuples | |
Thu | Mar 14 | 22:30 | Farbod Shokrieh | Heights, abelian varieties, and tropical geometry | |
Thu | Mar 07 | 23:30 | TBD | TBA | |
Thu | Feb 29 | 23:30 | Haggai Liu | Moduli Spaces of Weighted Stable Curves and their Fundamental Groups | |
Thu | Feb 22 | 23:30 | Eleonore Faber | Friezes and resolutions of plane curve singularities | |
Thu | Feb 15 | 23:30 | Peter McDonald | Splinter-type conditions for classifying singularities | |
Thu | Feb 08 | 23:30 | Ben Williams | Extraordinary involutions on Azumaya algebras | |
Thu | Feb 01 | 23:30 | TBD | TBA | |
Thu | Jan 25 | 23:30 | Debaditya Raychaudhury | On the singularities of secant varieties | |
Thu | Jan 18 | 23:30 | TBD | TBA | |
Thu | Nov 30 | 23:30 | Mark Shoemaker | Counting curves in quiver varieties | |
Thu | Nov 23 | 23:30 | Ursula Whitcher | Adinkra heights and color-splitting rainbows | |
Thu | Nov 16 | 23:30 | Daniel Bragg | Murphy's Law for the stack of curves | |
Thu | Nov 09 | 23:30 | Francesco Meazinni | On some formality problems in deformation theory | |
Thu | Nov 02 | 22:30 | Andrea Petracci | Moduli spaces of Fano varieties can be singular | |
Thu | Oct 26 | 22:30 | Jake Levinson | Minimal degree fibrations in curves and asymptotic degrees of irrationality | |
Thu | Oct 19 | 23:00 | Emiel Haakma | A method of 2-descent on a genus 3 hyperelliptic curve | |
Thu | Oct 12 | 22:30 | Jen Paulhus | Automorphism groups of Riemann surfaces | |
Thu | Sep 28 | 22:30 | Nils Bruin | Jacobians of genus 4 curves that are (2,2)-decomposable | |
Thu | Sep 14 | 22:30 | Alexandre Zotine | Computing Higher Direct Images of Toric Morphisms | |
Thu | Sep 07 | 22:30 | All NTAG faculty and students | How to NTAG...get the most out of the seminar! | |
Wed | Aug 09 | 17:30 | Daniel Katz | Rationality of four-valued families of binomial Weil sums | |
Fri | Mar 31 | 22:30 | Alexandru Constantinescu | Cotangent Cohomology for Matroids | |
Thu | Mar 30 | 22:30 | Jen Paulhus | (postponed) Automorphism groups of Riemann surfaces | |
Thu | Mar 23 | 22:30 | Giovanni Inchiostro | Wall crossing morphisms for moduli of stable pairs | |
Fri | Mar 17 | 22:30 | Susan Cooper | Limiting Behaviour of Symbolic Powers | |
Thu | Mar 09 | 23:30 | Sharon Robins | Deformations of Smooth Projective Toric Varieties | |
Thu | Mar 02 | 23:30 | Yifeng Huang | Matrix points on varieties and punctual Hilbert (and Quot) schemes | |
Thu | Feb 23 | 23:30 | (reading break) | TBA | |
Thu | Feb 16 | 23:30 | Catherine Hsu | Explicit non-Gorenstein R=T via rank bounds | |
Thu | Feb 09 | 23:30 | Eva-Marie Hainzl | Universal types of singularities of solutions to functional equation systems | |
Thu | Feb 02 | 23:30 | Ahmad Mokhtar | Fano schemes of singular symmetric matrices | |
Thu | Jan 26 | 23:30 | June Park | Space of morphisms & Moduli stack of elliptic fibrations | |
Tue | Dec 06 | 23:30 | Sho Tanimoto | From exceptional sets to non-free sections | |
Thu | Dec 01 | 23:30 | Yixin Chen | Two-torsion of the Brauer Group of an Elliptic Surface | |
Thu | Nov 24 | 23:30 | Tyler Kelly | Open Mirror Symmetry for Landau-Ginzburg models | |
Thu | Nov 17 | 23:30 | Imin Chen | A multi-Frey approach to Fermat equations of signature (11,11,n) | |
Thu | Nov 10 | 23:30 | Adam Topaz | An overview of the liquid tensor experiment | |
