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FriMar 0700:30UCLA Combinatorics ForumAda StelzerCrystals, standard monomials, and filtered RSK
FriMar 0708:00SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics SeminarsKazumi OkuyamaTBA
FriMar 0712:40ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry SeminarsJohn Christian OttemFano varieties with torsion in the third cohomology group
FriMar 0714:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarMario RománString Diagrams for Premonoidal Categories
FriMar 0715:00Cross Alps Logic SeminarSumun IyerExtremely amenable groups of homeomorphisms
FriMar 0716:45CUNY Geometric Analysis SeminarKazuo AkutagawaHarmonic maps from the product of hyperbolic spaces to hyperbolic spaces
SatMar 0814:05Knots, graphs and groupsHyungtae BaekKrull-like domain arising from Anderson rings
MonMar 1008:00Tropical mathematics and machine learningPriyaa Varshinee SrinivasanDrazin inverses in Categories
MonMar 1010:00NKUA HEP SeminarsMarkus B. FröbModular Hamiltonians, relative entropy and the entropy-area law in de Sitter spacetime
MonMar 1010:30Cihan OkayAziz KharoofSimplicial methods in the resource theory of contextuality
MonMar 1012:15CAM seminarSnorre Harald ChristiansenMixed finite elements from the point of view of category theory
MonMar 1013:00Paris algebra seminarLeandro VendraminNichols algebras over groups
MonMar 1014:00Geometric and functional inequalities and applicationsGiampiero PalatucciThe De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theory for kinetic equations with nonlocal diffusions
MonMar 1014:40Nečas Seminar on Continuum MechanicsKai RichterDimension reduction for elastoplastic rods in the bending regime
MonMar 1015:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarDavid BlecherJordan operator algebras and beyond
MonMar 1015:00Sissa algebraic geometry seminarMarco MiceliSheaves on sites, topologies on Sch and comparisons
MonMar 1018:15Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC)Andrew Pearce-CrumpNumber Theory versus Random Matrix Theory: the joint moments story
MonMar 1020:30MIT Algebraic Topology SeminarDev SinhaFrom Milnor invariants to $E$-infinity cochain structures
MonMar 1022:00SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") SeminarRobert John BaraldiA Nonsmooth Trust-Region Framework for Applications in Data Science and PDE Constrained Optimization
MonMar 1023:00Fraser Valley Math & Stats SeminarGlen Van BrummelenJamshīd al-Kāshī in India: A 18th-Century Story of Transmission in Trigonometry
TueMar 1106:00OIST representation theory seminarJonathan BrundanQuasi-split 2-iquantum groups
TueMar 1108:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarArthur HutsalyukExact Spin Correlators of Integrable Quantum Circuits from Algebraic Geometry
TueMar 1113:00Function spacesDariusz KoszVariation of the centered maximal function
TueMar 1113:00Geometric Structures Research SeminarGianmarco CaldiniOptimal smooth approximation of integral cycles
TueMar 1114:00One World Combinatorics on Words SeminarPierre LetouzeyGeneralizing some Hofstadter functions: G, H and beyond
TueMar 1114:00Non-local operators, probability and singularitiesFederica GregorioTBA
TueMar 1114:00ANTLR seminarMartin BaysAn asymmetric version of Elekes-Szabó via group actions
TueMar 1115:00Geometria em Lisboa (IST)Nick SheridanQuantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology
TueMar 1115:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsAdam BobrowskiAnalytic description of Brownian motions on star-like graphs
TueMar 1115:00Quantum SpainEmanuele CostaA Quantum Annealing Protocol to Solve the Nuclear Shell Model
TueMar 1116:00The Isogeny ClubLaurane MacroComputing modular polynomials modulo a generic prime
TueMar 1116:15Northwestern Applied Mathematics SeminarVaseem ShaikActive Particles in Inhomogeneous Environments
