Prescribing Ricci curvature on homogeneous manifolds

Jorge Lauret (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)

12-Aug-2020, 23:00-23:59 (4 years ago)

Abstract: Given a symmetric 2-tensor $T$ on a manifold $M$, it is a classical problem in Riemannian geometry to ask about the existence (and uniqueness) of a metric $g$ on $M$ such that $\textrm{Ric}(g) = T$ (see e.g. [Besse,Chap.5]). Assuming that $M$ is a homogeneous manifold, we will consider in the talk the $G$-invariant version of the problem, where $G$ is a (unimodular, not necessarily compact) Lie group acting transitively on $M$.

After an overview of results and questions, we will give a formula for the differential $d\textrm{Ric}$ of the function $\textrm{Ric}$ at a $G$-invariant metric $g$, which is precisely the Lichnerowicz Laplacian acting on $G$-invariant symmetric 2-tensors. The formula is in terms of the moment map for the variety of Lie algebras.

As an application, we will consider the concept of Ricci local invertibility for a metric $g$, i.e., when the kernel of $d\textrm{Ric}$ at $g$ consists only of the subspace generated by $g$. This is equivalent to the existence of a $G$-invariant solution $g'$ to the Prescribed Ricci Problem $\textrm{Ric}(g') = cT$ (for some $c>0$), for any $G$-invariant $T$ sufficiently close to $\textrm{Ric}(g)$. Our main result is that any irreducible naturally reductive metric on $M$ with respect to $G$ is Ricci locally invertible.

This is joint work in progress with Cynthia Will.

differential geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

( video )

Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetries

Series comments: Description: Research seminar in Lie group actions in Riemannian geometry.

The seminar meets every other Wednesday. To accommodate most time zones, the time rotates. The Zoom link is sent to the mailing list around 24 hours before each talk. To subscribe to the mailing list, send a message to requiring it.

Organizers: Fernando Galaz-García*, Carolyn Gordon, Ramiro Lafuente*, Emilio Lauret*
*contact for this listing

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