An equivariant Tamagawa number formula for Drinfeld modules and beyond

Cristian Popescu (UCSD)

15-Oct-2020, 21:00-22:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: I will present a vast generalization of Taelman's 2012 celebrated class-number formula for Drinfeld modules to the setting of (rigid analytic) L-functions of Drinfeld module motives with Galois equivariant coefficients. I will discuss applications and potential extensions of this formula to the category of t-modules and t-motives. This is based on joint work with Ferrara, Green and Higgins, and a result of meetings in the UCSD Drinfeld Module Seminar.

number theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

UCSD number theory seminar

Series comments: Most talks are preceded by a pre-talk for graduate students and postdocs. The pre-talks start 40 minutes prior to the posted time (usually at 1:20pm Pacific) and last about 30 minutes.

Organizers: Kiran Kedlaya*, Alina Bucur, Aaron Pollack, Cristian Popescu, Claus Sorensen
*contact for this listing

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