Thu | Nov 03 | 22:30 | Catherine Cannizzo | Homological Mirror Symmetry for Theta Divisors | |
Thu | Oct 27 | 22:30 | Corey Brooke | Abelian surface fibrations and lines on cubic fourfolds | |
Thu | Oct 20 | 22:30 | Kristin DeVleming | A question of Mori and families of plane curves | |
Thu | Oct 13 | 22:30 | Zhe Xu | On the local behaviour of symmetric differentials on the blow-up of Du Val singularities | |
Thu | Oct 06 | 23:00 | Nahid Walji | Distribution of traces of Frobenius and the Lang-Trotter conjecture on average for families of elliptic curves | |
Thu | Sep 29 | 22:30 | Nils Bruin | Twists of the Burkhardt quartic threefold | |
Thu | Sep 22 | 22:30 | Lena Ji | Rationality of conic bundle threefolds over non-closed fields | |
Thu | Sep 15 | 22:30 | NTAG faculty | Social event (meet the NTAG faculty) | |
Thu | Apr 14 | 22:30 | Rohini Ramadas | The S_n action on the homology groups of M_{0,n}-bar | |
Thu | Apr 07 | 22:30 | Patricia Klein | Bumpless pipe dreams encode Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials | |
Thu | Mar 31 | 22:30 | Marni Mishna | Lattice Walk Enumeration: Analytic, algebraic and geometric aspects | |
Thu | Mar 24 | 22:30 | Stephen Pietromonaco | Enumerative Geometry of Orbifold K3 Surfaces | |
Thu | Mar 17 | 22:30 | Masahiro Nakahara | Uniform potential density for rational points on algebraic groups and elliptic K3 surfaces | |
Thu | Mar 03 | 23:30 | Juliette Bruce | Multigraded regularity on products of projective spaces | |
Thu | Feb 17 | 23:30 | Katrina Honigs | The fixed locus of a symplectic involution on a hyperkahler 4-fold of Kummer type | |
Thu | Feb 10 | 23:30 | Jim Bryan | Bott periodicity from algebraic geometry | |
Thu | Feb 03 | 23:30 | José González | Generation of jets and Fujita’s jet ampleness conjecture on toric varieties | |
Thu | Jan 13 | 23:30 | Patricia Klein | Bumpless pipe dreams encode Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials | |
Thu | Dec 09 | 23:30 | Isabel Vogt | Brill--Noether Theory over the Hurwitz space | |
Thu | Dec 02 | 23:30 | Padmavathi Srinivasan | Some Galois cohomology classes arising from the fundamental group of a curve | |
Thu | Nov 18 | 23:30 | Shabnam Akhtari | Orders in cubic and quartic number fields and classical Diophantine equations | |
Thu | Nov 04 | 22:30 | Laura Escobar | Determining the complexity of Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties | |
Thu | Oct 28 | 22:30 | Raymond Cheng | Unbounded negativity on rational surfaces in positive characteristic | |
Thu | Oct 21 | 22:30 | Habiba Kadiri | Primes in the Chebotarev density theorem for all number fields | |
Thu | Oct 14 | 22:30 | Christian Klevdal | Integrality of $G$-local systems | |
Thu | Oct 07 | 22:30 | Nathan Ng | Moments of the Riemann zeta function | |
Thu | Sep 23 | 22:30 | Nathan Ilten | Cluster algebras and deformation theory | |
Thu | Sep 16 | 16:30 | Vance Blankers | Alternative compactifications of the moduli space of curves | |
Thu | Aug 12 | 16:30 | Maria Gillespie | Lazy tournaments, slide rules, and multidegrees of projective embeddings of M_{0,n}-bar | |
Thu | Jul 29 | 16:30 | Anwesh Ray | Arithmetic statistics and the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves | |
Thu | Jul 22 | 16:30 | Yairon Cid-Ruiz | Primary decomposition with differential operators. | |
