Tropical $F$-polynomials and Cluster Algebras

Jiarui Fei (Shanghai Jiao Tong)

01-Apr-2021, 12:00-13:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: The representation-theoretic interpretations of $g$-vectors and $F$-polynomials are two fundamental ingredients in the (additive) categorification of cluster algebras. We knew that the $g$-vectors are related to the presentation spaces. We introduce the tropical $F$-polynomial $f_M$ of a quiver representation $M$, and explain its interplay with the general presentation for any finite-dimensional basic algebra. As a consequence, we give a presentation of the Newton polytope $N(M)$ of $M$. We propose an algorithm to determine the generic Newton polytopes, and show it works for path algebras. As an application, we give a representation-theoretic interpretation of Fock-Goncharov's cluster duality pairing. We also study many combinatorial aspects of $N(M)$, such as faces, the dual fan and $1$-skeleton. We conjecture that the coefficients of a cluster monomial corresponding to vertices are all $1$, and the coefficients inside the Newton polytope are saturated. We show the conjecture holds for acyclic cluster algebras. We specialize the above general results to the cluster-finite algebras and the preprojective algebras of Dynkin type.

algebraic geometrycombinatorics

Audience: researchers in the topic

( slides | video )

Online Nottingham algebraic geometry seminar

Series comments: Online geometry seminar, typically held on Thursday. This seminar takes place online via Microsoft Teams on the Nottingham University "Algebraic Geometry" team.

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Organizers: Alexander Kasprzyk*, Johannes Hofscheier*, Erroxe Etxabarri Alberdi
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