Tropical enumeration of real log curves in toric varieties and log Welschinger invariants

Hülya Argüz (Université de Versailles)

25-Jun-2021, 12:00-13:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: We give a new proof of a central theorem in real enumerative geometry: the Mikhalkin correspondence theorem for Welschinger invariants. The proof goes through totally different techniques as the original proof of Mikhalkin and is an adaptation to the real setting of the approach of Nishinou-Siebert to the complex correspondence theorem. It uses log-geometry as a central tool. We will discuss how this reinterpretation in terms of log-geometry may lead to new developments, as for example a real version of mirror symmetry. This is joint work with Pierrick Bousseau.

algebraic geometrycombinatorics

Audience: researchers in the topic

Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt/Zoom TGiF/Z

Series comments: Description: An afternoon seminar series on tropical geometry, known as the TGiZ ("Tropical Geometry in Zoom") or the TGiF ("Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt") seminar.

Please send an email to one of the organizers at the latest one day before a session if you wish to receive the Zoom link and password.

Videos of some past talks are available on YouTube here, while some slides can be found here.

Organizers: Andreas Gross*, Martin Ulirsch*
*contact for this listing

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