Factorization and Global symmetry in holography

Lorenzo di Pietro (Trieste)

03-May-2022, 15:00-16:00 (24 months ago)

Abstract: Based on 2203.09537. In the context of toy models of holography arising from 3d Chern-Simons theory, I will describe an approach in which, rather than summing over bulk geometries, one gauges a one-form global symmetry of the bulk theory. This ensures that the bulk theory has no global symmetries, and it makes the partition function on spacetimes with boundaries coincide with that of a modular-invariant 2d CFT on the boundary. In particular, on wormhole geometries one finds a factorized answer for the partition function


Audience: researchers in the topic

Symmetry Seminar

Series comments: Weekly seminar on generalized symmetries in QFT, string theory and related topics.

Organizers: Sakura Schafer-Nameki*, Lakshya Bhardwaj, Apoorv Tiwari
*contact for this listing

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