Fri | Mar 07 | 00:30 | UCLA Combinatorics Forum | Ada Stelzer | Crystals, standard monomials, and filtered RSK | |
Fri | Mar 07 | 08:00 | SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics Seminars | Kazumi Okuyama | TBA | |
Fri | Mar 07 | 12:40 | ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminars | John Christian Ottem | Fano varieties with torsion in the third cohomology group | |
Fri | Mar 07 | 14:00 | University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar | Mario Román | String Diagrams for Premonoidal Categories | |
Fri | Mar 07 | 15:00 | Cross Alps Logic Seminar | Sumun Iyer | Extremely amenable groups of homeomorphisms | |
Fri | Mar 07 | 16:45 | CUNY Geometric Analysis Seminar | Kazuo Akutagawa | Harmonic maps from the product of hyperbolic spaces to hyperbolic spaces | |
Sat | Mar 08 | 14:05 | Knots, graphs and groups | Hyungtae Baek | Krull-like domain arising from Anderson rings | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 08:00 | Tropical mathematics and machine learning | Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan | Drazin inverses in Categories | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 10:00 | NKUA HEP Seminars | Markus B. Fröb | Modular Hamiltonians, relative entropy and the entropy-area law in de Sitter spacetime | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 10:30 | Cihan Okay | Aziz Kharoof | Simplicial methods in the resource theory of contextuality | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 12:15 | CAM seminar | Snorre Harald Christiansen | Mixed finite elements from the point of view of category theory | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 13:00 | Paris algebra seminar | Leandro Vendramin | Nichols algebras over groups | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 14:00 | Geometric and functional inequalities and applications | Giampiero Palatucci | The De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theory for kinetic equations with nonlocal diffusions | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 14:40 | Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics | Kai Richter | Dimension reduction for elastoplastic rods in the bending regime | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 15:00 | European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar | David Blecher | Jordan operator algebras and beyond | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 15:00 | Sissa algebraic geometry seminar | Marco Miceli | Sheaves on sites, topologies on Sch and comparisons | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 18:15 | Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC) | Andrew Pearce-Crump | Number Theory versus Random Matrix Theory: the joint moments story | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 20:30 | MIT Algebraic Topology Seminar | Dev Sinha | From Milnor invariants to $E$-infinity cochain structures | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 22:00 | SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") Seminar | Robert John Baraldi | A Nonsmooth Trust-Region Framework for Applications in Data Science and PDE Constrained Optimization | |
Mon | Mar 10 | 23:00 | Fraser Valley Math & Stats Seminar | Glen Van Brummelen | Jamshīd al-Kāshī in India: A 18th-Century Story of Transmission in Trigonometry | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 06:00 | OIST representation theory seminar | Jonathan Brundan | Quasi-split 2-iquantum groups | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 08:00 | BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar | Arthur Hutsalyuk | Exact Spin Correlators of Integrable Quantum Circuits from Algebraic Geometry | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 13:00 | Function spaces | Dariusz Kosz | Variation of the centered maximal function | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 13:00 | Geometric Structures Research Seminar | Gianmarco Caldini | Optimal smooth approximation of integral cycles | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 14:00 | One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar | Pierre Letouzey | Generalizing some Hofstadter functions: G, H and beyond | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 14:00 | Non-local operators, probability and singularities | Federica Gregorio | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 14:00 | ANTLR seminar | Martin Bays | An asymmetric version of Elekes-Szabó via group actions | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 15:00 | Geometria em Lisboa (IST) | Nick Sheridan | Quantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 15:00 | Malliavin Calculus and its Applications | Adam Bobrowski | Analytic description of Brownian motions on star-like graphs | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 15:00 | Quantum Spain | Emanuele Costa | A Quantum Annealing Protocol to Solve the Nuclear Shell Model | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 16:00 | The Isogeny Club | Laurane Macro | Computing modular polynomials modulo a generic prime | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 16:15 | Northwestern Applied Mathematics Seminar | Vaseem Shaik | Active Particles in Inhomogeneous Environments | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 