Single-valued integrals over discs

Erik Panzer (University of Oxford)

01-Jun-2021, 08:35-09:05 (3 years ago)

Abstract: I will briefly explain how integrals over moduli spaces of marked discs appear in deformation quantization. The talk will then recap the single-valued integration procedure of Brown and Schnetz, explain the difference due to the presence of the disc boundary, and hence how 'non-single valued multiple zeta values' appear as single-valued integrals. This is joint work with Brent Pym and Peter Banks,

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar

Series comments: The purpose of the Japan Europe Number Theory Exchange Seminar is to give a opportunity for researchers in Japan and Europe to exchange their research projects by giving short talks (30 min). The target audience are researchers of any level in the area of number theory.

Start for Fall 2021: 26th October

Organizers: Henrik Bachmann*, Nils Matthes
*contact for this listing

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