The weight 0 compactly supported Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of marked hyperelliptic curves

Melody Chan (Brown University)

02-Jun-2023, 19:00-20:00 (14 months ago)

Abstract: Joint work with Madeline Brandt and Siddarth Kannan. We use moduli spaces of $G$-admissible covers and tropical geometry to give a sum-over-graphs formula for the weight-0 compactly supported Euler characteristic of the moduli spaces $H_{g,n}$ of $n$-marked hyperelliptic curves of genus $g$, as a virtual representation of $S_n$. Computer calculations then enable fully explicit formulas for the above in small genus. My aim is to make this talk accessible to anyone with passing familiarity with $M_g$ and its Deligne-Mumford compactification.

algebraic geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

Stanford algebraic geometry seminar

Series comments: The seminar was online for a significant period of time, but for now is solely in person. More seminar information (including slides and videos, when available):

Organizer: Ravi Vakil*
*contact for this listing

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