16:15 | New England Dynamics and Number Theory Seminar | Michael Bersudsky | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 17:00 | VaNTAGe | Netan Dogra | Rational points on curves via algebraic cycles on surfaces (computational aspects) | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 19:00 | Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar | Eric Jovinelly | Free Curves in Singular Varieties | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 20:00 | OARS Online Analysis Research Seminar | Daniela Di Donato | Rectifiability in Carnot groups | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 20:00 | UCLA analysis and PDE seminar | Jun Yin | The delocalization conjecture for random band matrices | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 20:00 | CRG Weekly Seminars | Besfort Shala | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 20:30 | MIT number theory seminar | Michael Stoll | Conjectural asymptotics of prime orders of points on elliptic curves over number fields | |
Tue | Mar 11 | 20:30 | Mathematical Picture Language Seminar | Michael Douglas | AI in math and theoretical physics: status and prospects | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 07:30 | Moscow-Beijing topology seminar | Alexander Zheglov | String equation in the ring of differential operators and the Dixmier conjecture for the first Weyl algebra | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 09:30 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | William Da Silva | The scaling limit of the volume of loop-O(n) quadrangulations | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 10:00 | AUTH HEP-TH Seminars | Niels Obers | A BPS Road to Holography: Decoupling Limits and Non-Lorentzian Geometries | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 11:00 | ICCUB Seminars | Sergi Masot Llima | Stabilizer Tensor Networks | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 11:00 | Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics | Vald Margarint | A bridge between Random Matrix Theory and Schramm-Loewner Evolutions | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 11:30 | RA Seminar | Andrea Solotar | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 12:30 | Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statistics | Sasha Zuevsky | CFT correlation determinants with elliptic functions | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 13:00 | Seminar on Quantum Optics and Related Topics | E. A. Anashkina | Symmetry breaking of counterpropagating Raman waves in optical microresonators: unexpected findings | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 15:00 | SISSA Mathematical Physics seminar | Joscha Henheik | Prethermalization for deformed Wigner matrices | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 15:00 | Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas) | Thomas Rot | The topology of infinite dimensional spaces and nonlinear proper Fredholm mappings | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 16:00 | London number theory seminar | Herbert Gangl | TBA | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 16:00 | Metagovernance Seminar | Open Slot | Open Slot | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 16:20 | Geometry of differential equations seminar | Valentin Lychagin | Turbulence geometry and Navier-Stokes equations | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 19:00 | Harvard number theory seminar | Sam Schiavone | Reconstructing genus 4 curves and applications | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 19:00 | Noncommutative geometry in NYC | Gabor Etesi | The four dimensional smooth Poincare conjecture from the viewpoint of Neumann algebra representations | |
Wed | Mar 12 | 23:00 | New York City Category Theory Seminar | Jonathon Funk | Toposes and Rings | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 14:00 | Florida Atlantic University Crypto Café | Merve Karabulut | Efficient CPA Attack on Hardware Implementation of ML-DSA in Post-Quantum Root of Trust | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 14:00 | MESS (Mathematics Essex Seminar Series) | Abhishek Kumar | Linear and Nonlinear Stability of Stratified Flows: Instabilities and Control | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 15:00 | M-seminar | Fabian Haiden | Counting in Calabi-Yau categories - Part 2 | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 15:00 | Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online Edition | Maxim Arnold | TBA | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 16:00 | Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks | Takashi Okada | Structural Bifurcation Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 16:00 | Number Theory Web Seminar | Florian Karl Richter | TBA | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 16:30 | Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction Networks | Carlos Floyd | Limits on the computational expressivity of non-equilibrium biophysical processes | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 16:30 | SFU NT-AG seminar | Diana Mocanu | Generalized Fermat equations over totally real fields | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 17:00 | Topos Institute Colloquium | Nina Otter | TBA | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 18:00 | Online logic seminar | Isis Gallardo | Decidability and generation of the variety of distributive $\ell$-pregroups. | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 19:00 | Calgary Algebra and Number Theory Seminar | Antoine Leudière | TBA | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 21:00 | PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research Seminar | Walaa Moursi (UBC-O hosted) | TBA | |
