n-cluster tilting modules for radical square zero algebras

Laertis Vaso

10-Feb-2021, 15:00-16:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: For a quiver Q denote by J(Q) the ideal of the path algebra KQ generated by the arrows.

A central role in Iyama's higher dimensional Auslander–Reiten theory is played by n-cluster tilting modules. However, such modules are not so easy to find. In this talk, I will present a simple criterion that characterises all bound quiver algebras of the form $KQ/J(Q)^2$ that admit an n-cluster tilting module for some n>1. This criterion is based only on the shape of Q.

combinatoricscategory theoryrepresentation theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( slides )

The TRAC Seminar - Théorie de Représentations et ses Applications et Connections

Organizers: Thomas Brüstle*, Souheila Hassoun
*contact for this listing

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