On the linear relations among the parametrized multiple series

Hideki Murahara (University of Kitakyushu)

26-Oct-2021, 08:00-09:00 (2 years ago)

Abstract: The parametrized multiple series are generalizations of multiple zeta values introduced by Igarashi. In this talk, the speaker would like to show a new relation among them. More precisely, he will show the following two statements: the linear part of the Kawashima relation of multiple zeta values is generalized to the parametrized multiple series, and any linear relations among parametrized multiple series can be written as a linear combination of this relation. This is joint work with Minoru Hirose in Nagoya University and Tomokazu Onozuka in Kyushu University.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar

Series comments: The purpose of the Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar is to give a opportunity for researchers in Japan and Europe to exchange their research projects by giving short talks (30 min). The target audience are researchers of any level in the area of number theory.

Start for Fall 2021: 26th October

Organizers: Henrik Bachmann*, Nils Matthes
*contact for this listing

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