Thu | Mar 13 | 21:00 | UCSD number theory seminar | Marie-France Vigneras | Asymptotics of $p$-adic groups, mostly $SL_2$ [Colloquium] | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 02:00 | SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics Seminars | Rafael Nepomechie | TBA | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 08:30 | Nagoya Math-Phys Seminar | Richard Szabo | Double copy of noncommutative gauge theory | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 09:00 | IPhT courses | Carlo Heissenberg | Gravitational waves, scattering amplitudes and BMS | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 12:40 | ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminars | Emre Coşkun | Stability conditions on K3 surfaces | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 13:15 | Symplectic zoominar | Alexander Ritter (Oxford) | Equivariant Floer theory for symplectic C*-manifolds | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 14:00 | Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical Sciences | Khalef Yaddaden | TBA | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 14:00 | GEOTOP-A seminar | Agnese Barbensi | Topologically steered simulations and the role of geometric constraints in protein knotting | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 14:00 | University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar | Ekaterina Komendantskaya | TBA | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 17:00 | Geometry Webinar AmSur /AmSul | Ronaldo Freire de Lima | Isoparametric hypersurfaces of Riemannian manifolds | |
Fri | Mar 14 | 19:00 | Stanford algebraic geometry seminar | Frank Sottile | TBA | |
Sat | Mar 15 | 14:05 | Knots, graphs and groups | Louis Kauffman | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 07:00 | Tropical mathematics and machine learning | Anibal Medina Mardones | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 12:15 | CAM seminar | Balázs Kovács | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 13:00 | Paris algebra seminar | Mikhail Gorsky | Hall algebras and counting in Calabi-Yau categories | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 14:40 | Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics | Jaroslav Hron | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 15:00 | European Non-Associative Algebra Seminar | Anna Fino | Special Hermitian metrics on solvable Lie algebras | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 15:00 | Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS] | Roberto Hernández Palomares | Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 15:00 | Sissa algebraic geometry seminar | Luca Morstabilini | Groupoid fibrations and the 2–category of stacks; morphisms, substacks and 2–fibre products | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 15:30 | Knots and representation theory | Manpreet Singh | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 18:15 | Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC) | Dave Morris | TBA | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 20:00 | Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminar | Adam Logan | Kodaira dimension of Hilbert modular threefolds | |
Mon | Mar 17 | 22:00 | SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") Seminar | Astrid Herremans | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 01:00 | Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series | Dr. Nicolau S. Aiex | Quantitative estimates on singularities of minimal hypersurfaces | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 08:00 | BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar | Jue Hou | Spin-s Q-systems: Twist and Open Boundaries | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 08:00 | Probability Victoria Seminar (PVSeminar) | Carlangelo Liverani | Dynamical Systems as Markov Chains | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 13:00 | Geometric Structures Research Seminar | Luca Nalon | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 13:00 | One World Numeration seminar | Valentin Ovsienko | From Catalan numbers to integrable dynamics: continued fractions and Hankel determinants for q-numbers | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 14:00 | One world IAMP mathematical physics seminar | Michele Schiavina | Superselection sectors from Hamiltonian reduction | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 14:00 | ANTLR seminar | Lorna Gregory | TBA | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 15:00 | Feza Gursey Center Higher Structures Seminars | Vassily O. Manturov | 10 years of Gkn: towards invariants of knots and links | |
Tue | Mar 18 | 15:00 | Malliavin Calculus and its Applications | David Clancy, Jr. | A central limit theorem for the giant in a stochastic block model | |