Comparison of Integral Structures on the Space of Modular Forms of Full Level $N$

Anthony Kling (U. Arizona)

21-Apr-2022, 21:00-22:00 (24 months ago)

Abstract: Let $N\geq3$ and $r\geq1$ be integers and $p\geq2$ be a prime such that $p\nmid N$. One can consider two different integral structures on the space of modular forms over $\mathbb{Q}$, one coming from arithmetic via $q$-expansions, the other coming from geometry via integral models of modular curves. Both structures are stable under the Hecke operators; furthermore, their quotient is finite torsion. Our goal is to investigate the exponent of the annihilator of the quotient. We will apply results due to Brian Conrad to the situation of modular forms of even weight and level $\Gamma(Np^{r})$ over $\mathbb{Q}_{p}(\zeta_{Np^{r}})$ to obtain an upper bound for the exponent. We also use Klein forms to construct explicit modular forms of level $p^{r}$ whenever $p^{r}>3$, allowing us to compute a lower bound which agrees with the upper bound. Hence we are able to compute the exponent precisely.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

Comments: pre-talk

UCSD number theory seminar

Series comments: Most talks are preceded by a pre-talk for graduate students and postdocs. The pre-talks start 40 minutes prior to the posted time (usually at 1:20pm Pacific) and last about 30 minutes.

Organizers: Kiran Kedlaya*, Alina Bucur, Aaron Pollack, Cristian Popescu, Claus Sorensen
*contact for this listing

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