TueMar 1116:15New England Dynamics and Number Theory SeminarMichael BersudskyTBA
TueMar 1117:00VaNTAGeNetan DograRational points on curves via algebraic cycles on surfaces (computational aspects)
TueMar 1119:00Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry SeminarEric JovinellyFree Curves in Singular Varieties
TueMar 1120:00OARS Online Analysis Research SeminarDaniela Di DonatoRectifiability in Carnot groups
TueMar 1120:00UCLA analysis and PDE seminarJun YinThe delocalization conjecture for random band matrices
TueMar 1120:00CRG Weekly SeminarsBesfort ShalaTBA
TueMar 1120:30MIT number theory seminarMichael StollConjectural asymptotics of prime orders of points on elliptic curves over number fields
TueMar 1120:30Mathematical Picture Language SeminarMichael DouglasAI in math and theoretical physics: status and prospects
WedMar 1207:30Moscow-Beijing topology seminarAlexander ZheglovString equation in the ring of differential operators and the Dixmier conjecture for the first Weyl algebra
WedMar 1209:30Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsWilliam Da SilvaThe scaling limit of the volume of loop-O(n) quadrangulations
WedMar 1210:00AUTH HEP-TH SeminarsNiels ObersA BPS Road to Holography: Decoupling Limits and Non-Lorentzian Geometries
WedMar 1211:00ICCUB SeminarsSergi Masot LlimaStabilizer Tensor Networks
WedMar 1211:00Seed Seminar of Mathematics and PhysicsVald MargarintA bridge between Random Matrix Theory and Schramm-Loewner Evolutions
WedMar 1211:30RA SeminarAndrea SolotarTBA
WedMar 1212:30Prague-Hradec Kralove seminar Cohomology in algebra, geometry, physics and statisticsSasha ZuevskyCFT correlation determinants with elliptic functions
WedMar 1213:00Seminar on Quantum Optics and Related TopicsE. A. AnashkinaSymmetry breaking of counterpropagating Raman waves in optical microresonators: unexpected findings
WedMar 1215:00SISSA Mathematical Physics seminarJoscha HenheikPrethermalization for deformed Wigner matrices
WedMar 1215:00Topology and Geometry Seminar (Texas, Kansas)Thomas RotThe topology of infinite dimensional spaces and nonlinear proper Fredholm mappings
WedMar 1216:00London number theory seminarHerbert GanglTBA
WedMar 1216:00Metagovernance SeminarOpen SlotOpen Slot
WedMar 1216:20Geometry of differential equations seminarValentin LychaginTurbulence geometry and Navier-Stokes equations
WedMar 1219:00Harvard number theory seminarSam SchiavoneReconstructing genus 4 curves and applications
WedMar 1219:00Noncommutative geometry in NYCGabor EtesiThe four dimensional smooth Poincare conjecture from the viewpoint of Neumann algebra representations
WedMar 1223:00New York City Category Theory SeminarJonathon FunkToposes and Rings
ThuMar 1314:00Florida Atlantic University Crypto CaféMerve KarabulutEfficient CPA Attack on Hardware Implementation of ML-DSA in Post-Quantum Root of Trust
ThuMar 1314:00MESS (Mathematics Essex Seminar Series)Abhishek KumarLinear and Nonlinear Stability of Stratified Flows: Instabilities and Control
ThuMar 1315:00M-seminarFabian HaidenCounting in Calabi-Yau categories - Part 2
ThuMar 1315:00Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online EditionMaxim ArnoldTBA
ThuMar 1316:00Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction NetworksTakashi OkadaStructural Bifurcation Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks
ThuMar 1316:00Number Theory Web SeminarFlorian Karl RichterTBA
ThuMar 1316:30Seminar on the Mathematics of Reaction NetworksCarlos FloydLimits on the computational expressivity of non-equilibrium biophysical processes
ThuMar 1316:30SFU NT-AG seminarDiana MocanuGeneralized Fermat equations over totally real fields
ThuMar 1317:00Topos Institute ColloquiumNina OtterTBA
ThuMar 1318:00Online logic seminarIsis GallardoDecidability and generation of the variety of distributive $\ell$-pregroups.