Thu | Jul 15 | 16:30 | Melissa Sherman-Bennett | The hypersimplex and the m=2 amplituhedron: Eulerian numbers, sign flips, triangulations | |
Thu | Jul 08 | 16:30 | Soumya Sankar | Counting elliptic curves with a rational N-isogeny | |
Thu | Jun 24 | 16:30 | Mateusz Michałek | Chromatic polynomials of tensors and cohomology of complete forms | |
Thu | Jun 17 | 16:30 | Selvi Kara | Blow-Up Algebras of Strongly Stable Ideals | |
Thu | Jun 10 | 16:30 | Lara Bossinger | Projections in toric degenerations and standard monomials | |
Thu | May 27 | 16:30 | Özlem Ejder | Galois theory of Dynamical Belyi Maps | |
Thu | Apr 15 | 16:30 | Elina Robeva | Hidden Variables in Linear Causal Models | |
Thu | Apr 08 | 16:30 | Lian Duan | Bertini's theorem over finite field and Frobenius nonclassical varieties | |
Thu | Apr 01 | 16:30 | Tristan Vaccon | On Gröbner bases over Tate algebras | |
Thu | Mar 25 | 16:30 | Ari Shnidman | Selmer groups of abelian varieties with cyclotomic multiplication | |
Thu | Mar 18 | 16:30 | Asher Auel | The local-global principle for quadratic forms over function fields | |
Thu | Mar 11 | 17:30 | Claudia Fevola | KP Solitons from Tropical Limits | |
Thu | Mar 04 | 17:30 | Alp Bassa | Rational points on curves over finite fields and their asymptotic | |
Thu | Feb 25 | 17:30 | Alex Heaton | Catastrophe discriminants of tensegrity frameworks | |
Thu | Feb 04 | 17:30 | Andrea Fanelli | Del Pezzo fibrations in positive characteristic | |
Thu | Jan 28 | 17:30 | Anwesh Ray | Level Lowering via the Deformation theory of Galois Representations | |
Thu | Jan 21 | 17:30 | Madeline Brandt | Top Weight Cohomology of $A_g$ | |
Thu | Dec 10 | 17:30 | Daniele Agostini | On the irrationality of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces | |
Thu | Dec 03 | 17:30 | Stefano Marseglia | Products and Polarizations of Super-Isolated Abelian Varieties | |
Thu | Nov 26 | 17:30 | Emre Sertöz | Separating periods of quartic surfaces | |
Thu | Nov 19 | 17:30 | Michael Monagan | The Tangent-Graeffe root finding algorithm | |
Thu | Nov 12 | 17:30 | Elisa Lorenzo García | Primes of bad reduction for CM curves of genus 3 and their exponents on the discriminant | |
Thu | Nov 05 | 17:30 | Enis Kaya | Explicit Vologodsky Integration for Hyperelliptic Curves | |
Thu | Oct 29 | 16:30 | Rosa Winter | Density of rational points on a family of del Pezzo surfaces of degree $1$ | |
Thu | Jul 23 | 22:30 | Brendan Creutz | Brauer-Manin obstructions on constant curves over global function fields | |
Thu | Jul 16 | 22:30 | Bianca Viray | Isolated points on modular curves | |
Thu | Jul 09 | 22:30 | Anthony Várilly-Alvarado | Rational surfaces and locally recoverable codes | |
Thu | Jul 02 | 22:30 | Daniele Turchetti | Moduli spaces of Mumford curves over Z | |
Thu | Jun 25 | 22:30 | Avinash Kulkarni | pNumerical Linear Algebra | |
Thu | Jun 11 | 22:30 | Jake Levinson | Boij-Söderberg Theory for Grassmannians | |
Thu | Jun 04 | 22:30 | Türkü Özlüm Çelik | The Dubrovin threefold of an algebraic curve | |
Thu | May 28 | 22:30 | Nathan Ilten | Fano schemes for complete intersections in toric varieties | |
Thu | May 21 | 17:00 | Fabien Pazuki | Regulators of number fields and abelian varieties | |
Thu | May 14 | 17:00 | Christophe Ritzenthaler | Jacobians in the isogeny class of E^g | |