Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetries

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differential geometry geometric topology metric geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Wednesday 16:00-17:00
Organizers: Fernando Galaz-García*, Carolyn Gordon, Ramiro Lafuente*, Emilio Lauret*
*contact for this listing

Description: Research seminar in Lie group actions in Differential geometry.

The seminar meets every other Wednesday. To accommodate most time zones, the time rotates. The Zoom link is sent to the mailing list around 24 hours before each talk. To subscribe to the mailing list, fill the following form:

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJan 2216:00Daniela Di DonatoRectifiability in Carnot groups
WedDec 0412:00Alberto Rodríguez VázquezTotally geodesic submanifolds of the homogeneous nearly Kähler 6-manifolds and their G2-cones
WedNov 2016:00Anna SiffertConstruction of biharmonic submanifolds of cohomogeneity one manifolds
WedOct 2316:00Wolfang ZillerCurvature Homogeneous Manifolds
WedOct 0916:00F TripaldiExtracting subcomplexes on nilpotent groups without relying on homogeneous structures
WedSep 2512:00Valeria GutiérrezStability of (generalized) Einstein Metrics on aligned Homogeneous Spaces.
WedSep 1116:00Philipp ReiserTwisted suspensions, torus actions, and positive Ricci curvature
WedJun 1913:00Mariel SáezTranslators for mean curvature flow
WedJun 0516:00Robert BryantAffine Bonnet surfaces
WedMay 2210:00Francesco PediconiA moment map for twisted-Hamiltonian vector fields on locally conformally Kähler manifolds
WedMay 0816:00Jesse MadnickThe Morse index of quartic minimal hypersurfaces
WedApr 2413:00Juan Sebastián RodríguezIsospectrality in Symmetric Spaces
WedApr 1016:00Dennis WulleCohomogeneity one manifolds with quasipositive curvature
WedMar 2723:00Kyle BroderInvariant metrics in complex analysis and a conjecture of Kobayashi and Lang
WedMar 1316:00Marie-Amelie LawnGeneralized spin structures and homogeneous spaces
WedFeb 2816:00Jaime Santos RodríguezSymmetries of Wasserstein spaces
WedFeb 1414:00Irina MarkinaA unified approach to extremal curves on Stiefel manifolds
WedJan 3123:00Mat LangfordAncient solutions to geometric flows with small symmetry groups
WedJan 1716:00Anusha M. KrishnanToral symmetries of homogeneous collapsed ancient Ricci flows
WedDec 0616:00Lee KennardTorus actions with connected isotropy groups
WedNov 0809:00Fangyang ZhengWhen will the Chern connection of a Hermitian manifold have parallel torsion and curvature?
WedOct 2516:00Julieth SaavedraLaplacian coflow of G_2-structures: Review and open questions.
WedOct 1122:00Michael EastwoodThe range of the double fibration transform
WedSep 1316:00Laura GeattiGeometry of Hermitian symmetric spaces under the action of a maximal unipotent group.
WedJul 2616:00Leonardo CavenaghiThe complete dynamics description of positively curved metrics in the Wallach flag manifold $\mathrm{SU}(3)/\mathrm{T}^2$ and other homogeneous spaces
WedJul 1222:00Adam ThompsonNew examples of Ricci solitons with non-compact symmetry
WedJun 2816:00Carlos OlmosHopf fibrations and totally geodesic submanifolds
WedJun 1409:00Jan NienhausEinstein metrics on spheres of even dimension
WedMay 3116:00Paul SchwahnThe Lichnerowicz Laplacian on normal homogeneous spaces
WedMay 1722:00Mary SandovalDetecting Orbifold Singularities via the Orbifold Length Spectra
WedMay 0316:00Simon SalamonThe flag manifold $SU(3)/T^2$ and its subvarieties
WedApr 0522:00Alejandro TolcachierSpecial Hermitian structures on products of Sasakian manifolds
WedMar 2216:00Yurii G. NikonorovFinite homogeneous metric spaces with special properties
WedMar 0809:00Hemangi Madhusudan ShahSome Solitons on Homogeneous Almost $\alpha$-Cosymplectic 3-Manifolds and Harmonic Manifolds
WedFeb 2222:00Lucia Martin MerchanTopological properties of closed $\mathrm{G}_2$ manifolds through compact quotients of Lie groups
WedFeb 0816:00Jason DeVitoThe non-simply connected double soul conjecture
WedJan 2516:00Craig SuttonGeneric properties of Laplace eigenfunctions in the presence of torus actions
WedDec 0716:00McFeely Jackson GoodmanCurvature Operators, Laplacians, and Rational Cobordism
WedNov 2309:00Andreas KollrossTotally geodesic submanifolds in exceptional symmetric spaces
WedOct 2622:00Yi LaiO(2)-symmetry of 3D steady gradient Ricci solitons
WedOct 1216:00Guofang WeiSingular Weyl's law with Ricci curvature bounded below
