The Quantum Computer - A Miracle or Mirage?

Professor Gil Kalai (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

09-Aug-2022, 07:00-08:30 (21 months ago)

Abstract: A quantum computer is a new type of computer based on quantum physics. When it comes to certain computational objectives, the computational ability of quantum computers is tens, and even hundreds of orders of magnitude faster than that of the familiar digital computers, and their construction will enable us to factor large integers and to break most of the current cryptosystems.

The question of whether the quantum computer is a miracle or a mirage is, to this day, one of the fascinating clear-cut open scientific questions of our time.

In my lecture I will explain the question and the discoveries from the 1990s that suggested that quantum computers could perform miracles. Next, I will present my theory as to why the quantum computer is a mirage, and describe some consequences for noisy quantum systems in a world devoid of quantum computation.


Audience: researchers in the discipline

( paper | slides | video )

ITB Mathematics Distinguished Lecture Series

Series comments: We aim to bring prominent mathematicians exploring the role of mathematics from various fields, in an intriguing style. The online lectures address quite broad audience, from mathematics students (advanced undergraduate to graduate ones), as well as mathematicians in Indonesia, and our neighboring countries, or even beyond our region. With this lecture series we hope to foster and promote research culture, as well as to highlight the prominent role of mathematics in shaping future society.

Organizers: Edy Tri Baskoro*, Nuning Nuraini, Novriana Sumatri, Rinovia Simanjuntak, Khreshna I.A. Syuhada, Muchtadi Intan Detiena, Yudi Soeharyadi
*contact for this listing

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