Quasimorphisms on diffeomorphism groups

Richard Webb (University of Manchester)

19-May-2020, 14:00-15:15 (4 years ago)

Abstract: I will explain how to construct an unbounded quasimorphism on the group of isotopically-trivial diffeomorphisms of a surface of positive genus. As a corollary the commutator length and fragmentation norm are both (stably) unbounded, which solves a problem of Burago--Ivanov--Polterovich. The proof uses a new hyperbolic graph on which these groups act by isometries, which is inspired by techniques from mapping class groups. This is joint work with Jonathan Bowden and Sebastian Hensel.


Audience: researchers in the topic

Regensburg low-dimensional geometry and topology seminar

Organizers: Jonathan Bowden, Lukas Lewark*, Raphael Zentner
*contact for this listing

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