ThuMar 1319:00Calgary Algebra and Number Theory SeminarAntoine LeudièreTBA
ThuMar 1321:00PIMS-CORDS SFU Operations Research SeminarWalaa Moursi (UBC-O hosted)TBA
ThuMar 1321:00UCSD number theory seminarMarie-France VignerasAsymptotics of $p$-adic groups, mostly $SL_2$ [Colloquium]
FriMar 1402:00SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics SeminarsRafael NepomechieTBA
FriMar 1408:30Nagoya Math-Phys SeminarRichard SzaboDouble copy of noncommutative gauge theory
FriMar 1409:00IPhT coursesCarlo HeissenbergGravitational waves, scattering amplitudes and BMS
FriMar 1412:40ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry SeminarsEmre CoşkunStability conditions on K3 surfaces
FriMar 1413:15Symplectic zoominarAlexander Ritter (Oxford)Equivariant Floer theory for symplectic C*-manifolds
FriMar 1414:00Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical SciencesKhalef YaddadenTBA
FriMar 1414:00GEOTOP-A seminarAgnese BarbensiTopologically steered simulations and the role of geometric constraints in protein knotting
FriMar 1414:00University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminarEkaterina KomendantskayaTBA
FriMar 1417:00Geometry Webinar AmSur /AmSulRonaldo Freire de LimaIsoparametric hypersurfaces of Riemannian manifolds
FriMar 1419:00Stanford algebraic geometry seminarFrank SottileTBA
SatMar 1514:05Knots, graphs and groupsLouis KauffmanTBA
MonMar 1707:00Tropical mathematics and machine learningAnibal Medina MardonesTBA
MonMar 1712:15CAM seminarBalázs KovácsTBA
MonMar 1713:00Paris algebra seminarMikhail GorskyHall algebras and counting in Calabi-Yau categories
MonMar 1714:40Nečas Seminar on Continuum MechanicsJaroslav HronTBA
MonMar 1715:00European Non-Associative Algebra SeminarAnna FinoSpecial Hermitian metrics on solvable Lie algebras
MonMar 1715:00Quantum Groups Seminar [QGS]Roberto Hernández PalomaresQuantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories
MonMar 1715:00Sissa algebraic geometry seminarLuca MorstabiliniGroupoid fibrations and the 2–category of stacks; morphisms, substacks and 2–fibre products
MonMar 1715:30Knots and representation theoryManpreet SinghTBA
MonMar 1718:15Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar (NTC)Dave MorrisTBA
MonMar 1720:00Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory seminarAdam LoganKodaira dimension of Hilbert modular threefolds
MonMar 1722:00SFU Mathematics of Computation, Application and Data ("MOCAD") SeminarAstrid HerremansTBA
TueMar 1801:00Nonlinear Analysis Seminar SeriesDr. Nicolau S. AiexQuantitative estimates on singularities of minimal hypersurfaces
TueMar 1808:00BIMSA Integrable Systems SeminarJue HouSpin-s Q-systems: Twist and Open Boundaries
TueMar 1808:00Probability Victoria Seminar (PVSeminar)Carlangelo LiveraniDynamical Systems as Markov Chains
TueMar 1813:00Geometric Structures Research SeminarLuca NalonTBA
TueMar 1813:00One World Numeration seminarValentin OvsienkoFrom Catalan numbers to integrable dynamics: continued fractions and Hankel determinants for q-numbers
TueMar 1814:00One world IAMP mathematical physics seminarMichele SchiavinaSuperselection sectors from Hamiltonian reduction
TueMar 1814:00ANTLR seminarLorna GregoryTBA
TueMar 1815:00Feza Gursey Center Higher Structures SeminarsVassily O. Manturov10 years of Gkn: towards invariants of knots and links
TueMar 1815:00Malliavin Calculus and its ApplicationsDavid Clancy, Jr.A central limit theorem for the giant in a stochastic block model