Symmetries and conservation laws for differential equations, difference equations and second-order delay ODEs

Vladimir Dorodnitsyn (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia)

Thu Jan 18, 11:00-12:00 (11 months ago)

Abstract: The report is devoted to operators identities for Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian approach to the connection of symmetries of equations with conservation laws, and the Lagrandian identity for equations which have no variational statement. We consider also difference equations and ODEs with retarded argument and appropriate operators identities.

This is based on joint works with Roman Kozlov, Pavel Winternitz, Sergey Meleshko and Evgenii Kaptsov.

mathematical physicsanalysis of PDEsclassical analysis and ODEsdynamical systemsnumerical analysisexactly solvable and integrable systemsfluid dynamics

Audience: researchers in the topic

Mathematical models and integration methods

Organizers: Oleg Kaptsov, Sergey P. Tsarev*, Yury Shan'ko*
*contact for this listing

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