Compassionate Math Seminar

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Computer science Mathematics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Priyaa Varshinee*, Tim Hosgood*, Niels Voorneveld
*contact for this listing

Welcome to the compassionate math seminar series! The idea is talk about math that we do not get to hear in the usual talks. The talks in this series will be somewhere in between a technical talk and a podcast, moderately formal. The general idea is that one can interact with formal structures and ideas without needing to understand the formal vocabulary. We lean on the philosophy that math is learned by active participation rather than by passive hearing. As such, our motivation behind the series is to “engage and involve” and to invite people to actively think with the speaker. The concepts presented are meant to be accessible, exploratory, and to encourage questions and discussions throughout the talk.

This is a pilot project and we hope to improvise, learn, evolve as time progresses!

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