WedSep 2109:00Diego CorroSymmetry preserving solutions to the Yamabe Problem
WedSep 0709:00Victor Sanmartin-LopezIsoparametric hypersurfaces in symmetric spaces of non-compact type and higher rank
WedJun 2922:00Marcos OrigliaConformal Killing Yano $2$-forms on Lie groups
WedJun 1516:00Thibaut DelcroixYau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for cohomogeneity one manifolds
WedJun 0109:00Anusha KrishnanPositive sectional curvature and Ricci flow
WedMay 1816:00Uwe SemmelmannStability of the non–Symmetric space E7/PSO(8)
WedMay 0422:00Benjamin SchmidtPreserve one, preserve all.
WedApr 2016:00Luigi VezzoniThe Calabi-Yau problem in HKT Geometry
WedApr 0609:00Hisashi KasuyaDouble sided actions and non-invariant complex structures on compact Lie groups
WedMar 2316:00Megan KerrSubmanifolds of Noncompact Homogeneous Spaces with Special Curvature Properties
WedMar 0912:00Jeong Hyeong ParkRecent progress on harmonic manifolds
WedFeb 2316:00Jonas DeréSimply transitive NIL-affine actions of solvable Lie groups
WedFeb 0922:00Jeffrey StreetsGeneralized Ricci Flow
WedJan 2616:00Miguel Domínguez VázquezCohomogeneity one actions on symmetric spaces of noncompact type
WedDec 0123:00Tommy MurphyRigidity of $SU(n)$-type symmetric spaces
WedNov 1716:00Viviana del BarcoUniqueness of ad-invariant metrics
WedNov 0309:00Nikolaos Panagiotis SourisRiemannian geodesic orbit manifolds: An overview and some recent results
WedOct 2016:00Tommaso PaciniRicci curvature, the convexity of volume and minimal Lagrangian submanifolds
WedOct 0622:00Marco RadeschiInvariant theory without groups
WedSep 0816:00Christoph BöhmNon-compact Einstein manifolds with symmetry
WedAug 2516:00Jonathan EpsteinSymmetry groups of solvmanifolds
WedAug 1122:00Catherine SearleAlmost isotropy-maximal manifolds of non-negative curvature
WedJul 2816:00Henrique N. Sá EarpHarmonic $\rm{Sp}(2)$-invariant $\rm{G}_2$-structures on the $7$-sphere
WedJun 3009:00Nicoletta TardiniSKT and Kähler-like metrics on complex manifolds
WedJun 1616:00Daniël ThungCohomogeneity one quaternionic Kähler manifolds
WedJun 0222:00Peter PetersenRigidity of Homogeneous Gradient Soliton Metrics and Related Equations
WedMay 1916:00Raquel PeralesUpper bound on the revised first Betti number and torus stability for RCD spaces
WedMay 0509:00Jesse MadnickThe Second Variation of Holomorphic Curves in the 6-Sphere
WedApr 2116:00Fernando Galaz-GarcíaGeometry and Topology of collapsed three-dimensional Alexandrov Spaces
WedApr 0722:00Jiayin PanNonnegative Ricci curvature, escape rate, and virtual abelianness
WedMar 2419:00Wolfang ZillerA variational approach to prescribing the Ricci tensor
WedMar 1016:00Rosa Sena-DiasMinimal Lagrangian tori in toric manifolds
WedFeb 2409:00Changliang WangThe linear instability of some families of Einstein metrics
WedFeb 1022:00Romina M ArroyoOn the signature of the Ricci curvature on nilmanifolds
WedJan 2719:00Samuel Z. LinGeometric Structure and the Laplace Spectrum
WedJan 1316:00Masoumeh ZareiTorus actions on 4-dimensional Alexandrov spaces
WedDec 0922:00Timothy ButtsworthThe prescribed Ricci curvature problem on manifolds with large symmetry groups
WedNov 2516:00Alexandra OtimanSpecial non-Kähler metrics on solvmanifolds
WedNov 1122:00Sammy SbitiOn the Ricci Flow of Homogeneous Metrics on Spheres
WedOct 2815:00Renato BettiolMinimal spheres in ellipsoids
WedOct 1412:00Alberto RafferoSymmetries of closed G2-structures
WedSep 3023:00Ramiro LafuenteHomogeneous Einstein metrics via a cohomogeneity-one approach
WedSep 1615:00Gabriela OvandoFirst integrals of the geodesic flow on nilpotent Lie groups of step at most three
WedAug 2612:00Anna SiffertConstruction of explicit $p$-harmonic functions
WedAug 1223:00Jorge LauretPrescribing Ricci curvature on homogeneous manifolds
ThuJul 3018:00Martin KerinA pot-pourri of non-negatively curved 7-manifolds
WedJul 2915:00Gavin BallQuadratic closed G2-structures
WedJul 1512:00Krishnan ShankarHighly connected 7-manifolds, non-negative curvature and the linking form
WedJul 0123:00Yuri NikolayevskyEinstein extensions of Riemannian manifolds
WedJun 1715:00Matthias WinkNew Curvature Conditions for the Bochner Technique
WedJun 0312:00Ilka AgricolaGeneralizations of 3-Sasakian manifolds and skew torsion
WedMay 2023:00Ricardo MendesThe isometry group of spherical quotients
WedMay 0615:00Lee KennardTorus actions and positive curvature
WedApr 2212:00Anna FinoClosed $G_2$-structures
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